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Cole Not Gas

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Everything posted by Cole Not Gas

  1. Agreed! this season must be putting City fans off wanting promotion. Burnley exceeded 100 points, did the double of us and always looked a different class. Then they have really failed this season with very very few highlights - which shows how tough it is, even with quality management Sheff Utd were workmanlike and I would say 'bang average' - they won twice the number of games Pearson did, were never good..but it wasnt a good league standard was it? We managed 14th even with Scott and Semenyo so imagine how we would have done under Pearson with our current lot. I recall Blades got more than 30 points more than us and tonight they dont have a single corner nor a shot on target. Football could get depressing unless you hit the 'Three Cherries' and get lucky like Luton did.. There is only ever one place up for grabs going up from The Championship which means if you get lucky, like Luton, you still have to win the lottery of the P.Os
  2. I do not intend 'winding up' people - there is enough of that and 'Pearson-love-in' on this forum. Nor do i think i'm a genuine (or troll) moron! You make a very good point about budget cuts and i would totally agree with you. Iam Nick's point about W-S-M who Tinman/The Club presented to Pearson rather than trusting him to bring in any of his own signings. I saw most of Weimann's 22 that season and fair play to Pearson, appreciated Martin, seeing his goals at Peterborough in the rain,and I know how good Semenyo was. If Manning had Scott and Semenyo in his side, his record would be infinitely better than our last 3-4 seasons. So i liked Diedhiou, accept he didnt help us at the end, i dont believe much of what Ashton ever said and i am certainly not a Pearson fan. TC scores today!
  3. So no-one likes my suggested song for tomorrow? He comes from Senegal and now he'll win **** All, Famara.... Thats fine with me and thanks for the responses. Not quite a 'Marmite' player for us but the replies suggest not everyone appreciated his efforts as i did especially away from home when Lee J was playing just one up top and also in defending corners If Pearson had been able to keep him, he wouldn't have his awful rep of leaving us in the position he did; poor win rate over 3 seasons, desperately short of tall forwards etc. The more you think about the players Pearson 'lost' the worse his record becomes. Diedhou's exit was not all the manager's fault though.
  4. 100% agree so it no cheer from me either once the game starts or he comes on. His checking out' certainly was his choice but may have been more to do with other management at the club including the coach, who also made numerous mistakes with other players. He wasnt very complimentary about Ashton either, but for me it's water a long way under the bridge now. We will see quite a few players leave in the next few months if Manning is still in charge and gets money to spend
  5. I posted about Diedhou and there are a number of replies already; does this get moved to Ex-Players? They player has often been described as universally popular with City fans so i guess it shows the forum to be exactly what we know, ie a very minority sample of people who like to use social media. Diedhou or Ashton or Pearson certainly made his exit a sour matter for BCFC fans and i guess we would all bet differently who should have taken the largest blame. I doubt our last manager comes out of this well and when you watch the highlights of his goals you wonder about Massengo and other departees. One thing for sure is Pearson left us in a total mess up front, not being able to score, having enjoyed the benefits of expensive talent like Scott, Semenyo & Weimann - unforgivable as a coach, IMO
  6. When they're gone they're gone; i dont usually have much sentiment about ex-players and certainly not about ex-managers - unlike a small group on here - but this Saturday may be an exception. I wont cheer him on but i certainly wont boo him; what about you? I quite liked CoD until his injury which i think happened at, or soon after, he ripped Sunderland's LB to pieces at the Stadium of Light. Thereafter he didnt really impress. Famara was different; we had a good song for him, which could be modified to "he comes from Senegal and now he'll win F.All, Famara" Some 50 goals for us in 160 games, great defensively and part of an era where we recruited really good forwards, unlike the most recent ones of Mehmeti and Cornick Let's hope his legs have aged a bit and he doesnt cause us any problems.
  7. Kadiff's website (tickets) is advertising the game as 3.00 K.O so some may be late!!
  8. If 1960 is any clue to your age, then please dont wory! I still cant remember him playing a single game, let alone 45 and i hardly missed a game that season!!
  9. Good first two calls; i cant remember Jamie Smith - at all
  10. In proper Owls pub on Saturday talking ex-Sheff Wed connections and there are a few. Danny Wilson and Pearson both ex Wed players and i thought Pemberton was the 3rd ex City manager ..but got it wrong as he was a Blade! Apparently DW and NP played for years in the same team Any more connections to both clubs?
  11. Apologies, only just seen another similar heading. Please merge. After the performance at Hillsborough many of us will have stayed off this Forum to avoid all the nonsense but C.N passing away is proper sad
  12. I now have another reason to hope we win v Cardiff, not just the 3 points; but to stop this utter garbage being posted on a forum for City supporters who dont necessarily want to hear the club they support constantly being 'rubbished' by people on Social Media. I can only presume those on here who like Italian-sounding names or districts of Bristol that should read 'Fishponds' or 'Eastville' rather than 'Redland' didnt go to the W.Ham games, nor the Forest games, nor recently to Coventry nor to Boro. I cant even believe they went to our last but one home game.
