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Everything posted by Wedontplayinblue

  1. When you can get iptv for a year for as little as £20 now days, this really isn’t much of a pull.
  2. Putting some extra context on this, Alcohol kills 3.3 MILLION people a year worldwide Ongoing wars kill around 550,000 a year. However horrible it all is, is the arms dealer the worst out of the two sponsorships?
  3. It was as the arms fair at the gate was taking place, as it has done for years but due to Israel/gaza people have now decided it’s wrong, although from articles and videos it seemed more a “free palastine” protest than the proposed stop all arms trade protest. https://caat.org.uk/news/campaigners-blockade-bristol-arms-fair/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-68478528.amp https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/news/city-fans-join-protest-arms-fair-takes-place-ashton-gate/ https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bristol-city-fans-anger-disgust-9133994.amp
  4. People who were protesting including the signed statement from city fans made it clear they don’t want these companies to exist.
  5. Gambling ruins lives but no one seemed to care when we had Dunder on the kit.
  6. So the club made more money? Surely that’s a good thing.
  7. Absolutely amazes me that people do not cover their faces, if you are into doing things like this. CCTV all over the place, every copper wearing body cams etc, hardly going to get away with it.
  8. What kit do you mean from the 90s?
  9. Seeing as Willem fans are regularly in city home ends it would be bonkers to segregate it and it wouldn’t be followed anyway.
  10. It is a start, but as Phantom said why have they done it now? As I said. Willem first asked for a friendly in 2008, 16 years ago. The timing just seems a bit odd, what with everything that has gone on recently .
  11. I personally think it’s the board trying to whitewash any issues, now they can go “look at us guys, us on the board are lads just like you, proper fans” I really can’t see any other reason for it. @phantom this is what I mean, club are already getting credit for it. Quite clever really to get fans onside.
  12. Willem asked city to play a friendly as long ago as 2008, I’m surprised city have taken this long to get on board.
  13. Let’s be honest you look a tad daft now saying it would never happen!
  14. They wouldn’t would they, let’s be honest it’s not like lansdowns don’t have the money to waste, it’s quite literally play money to them
  15. Looking for investment while being stupidly rich themselves , translates as “we don’t want to put our own money into this anymore”
  16. You must have one massive garage to keep all of this in!
  17. I honestly think you live in a parallel world compared to the rest of us.
  18. Would have helped if they didn’t take so long to start it though , a lot of people got bored and left.
  19. He was practically in tears, you could tell it’s his last home game.
  20. On average 3000 season ticket holders per game do not attend, this has increased a lot since covid. This data was given by the club to the senior reds meal.
  21. @phantom with the data about season ticket holders not attending , the figure was given by the club to the senior reds meal, so I don’t see why you can’t mention it here.
  22. When have any pre season friendlies against a team from abroad drew big crowds? Id bet a game against willem would be a normal a crowd as any.
  23. I’m more shocked he somehow played 47 times for us according to wiki
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