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Everything posted by Graham76

  1. Just remember, if we lose today it’s not all that bad…… seven games ago we beat Southampton
  2. He’s using the Southampton win to validate that he’s a competent manager.
  3. A lot of us feel this way. This really should be a game to be excited about, but instead we’re all depressed and wanting to do something else
  4. Terrible font again. Jon Lansdown has no credibility as a creative director
  5. Keep hearing good things about Benarous. Wouldn’t it be great if he comes back into the side to give us something to be excited about again.
  6. Quote from BBC online coverage: Southgate plays 'dont lose at all cost' football, but forgets goals win tournaments. Sounds familiar doesn’t it
  7. ….Jon Lansdown frantically shredding concepts of a Bristol City rainbow robin badge.
  8. Fill a stadium with cheaper tickets and make up the difference on food, drinks and retail sales. Makes good business sense to me. Also better atmosphere
  9. This is such a great point. Manning has even mentioned this a few times himself during interviews. Putting the emphasis on everything not to lose is a very negative mindset. Especially against teams below and around us we should be trying to beat
  10. You can bet your bottom dollar Tinnion is already in the ear of Jon Lansdown throwing Manning under the bus.
  11. I thought this too. It’s almost like the club have some kind of internal #westandwithbrian thing going on.
  12. It’s insane they thought this would be a good idea. Public enemy number one to help sell season tickets?!
  13. A 20k plus crowd against Leicester singing “you don’t know what you’re doing” would be a massive embarrassment for the Lansdowns , especially on live on Sky TV.
  14. If you take some of the fans reaction at recent home and away games for example, it’s not a minority held view. The vast majority of fans are fed up and the empty seats at home to Swansea said it all.
  15. We’ve not had a hammering for a while and probably overdue one. Leicester giving us a 4-0 or 5-0 hiding at home could force their hand
  16. The guy could do himself a massive favour by just speaking plainly during interviews. He’s saying the same thing every interview and it’s annoying and uninspiring.
  17. Matt is so far up the clubs arse he dare not say anything negative. He cares more about having special access to the players lounge. Forget about his opinion it’s meaningless.
  18. When West Brom were 2-0 up they were just walking about, pissing around and doing stupid flicks and tricks. They could have buried us out of sight. Don’t be fooled by the stats. West Brom spent the last 20 minutes in second gear.
  19. Don’t be fooled by the stats, we should have been 3-0 down.
  20. Everyone on here overacting, we beat Southampton for god sake!
  21. Relegation, Manning gets sacked, poor season ticket sales for league one…. Not even Sir Brian Tinnion would survive that.
  22. I know right, most of his interviews are literally copy and paste. I listened to an old interview cots did way back when we beat Swindon at Ashton Gate 3-0. It was so refreshing to hear, a Manager speaking passionately about our performance. Even Steve Lansdown chipped in with some good words. I miss his those days.
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