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Everything posted by weepywall

  1. I've enjoyed it, I look forward to going now when there was a time that it became a chore including times under Pearsons reign. We seem to have a tight knit squad now and some great youngsters coming through. Crowds have been consistently good, we had the 4th highest in the division yesterday. I feel we can have a go at threatening the top 6 next season ?
  2. Wouldn't say it was pitiful for a bank holiday Monday for a game that means nothing to either side but its not "our huge away support " or "we travel in huge numbers, that's what we do" or "our away support must be the best in the country as a percentage of our home support " or any other description that they come up with to big up their average league 1 home and away support...probably slightly under average on both fronts.
  3. I was sat on a plane for a flight to New York when a gorgeous lady got on and sat next to me, she told me she was going to a nymphomaniac conference to share her experiences..intrigued I asked her about her experiences, she said that the most well endowed men in the world are the American Red Indians, the men with the most staying power in the bedroom are the Scottish and the men who can charm any woman in to bed are the Irish. I shouldn't be telling you all this I don't even know your name she said...ah I said..I'm Tonto MacDonald but my friends call me Paddy
  4. Donated and good luck....sterling effort ???
  5. Surprised me too. Burnley is a proper football town tho, sure I read that about 20 percent of the population regularly attend the football.
  6. I think the thing is with the SS as it's reasonably priced is that if you know you won't make every game and I put myself in that bracket then you are going to buy the cheapest seats as it doesn't cost you as much not to go if you see what I mean. You could miss half the games with a season ticket in the SS and still not pay any more than POTD prices.
  7. A girl I used to go out with was a twin, friends would ask me how I told them apart..easy really..Mary always wore pink lipstick and Steve had a beard.
  8. I'm fairly sure you can collect them.
  9. Also I've still got it, it was a Phillips NEC, size of a brick, its in the man drawer.
  10. Today is the 50th anniversary of the first mobile phone call, I remember getting my phone from a place on Gloucester Rd, some bloke turned up at work with one and we all downed tools and rushed over there to get one. I remember my first call on it and it cost about 55p a minute but I'm still with her so I suppose it was probably worth it. Bizarrely I also remember my first recieved text message it was from a Millwall supporting mate saying "f..k City"
  11. I have 5 season ticket holders either side of me and I don't think they have been to more than 4 games unless they sit somewhere else.
  12. Anybody know how many we have sold ?
  13. Shut Up...Black Eyed Peas
  14. Glad they got stuffed, hope they blow promotion aswell, got no time for them at all and they certainly wouldn't be wishing us well. They can be very "gaslike" they think they are the Newcastle of the South West and its not the greatest of places to visit for football, can be quite nasty down there.
  15. I was chatting to a Chinese drug addict yesterday, he said have you seen my cocaine ? I said..I haven't met him but I did watch him in Zulu.
  16. Insane In The Membrane....Cypress Hill
  17. She was from Bath I believe, he wasn't. I think she lives in the area again now. Their daughter used to run a florist shop in Bath, I knew a bloke that used to go out with Marnie before she hooked up with Palmer.
  18. Sounds like it's worth a visit ?
  19. Is that the place that is an Indian restaurant now ?
  20. There is certainly some history between us and them.
  21. I call in the Barley Mow occasionally as they do Cheddar Valley for £2.60 a pint looking around the place most are drinking the £2.60 pints, Lord knows how that place manages to stay open charging those prices.
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