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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Well those three (if of course they exist) will have plenty of room in the cowshed !
  2. I just wish they could ALL get back for one last bash...............they certainly would be The Worst Band In The World ! I can dream .
  3. In truth, he never was !
  4. We weren't hanging on to a 1-0 lead or else it would have been more like 12 minutes !
  5. They were originally 3/4 of Hotlegs, now unfortunately they are just 2.5 CC !
  6. When were they any good under anyone ?
  7. TBF, you don't know they were more concerned , but you've got to have something to laugh at !
  8. Yes, Richards left the game early, as he said, he found it a bit too easy !
  9. All depends how you quantify lots............6 people on the first page represents a fair %, I'd say !
  10. Thanks for that, not seen that for years (before the days of VCR's), great day !
  11. That's funny, after his 5minute debut the other night, a lot of people were raving about him, just goes to show..... !
  12. When cricket was cricket and cricketers were cricketers ! Saw him so many times at Nevil Rd, Cheltenham and Gloucester, you just couldn't taker your eyes off him for a moment, wonderful player, great man , RIP !
  13. Would be good if we could get 20plus k till end of season, I don't think we had 20plus EVERY game even in the old 1st div ?
  14. His way of getting back at us, I expect , cock !
  15. I am truly amazed they are not at least 2nd behind Derby !
  16. Unbelievable Well no it's not ,it's what they always do !
  17. I work on the assumption that on a "good run" over a period you can pick up a point over teams above you . We COULD be level after four/five games, or might take much longer, but there is still hope .
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