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Everything posted by OliOTIB

  1. My favourite city player of the modern era, would want him back ASAP. Maybe we would see him deployed in a more LW role such as parts of 17-18 season?
  2. Yeh it will be a pain in the arse, but the club I think are more focused on modernising the system, making AG futuristic, and have a low carbon footprint, and a lot of seniors will believe that it is simpler, and maybe didnt take into account the older generation
  3. True, although as much as it pains me it really does highlight my week?
  4. Never been prouder, made in Bristol that strike
  5. Dont think ive ever missed going to the football quite so much. What to do?
  6. Yeh my mate got given a Man utd season ticket for the stretford end and they use digital tickets, had to just transfer it over via apple wallet somehow, but it is 100% possible
  7. https://instagram.com/stories/dele/3064299255099095279?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Confirming on Insta that the club gave him permission to go to a ‘doctors appointment today’. Not sure how legit that story is haha
  8. The organisers of the group said that they are having several discussions with the club in the summer and they are looking into the option of safe standing
  9. All done. Renewed in s26.
  10. Think the fact it was mothers day, early kick off and on sunday were contributing factors tbh
  11. https://twitter.com/bristolcity/status/1636714009260085249?s=46&t=q3VrrEzaARUbEOUthE50uA Until 2026
  12. Quick Query, not involving the digital side of the ST’s. As season tickets are available to purchase on Monday, if someone buys a new seat, will there old one be available after they purchase a new one?
  13. What if you get a new phone though
  14. My personal favourite part of the Sky coverage today was the man who was tasked with consistently wiping the lens of the camera. Great fun ?
  15. Bid for rob dickie in the summer?
  16. People say you shouldnt go to the football and never return home. Couldnt agree more. When people go to the football looking for a fight, they dont deserve to represent their team, or even be there watching it. RIP Tony.
  17. Ever looked at a finance plan? Or even a credit card? What I do every year and actually sets it out into reasonable installments which just set aside a bit of money every year. Cant say ive got money to burn either, but then again, I do sit (except not really) in S25 which means mines only £390, which is pretty reasonable to me considering its all i look forward to everyweek!
  18. Jers, you dont get enough credit for what you do, every single game. Lets get behind the boys tomorrow and create an atmosphere that we will remember for ever. Up the City
  19. Peter drury is my personal favourite. Poetic
  20. Is there many strikers you would rather currently than Rashford. Im not sure?
  21. Been a topic for a while. I do think it should be extended into S24 but it’s difficult moving existing ST holders and obstructing view of others.
  22. Believe that the steward was getting very rowdy when we scored, and then eventually squared up to a member of S82 and had to be separated. Something happened with the drum as-well, think he may of knocked it off? He was taken out and didnt return, and rightfully so. A lot of abuse followed, with the chants ‘get a proper job’ ‘what a waste of money’ ‘you bum’ ‘w**ker’ . Dont think he will be returning to the singing section anytime soon. Second game in a row that weve had a steward drama there, really poor from them really.
  23. Also mistake on the programme. It states that wigan were knocked out in round one of the fa cup, which is obviously impossible and the 3rd round of the league cup.
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