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Wokingham Red

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Posts posted by Wokingham Red

  1. Think it’s 50/50 now at this point after the TV announcements. 
    Either our game or Millwall will be moved to the Sunday. 
    My concern is that OB will be worried about the sheers numbers we’ll bring if it’s a Saturday. Leicester won’t bring that many; bit on an underwhelming draw for them. 
    Should find out tomorrow.

  2. 15 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I'm not quite sure how some of those games have made it onto TV. 

    Probably only selected because they're premier league ties. 

    You'd have thought something like Gillingham Vs Sheffield Utd would be a TV game over Spurs V Burnley. 


    Spurs been selected simply to move another London match to a different day. All driven by the police. 

  3. Hi all,

    Was hoping for any recommendations for good places to go in Bristol on New Year’s Eve please. Staying the night this year before the Millwall match. 
    We were thinking more pub/live music type thing rather than clubbing (way too old for that now). 

    Thank you in advance! 

  4. 4 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

    After a quarter of the season I think we are pretty much where we will end up, mid-table.....again.

    We are the perfect example of a championship team. Can raise our game and play really well one game then play crap the next. Inconsistency is typical of this division and is the only thing you can honestly say we excel at.

    No doubt there will be good days to keep us going but SL has basically ensured where we will end up by refusing to sanction any more signings.

    It is hard to get excited about a season where you know we aren't gonna trouble the top six.

    This nicely summarises my thoughts. We are a well enough run club to ensure a mid table finish on a consistent basis. But I really struggle to see how we’ll ever make that next step. Requires either a change of approach, change of ownership or a great big dollop of luck. 

  5. I think where we are right now is probably where we’ll end up.

    Defensively we are much better this season but I feel we have missed Vyner recently, especially against Stoke. 

    Going forward we can be outstanding at times but can also be so frustrating. Tommy Conway could end up being a catalyst but I worry about our lack of creativity. Obviously, Scott is irreplaceable but I really worry about the midfield three at the moment. 

    All in all, I am the most enthusiastic about watching City since the 2017/18 season. Onwards and upwards! 


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