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Everything posted by weepywall

  1. Excellent choice, sooths all yur troubles away ? Excellent choice, sooths all yur troubles away ?
  2. Exactly what has happened in Bath.
  3. To be fair, I think the guidelines come from Central Government and the local councils have to implement them the best they can and i speak as someone that has to pay £9 to go to work in Bath so I'm no fan of CAZ.
  4. He joined Bristol City FC, we drag em down to our level ?
  5. We have history of imploding after a Wolves result.?
  6. Dasilva been a very disappointing signing in my opinion.
  7. We have history for dragging half decent players down to our level !!!
  8. Barnsley and Crewe in Lg 1 have the joint poorest start( if it's still a start) out of all the EFL clubs, we really do need to win this..and on a positive note I think we will ?
  9. Never a problem unless you are dressed as a pirate...then it could get a bit tricky.
  10. One for the Gas...The lunatics have taken over the asylum by The Fun Boy Three.
  11. Isn't that a bit similar to when they gave Swindon 800 tickets when the ground was never going to sell out.
  12. Taking 250 to Barrow, Hartlepool and Colchester...phenomenal indeed !!! Never ceases to amaze me.
  13. Don't think we will sell 1500 for Birmingham on a Tuesday night not with Coventry coming up on the Saturday after.
  14. Our away average at the moment is 1719....its what we do ?
  15. We've had a tough week but we have played 2 teams that will probably be PL next season and another (Forest) who I think will end up in the top 6, I thought at the best we would get 2 points from the last 3 games, looking at the next 10 struggling to see where we can pick up wins, Barnsley home is massive in my opinion, if we fail to win that game we could be in serious trouble and the knives will certainly be out.
  16. You would think if they are such a big club as they make out with a huge fan base they would easily get 10k plus but in reality they will be lucky to get 7.5k, it's what they do !!
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