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Southport Red

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Everything posted by Southport Red

  1. Cardiff commentator saying NP doesn’t have the support of the fanbase
  2. Same here I’m getting nothing on the EFL channel and Sky only has WRDC
  3. Remind you of anywhere nearer to home? Up the Gloucester Road, for example?
  4. Me too, much as I hate Derby’s cheating and the arrogance of some of their fans,I wouldn’t wish a club extinction on anyone. Morris will move on, the administrators will get paid their huge fees, the players will get new contracts, Rooney will be fine, but the ‘ordinary’ staff and fans will be left with nothing. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
  5. I hear what you are saying, but very few teams actually do disappear. The EFL may have been happy to sit on their hands while that guy raped Bury FC but WRDC are “too big to be allowed to fail”. I reckon a ‘white knight’ will come in at the 11th hour and Morris will skulk off taking his twenty pence in the pound with him.
  6. For me it is a vivid demonstration of how much high level sports performance is driven by confidence. When we were losing at home, we all expected to lose (so did the players). Opponents would score and the whole team seemed to think “oh well, that’s that then”. You do wonder how much of “x or y player doesn’t even try” is down to this. The flipside is, if you score a couple of crackers against a very good team, you MAY start to believe you are capable of anything. I sure hope so.
  7. Well, maybe. However it remains a fact that Mitrovic probs cost more than our team.
  8. 7 thousand and summat. Awful or Gas record depending on your viewpoint
  9. For almost the first time since tha Man City game, I’m proud of my team.
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