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Posts posted by Wedontplayinblue

  1. 9 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    I wonder if such a large one ie all along Lower Dolman, Lower South at that time gets wider sign-off.

    It was a 30 odd year battle to get any Safe Standing at the top 2 levels like official ends or closer to. Limited areas sure but so large, I have my doubts.

    Could've been installed for rugby, with the seats mostly locked into the seating position but future Proofing.

    It couldn’t have been installed sadly, as it wouldn’t have been able to of been used for football as they wouldn’t recognise it was seats. 

    In short I still believe the club messed up badly with where “noisy” fans should go and now we are stuck in a position with no possibility of any changes being made. 

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  2. @phantom

    Found them, not sure how to post pics on here



    scroll down to the 2013 pictures 


    you will see lower half of south stand standing, upper seating 

    From the pics you can see how early ones it’s like the club wanted to put effort into where fans went, standing lower south stand, all along lower dolman, then the newer photos are what we ended up with. 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 38 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Thank you, I'd assumed it was more recent than that 

    This is useful to know as it's not been referenced at any point in the early comms with the football club at the moment, but there could be feedback already? 

    Assume it never went any further than this meeting by the sounds of it 

    I didn’t attend many of the redevelopment ones, I just attended a couple of what would had been the “standing areas”. 

    From memory there were 2/3 designs, I don’t think the paddock idea has been seen online since the meeting but I might be wrong.

    Im sure it was held in the Williams stand too, so we’re talking before they got bulldozers out properly. 

    I really liked the look of the paddock idea, it wouldn’t work now as it was at a sunken level so everyone could stand there and the rest of the stand could sit, it would of helped the atmosphere massively as you would have had an actual end and people who were not standing would of been able to join in a lot easier. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, phantom said:

    When you say "us" and "we" who are you referring to? 

    I'm not sure where you get the "most fans" comment from either as there was no official consultation with anyone. 

    The only discussions were between supporters on social media 

    Your graphic showing "S82" shows it's also been done by people who aren't actually in the S82 group and more so by people in the singing section 


    I’m sorry phantom but there was official consultation as I was at one of them, there was probably about 40 or so fans there, it was mainly the lads who were putting flags out in the atyeo at the time from how I understood the club talking to them.

    @Dave L “hosted” it too, he could confirm,.

    One of the photos shown was explained by one of the designers, and there was another one where a sort of sunken area at the front of the south stand, almost like a paddock or what you get abroad at times, but fans at the meeting were saying it limited the amount of fans if more wanted to stand in the future. 

    Then it appears the club just gave up on anything like that, and here we are. 

    • Like 1
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  5. 2 hours ago, Robbored said:

    It’s a fact that It was when I was Chairman of the SC that we merged with the then growing Trust. 

    Oh Robbored, please try to use facts.

    The supporters club and trust merged in the summer of 2012, around July 2012

    Sextone left in may 2012.

    So how many discussions did you have with sextone while being part of the Supporters club and trust, When the two were not even merged at that time?

    Your quote is below, you were never directly involved with sextone when you were involved with the SC&T as it simply didn’t exist at that time. 

    it was the reason I was given by the late Colin Sextone when I was directly involved in the SC&T.”



  6. 44 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I wouldn’t bother mate. He claims to have had a conversation with Colin Sexstone that couldn’t possibly have happened based on the timelines that Sexstone was with the club and timelines when fans were in the open end/Atyeo stand not aligning.

    Pure and simple, the post is a lie for no apparent reason other than attention seeking. On that basis I’d just leave it.

    I know Silva. I thought he had changed since his ban for being utterly offensive but it seems to be creeping back in again now. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Robbored said:

    Silvio - I’m not getting into a spat about what I was told (or not told according to you) all those years ago.

    I’m sure you remember before the Atyeo was built away fans were generally housed in the old open end for the same reason - because of the easy exiting onto Ashton Rd post match which simplifies the police duties. 

    Nothing has changed in that regard.


    They were housed in the open end as it was the worst stand at Ashton gate, the same as many clubs still employ now when allocating away fans. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Robbored said:

    I’m not quoting from anywhere - it was the reason I was given by the late Colin Sextone when I was directly involved in the SC&T.

    Granted - that was a few years ago but doubt that A&S police have not moved the goalposts since. I can only assume that cup games must be exempt - that said if City drew either Welsh clubs they’d be allocated the entire Atyeo Stand.

    You were never part of the trust as it wasn’t formed then, you were chairman of the supporters club for a while. 

    If you want to lie to make up facts, you need to make it believable. 

