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Everything posted by OliOTIB

  1. That, or Anis Anis Mehmeti runs down the wing for me. OR Heees Albanian He only cost us a million And we think hes fkin brilliant Aniissss Mehmeti
  2. Anis, Anis Mehmeti runs down the wing for me.
  3. Mark my words . Best signing since Adam Webster.
  4. Dont start with this worrying nonsense. Only like its the best signing weve made for years. Oh bollocks its getting hijacked aint it
  5. League one at best. No one needs to buy him ?
  6. Back again for the Norwich game. Request codes here, sure some have a few going.
  7. Aden Flint surely gotta be up there. £300,000 or so, 15 goals from CB in a season! Kept us in the championship before contributing to that cup run. Will never forget that hattrick against Walsall, or even that goal line clearance against Man City, from the sterling header. Sold him for around 7m as well.
  8. May suit the 433 system mind. Could cope with attacking options of Conway, Wells, Cornick, Sykes and Weimann. Will do me fine, just hope we can shift Martin on.. Put him on his wheelchair and zip him out of the HPC. May be faster than him running
  9. 10m haha. Parachute payments in full swing
  10. Also the fact there was only 1k blackburn fans, and they were stuck in the middle of the stand. No back and forth to enlighten the mood aha.
  11. Was great fun in there after we scored today.
  12. Still think this would be perfect for Sykes https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYJYFEKg/ I Am in Love I cant deny An irish man who plays for City called Mark Sykes Hes running up And down the right Hes fkin rapid and he plays in red and white
  13. Surely then it would stop the ticketing issue as then people would be sat (or rather stood, but thats a whole different matter) in seats which are actually allocated to themselves.
  14. Cant you move your season tickets? Why dont the A blockers move theirs there? At least then they will have allocated seating
  15. Specifically thought that the two sections (A-Block and S82) really improved the atmosphere yesterday. The seating issue has to be sorted somehow but heard many say how there moving to a block next season, therefore need to get more in S82 to continue the good atmosphere. Obviously this will differ depending on the performance, but the S82 group are staying put with their drums, flags etc and if we have all of our rowdy ‘youth’ with their CP goggles next to the away fans it does make the stadium louder. casing the dolman into noise which does encourage those centrally or further towards E34 to sing when before the sound may not of reached them, or at least they may not of had the encouragement to join in. Really enjoyed myself in S82 yesterday, one of the better atmospheres bar the empty seats! Nice to see the group in there remain faithful and in full backing of the team.
  16. OliOTIB


    No worries. Not like I posted that months ago!
  17. OliOTIB


    Need one for Pring and Sykes after today. Feel the player songs specifically are getting a bit dry considering theres no Massengo chant, Bentley chant or really ever Dasilva chant anymore. Sykes: I am in love I cant deny An irishman who plays for city called Mark sykes Hes running up And down the right Hes ******* rapid and he plays in red and white Woaahhhooo Woahhhhoo
  18. Thought he was superb, even if you don't include the two goals (gotta be there to score them!) thought the freedom the 433 gave him allowed him to actually have a go at the backline. Looked a completely different player to the one we saw in the reverse fixture
  19. Was in S82 today, thought the atmosphere was class tbh considering there was a few empty seats due to the A block change.
  20. Think coventry, good example of how you dont need a full ground to create a good atmosphere, just a section of fans and a drum, next to the away fans who can really get their team going
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