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Posts posted by Rocky

  1. Good lord, they're going to take over america next  :facepalm:


    Say an American invester/consortium took us over, surely one other sport would be American Football, it's a growing sport over here, albeit very slow, but if we got some sort of partnership with an American team, we could do pre-season over there, rather than playing some of the dross here, getting our name about, especially the Pirate aspect, with Football (real football) taking over in the US, we could get quite a fan base with our unique kit etc

    Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/3537/hope-higgs-talks-american-investors#ixzz3eY5kowvD

  2. The odd sensible one pokes their head in now and again - 


    Are you for real?

    They have just won promotion to The Championship at a canter!

    We on the other hand, despite how much of a great day it was winning at Wembley, struggled to get out of The Conference and back into the basement!

    They are light years ahead of us both on the pitch and off of it with a billionaire chairman.

    If we fail to win the court case and without huge investment we always will be.

    Why post such utter drivel? 

    By all means laugh at their absurd hyperbole and their nonsencial delusions of grandeur, but lets leave it there, eh?

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