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Everything posted by bs3

  1. Bill Gates is worth 80 billion, So that would make him the richest person in the world . (if it was true)
  2. If Rovers owners are worth 1.8 billion and more why don't they just get on and build the UWE stadium, nothing is stopping them. The legal case with sainsbury is about the sell of the Mem not the build at UWE. The mem is still an asset and could be sold for development at any time in the future. Yet they are still waiting on the outcome of the High court case. Again these facts seem to be ignore by the gas heads who are at the momment are all in some sort of collective hystria and have lost all control of rational thinking. But then again they have always been a bunch of deluded pr1cks.
  3. The gas are the biggest bunch of hyprocrites in English football. On Thursday night thier fans were on Radio Bristol Twentyman show, complaining about Northampton and that only last season there were struggling money wise and now they are top of the Division due to a new investor and how they thought that was so unfair! When we were going to build at Ashton Vale saying how they didn't like souless out of town bowl stadiums and trying to take the p1ss by complaining the new stadium would not be in Bristol but in North Somerset and they would be the only club in Bristol when infact it was only an access road to the site would have been in North Somerset oh the ******* irony of it. Forever complaining that billionaire foriegn owners and money are destroying English football and its so unfair on little old bristol rovers. They also have no morals, on talksport a woman gas was ask do you care where the money is coming she said "NO" and this after all the sh!t they gave SL because he lives in Gurnsey and they want him to pay more tax. What have thier new owner done to contribute to our society?
  4. I remember him saying that on a Radio Bristol interview a year or two ago.
  5. But you are publicly stating that you only want to buy players under 24, if the right player comes along we will break our on policy. More confused thinking from the owner and board.
  6. Wigan ,Bolton and Blackburn have all had success over the last 20 years that we can only dream and they will be back in the prem before we will. The same goes for Leeds , Portsmouth and others, Clubs will go through go through good times and bad but for Bristol City a good time is the odd couple of seasons in the championship while clubs no bigger or greater and sometimes smaller than ours , are winning cups ,playing in Europe. There is no doubt we are the biggest under achievers' in the country.
  7. The one thing I fundamentally disagree with is the policy of only signing under 24 year old players. It's a ridiculous policy, there is nothing wrong in the signing players at any age if they are going to improve your team . Some of our best signings have been in there twilight of their career. Look at Wilbs and Wade and the contribution they have made to the team and club.
  8. Its funny how all the gas scum on here are saying they prefere the old terrace style stadium, so its begs the question why they were all creaming it when they thought they were getting a new stadium in South Glos. By the way the Memorial ground is nothing like a traditional football ground its a third rate rugby ground .
  9. Not aim at him but at the rest of the blue few.
  10. No not unique., But your club and fans protray themselves up as unique super family fans, respected the land over for their speical unique atmosphere and culture you have created. The envy of every other club in the land. When in fact you lot are the most deluded fans in the country and all others fans are ambivalent towards your club, because rovers are a nothing club in a basement leauge who plays in the worst ground in the country. Your club is not unique or special , you have made this up and cling on to it because you have absoluting nothing else. The only thing rovers are unique for is their sh1tness.
  11. Yes. BRFC fans and officials did every thing possible to scupper the Ashton Vale project.
  12. Oh the irony of them being a pointless answer.
  13. I listen to him this morning. He speaks a lot but says nothing,the man is a complete moron.
  14. I wouldn't give them the steam off my p1ss
  15. I met a chap yesterday in work who have worked on various building projects for supermarkets. His opinion was when Rovers knew Sainsburys wanted to pull out of the deal two years ago, Rovers could of then gone to Sainsbury and negotiate a settlement with out to much of a problem but it was their inability to see which way Sainsbury business was going and their stubbornness which led them to this humiliation. Building projects fall by the way side all the time for economic reasons Rovers should been looking for a different buyers and other funding 2 years ago now they are up the creek without a paddle and its all their fault not Sainsbury.
  16. Feel free to pick holes in it he says. I could drive a horse and carriage through everything he said. Help for heros grants , national lottery grants , money from Bristol City and...and South Glos councils. Truly truly laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. Always wanted someone else to pay ,always playing the victim .
  17. Just showed these pictures to my wife, " that stand looks like a gazebo" she exclaimed thats because it is .
  18. I texted Twentyman show on Radio Bristol today, here is my text. "Delighted that Sainsbury won in the High court today. Its Karma for all the the gas heads who actively campaigned against Bristol City attempt to build a staduim at Ashton Vale. What goes around comes around. Ps bet you won't read this out" Geoff replied on air to my text and I quote " Delighted that Sainsbury won in the High ps bet you won't read this text out well I just did!" Just an example of the BBC and other media outlets only reporting what they want to report and having there own agenda.
  19. No its not. Its a commercial decision by Sainsbury not wanted to build a supermarket ,its nothing to do with the mayor,the council, nimbys or the so called green lobby. If the Rovers had the finance the ground would have been built. The fact is there are a two bit dodgy outfit who deserves nothing.
  20. Lets all laugh at Rovers Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahajajajhahahahahahahahahhhahahhhahahah
  21. Who are they going to sign next? Chad Evans?
  22. That's good enough for me. Most of fleet street have run stories with less reliable sources than that.
  23. Took a quick glance on their forum, words honestly fail me ,deluded don't do it justice. There is one poster on there claims that no one would invest in BCFC because we play in red and white and are nick name is the Robins and yet he states that because Rovers play in quarters and are called the Pirates they have a unique selling point that investors would love. I'm lost for words
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