    • Like 1
    • Hmmm 1
  9. 1 hour ago, George Rs said:

    Vast majority in the ground tbf. 

    The football on display is a factor but the current location of s82 doesn’t make creating an atmosphere impossible. Not in the slightest. I could sit here and rattle off games where the atmospheres been very good as easily as people can rattle off games where it’s been nonexistent. 

    If you sit in the singing section, call yourself section 82 and have the arrogance to demand to be relocated at the expense of other season ticket holders at least prove you deserve it. You choose to sit in the “singing section” so fking sing imo. 

    Going back to the point , I’m pretty sure the actual lads within section 82 haven’t demanded to be relocated ? 

    (just spotted James has put up a post explaining from the groups position)

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I think there is a valid point here. I’d like more people to sing and there to be more of an atmosphere but there is an underlying tone of “we in Section 82 are the REAL supporters and all the other season ticket holders matter less than us”, which I find a little ugly.

    Think that is a harsh on the lads who are within section82 and not the whole standing area, I highly doubt they would view themselves as that. 

    • Like 4
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  11. 9 hours ago, phantom said:

    Not in the slightest and not only the person who set it up but those that have signed it clearly don't understand what goes into moving a large number of supporters 

    It's actually really cringey that people think they can force this change 

    As previously stated a number of times the SC&T are in the early stages of discussions with the club about any potential changes at a future date 

    I'd suggest if someone knows the person who started the petition they learn what has to ha before any changes are even considered 


    Another example of the originator and those signing not having a clue 

    Phantom, I know I keep saying this but to have discussions when there are no open ideas on what could happen, in my eyes is daft.

    There are such limited scope on what can be done, the club should be open and go “this is what we can feasible do, do any of them sound good”, then put it out to fans etc. 

    With there being limited options, you basically have the following

    You make the back of the south stand standing,- 1 you annoy season ticket holders 2 your just spreading fans out

    move to the upper lansdown - hardly going to be a massive uptake wanting to do that .

    Other than that, what would work?

    • Like 2
  12. 26 minutes ago, Aaron-Bcfc said:

    Crazy to have lumped the “singing section” in with the rest of the South Stand on this decision. Swansea game aside, those blocks are full every week and the club are well aware that demand far exceeds capacity.

    No upside to having general sale tickets available there, and it will only cause further issues with people buying tickets to sit in their correct seat unaware it is unreserved. Blocks S25-S27 should absolutely be made available to move into during the seat move period for any fans that don’t renew.

    I didn’t think about that, I get very annoyed when it’s big cup games and I have to tell people to move out the spot I’ve been standing in for years now, regardless of where my season card seat is I have no idea. 

    Then you get some bloke who I’ve never seen before waving his ticket saying it’s his seat etc. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Complete balls up of what could and should have been something simple

    Sadly the guy tasked with setting it up previously worked on the same sort of thing with Arsenal and assumed it would work identically with us, as usual the club misread the room

    It’s almost like Arsenal are a bigger club with more fans willing to buy tat for points, I imagine the uptake on our rewards scheme was minimal. 

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, Mr Popodopolous said:


    On a technical note it doesn't bother me hugely but the club can be fined and I think it is technically a criminal offence, it may bring an automatic ban but...

    On the grand scale of crimes at the minute, I think running on the pitch is one of the more mild ones!

  15. There is so much wrong with this country at the moment but two kids running on the pitch isn’t one of them.

    As I’ve said previously a lot of you on here seem to have such sheltered lives with no idea what’s going on. 

    • Flames 1
  16. Young lads have been wanting to fight each other for 1000s of years, it’s nothing new, the trouble in the video masks anything on a city centre nighttime etc

    I do wonder if some posters on here have very sheltered lives on how bad parts of this country is becoming etc.

    • Like 9
  17. Just now, ChippenhamRed said:

    So what’s the excuse for this today then? Weekend fixture, fairly big game, loads of youth football cancelled so you’d think if the kids are ever going to come, it would be today.

    Is it just that we’re crap? Because we’ve been crap plenty of times before and not seen it that empty.

    Don’t get it.

    I think people are simply getting bored of the style of football and the atmosphere etc

    I’ve had to miss a few games this season due to work and I haven’t been at all bothered I’ve missed it, watched the last 25 minutes on robins today and was glad I wasn’t there. 

  18. 4 hours ago, Natchfever said:

    Those clubs dont have rugby played on it regularly though.

    Your point about tbe cost of a matchday at a "proper" stadium is very pertinent, particularly for City who seem to be austere at present.

    Im pretty sure that the women’s club isn’t connected to the men’s club, financially at least according to the charts.  

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