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Southport Red

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Everything posted by Southport Red

  1. Ref just saw the Cov guy stand on Antoine and booked Antoine!!!
  2. Thought we looked decent for most of it. Fell asleep for the goal, but we’re the better side. til then
  3. Cov quick fk 6 yards ahead of where the could was right in front of ref
  4. Well, that was my point. Living there he wouldn’t be given the game if he was a a CCFC fan, but he might loathe them, rather like if you were a ref and given a Swindon game.
  5. Last time I looked Northamptonshire is pretty close to Coventry.
  6. HNM was (by a country mile), the best player on the pitch at Deepdale.
  7. “The older I get, the better I was” ?
  8. Agreed. Good margin - Webster Value added - Brownhill, Kelly Good Value extracted - Bryan, Reid, Dhedhou, Flint, Pack, Smith Value lost - Nagy, Wells(probably), Palmer, Patterson Current Value added - HNM, Scott, Benarous Not a stellar record perhaps, but I’d wager, no worse than many.
  9. I think that is close to the sort of thing Chansiri did at Sheffield Wendy’s. Did Mike Ashley own nearly all of Sports Direct when St James’s was the Sports Direct stadium?
  10. Wow, your memory is fading fast ?
  11. I keep hoping that the glorious day will dawn when we might see a midfield of HNM - James - Williams and Scott, Currently feels like that fairground game of Wackamole where you get three fit then the fourth goes down.
  12. Mate, this is the football forum, there is a General Chat forum if you want to snipe at each other.
  13. I agree but, to play Devil’s Advocate, if they did that, there would be posters on here saying “vote of confidence from the Chairman, NPis clearly on his way out”.
  14. Genuinely intrigued to know what you think motivation is. You seem to think it is a certain force that can be given by one person to another. Replace the word ‘motivation’ with ‘desire’. All any manager can do is set (and try to sell) a vision, be available for coaching, set clear direction and generally try to create an environment which allows motivation to flourish. If a player is driving a super car and living in a mansion and decides he doesn’t want to buy in then you get them “off the bus”. The fact is, bad people will blow the most brilliant plan. Great people will make even a useless plan work. The whole conversation is probably moot anyway, I suspect our problems stem more from low confidence and fear, rather than anything else. That said, Vyner is not a defender.
  15. I think that motivation only comes from within. It is up to every individual to motivate them self. The role of a manager is to create an environment where self motivation is easier (making people feel valued/when to be hard or soft/feedback and coaching etc). This is hard enough in the regular world, in a world where20-somethings earn tens of thousands a week, it must be very difficult.
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