  13. After Stan Bowles, another player who many of us will remember well; either as manager of Southampton in the 80s or as a player for Ireland (N.I?), Villa etc. Strange how players of that era tend to pass away in clusters; the other year Leeds lost some of their 'Greats' in a very short space in time R.I.P another player/manager from the Good Old Days
  14. No strong feelings either way as i dont like either club but, both easy to get to by public transport, so a Yorkshire trio going down would be ok too. Rotherham looked doomed on paper but there's something about them that makes you wonder why? They looked great at top team Ipswich, they were better than us despite T.C getting two great lates. Anyway, They are gone and Sheff Wed's game v us is massive for them. Go one then push me to decide! Rotherham, Stoke and Swansea.
  15. And QPR?? ? Its always a sell out, good away support at home and away games Most of us felt that result, and/or something similar this weekend were on the cards as 'Lamball' is now so good v top teams but is yet to prove itself against poorer sides. However, there's another angle to the QPR loss where I'm struggling to remember a home win in that fixture for 12,13 or maybe 14 games. Anyone who keeps or likes looking up stats can tell us.
  16. Where, to Millwall? You Did!!
  17. Perfect summary. That horrible night, the driving rain but what a thunderbolt. Sat on the halfway line and of our best goals i saw that season - has it ever been captured on video? About 30 games for us but no idea where he ended up. And yes, great name too.
  18. I dont believe i'm obsessed and hope you can find interest in comparison to clubs who are doing better than us? I dont dwell on lower league clubs if that is also what you mean but rather try to work out how traditionally (say last 20 years) smaller clubs than us manage to do so well. I also like to consider how clubs like Brighton, Bournemouth & Brentford turn what most of us expected to be short-lived tenures in the top flight into sustained ones. They have good owners too but seem able to recruit much better. I do not 'blame' Ashton, Alexander, Tins nor their coaches at the time but it is frustrating to witness. Many clubs do much worse & I'd rather be where we are than lots of clubs who have not been able to sustain a (relatively) comfortable place in our league
  19. Little between Watford's league position/form and ours. They reckon beating Rotherham put them in the perfect position to be in the mix for Top 6. Do you agree with them or think that their one win in five is such poor form they are just joking? If anyone from City's management took that positive, cheerful, optimistic view today, some other posters on here would choose to mock them forever if we dont make it; Why do people still quote opinions expressed by Tinman in 2023? IMO it is very unlikely this season but as we are clearly building for next season, a strong finish would do us no harm Sunderland are a much bigger club than us and probably have higher expectations of a fan base double our size but they sack Beale today for only being on 47 points Its a strange old league, this one but many advantages over being in the VAR-ridden Premier League
  20. This is really kettle...calling... I dont know who Gray is and like most other City fans dont listen to podcasts by individual people. I talk/message City opinions amongst a set of people i've known are good, die-hard City fans for many a decade. Only recently joined OTIB BUT for some people to criticize an individual for expressing an opinion when about a dozen people on OTIB post so regularly they must mistakenly think that others want to constantly hear their opinions, is quite weird. Also, people banging on about "Nige this Nige that" have totally missed the plot. Our club didnt rate him in '22 nor '23, most fans didnt like his football nor his results over 30 months and are mostly pleased we have moved on to someone different. And, as for a tiny minority of City fans who seem to think they are ITK and cool by knocking one of the Club's all time legends,Tinman, they should ask themselves what they have done make true fans happy? i love the variety of opinions on here but knocking fellow social media fans like you are better than them is really childish. Hopefully content stays grown up
  21. Lots of reasons we will only take 400 fans. Surely its the same distance as it was for them mid-week in October. Bigger club? yes of course and going well under Ashton and McKenna but they brought thousands; sadly no comparison
  22. Both these clubs in dire straights with poor crowds, more empty seats v Ipswich at the Den than in our South Stand, neither can win and yet it has a fascination. I don't mind never going to the Den again and we go to Sheffield who possibly will have won 1 in 9 by tomorrow week - that could be ominous for us? How many fans will flock to Hillsborough? For those that believe in ManBall we could be collecting another 3 points at home v another under-performing London club and yet another 3 points on the road - what can possible go wrong with all this current optimism? Come On You Reds
  23. A36, unlikely but trains from Bath will run, though packed with Hoops!
  24. Another bad day for 'out of Bristol' supporters; bus replacement on the Salisbury to T.Meads line. Anyone fancying a car share/lift please message. Interesting selection challenges for Manning tomorrow - up top, Roberts or Pring, Bench selection etc. Cant wait
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