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Ian M

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Everything posted by Ian M

  1. The player was already heading wide too. So angry that we have gifted them the lead.
  2. Such ridiculous goalkeeping from Hamer for the penalty. There was no way he was getting the ball & as soon as he went to ground he was gifting them a pen. I was already screaming "NO!" before the Leeds player went down
  3. That's normally the last thing I look for having spent the morning confidently knowing exactly where it is so not needing to double check. Just about to leave, go to pick up my season ticket, not there. Arggghhhhhh!!!!
  4. The irony of me telling you to post what you like whilst questioning what you posted
  5. Is this really a thread? It's a public forum, why do you need the blessing of other users to start a thread? Just do it anyway & if they don't like it they can ignore it (or more likely post on the thread how much they don't like it).
  6. Kent's quarter final clashes with the Brentford match 4 different dates for the quarters & my team play at the same time as City. Brilliant.
  7. Not gonna lie, I was proud of myself when I wrote that one
  8. When Rovers won the play-off semi, Dopey Daryll went down the local boozer and ingratiated himself amongst the Rovers' faithfew by buying them drinks and leading them in a rendition of "We are going up say we are going up". This episode was caught on camera & uploaded to various social media outlets. The Grimsby Telegraph watched one of these videos and printed a story about how unprofessional Dopey was. Rovers scammed a penalty shoot out win. Dopey Daryll headed back down the pub & performed an encore of the aforementioned song before encouraging the illegitimate offspring based at the Grimsby Telegraph to print that.
  9. Yet half of them dished out a load of abuse to a 16 year old girl on Youtube for saying Grimsbury instead of Grimsby.
  10. I'm sorry guys, I agree with the Sags' claims that the Sainsbury's decision is terrible news for Bristol. Because of Sainsbury's victory, Bristol Rovers will now be remaining in Bristol. Terrible terrible news.
  11. Has anyone mentioned Kent still being top of the (T20) league despite our tiny budget & lack of an overseas player?
  12. It's a fairly simple plan. 1. Find a billionaire 2. Sell the club. But they do have a backup plan. 1. Find a consortium of millionaires. 2. Sell the club. If these both fail then they are stuck with this last plan. 1. Default on loan payments. 2. Enter liquidation.
  13. And all this talk is off the back of an American being invited to a game and then telling the Post, he hasn't made an offer, no offer is imminent & if he's honest, there's 10 other clubs he's looking out instead. It really was the biggest nothing happening here story of the Summer for the Post.
  14. Didn't even cover last season's losses, hence the payday loan. Real shame for them if payday doesn't come around and the loan sharks start circling.
  15. Walsall performance would suit me.
  16. Kent don't have the deepest squad so whilst I'm pleased to see Billings recognised by England, it could deeply impact our chances of making the knockout stages.
  17. Exactly this. When Cook fell last test at 177-1 the stage was set for Stokes or Buttler. Instead England stuck to their order, Ballance came in, the runs dried up and pressure was exerted and criminally we fell to around 250-8 & ultimately this lost us the Test in my mind.
  18. The more pertinent point might be how have we been allowed to be top of the table? We should be nearer the bottom.
  19. We've deliberately gone down the route of having no overseas player despite now having slightly better finances. Think we have accepted we have hit rock bottom over the last couple of years and our young players will only improve with game time.
  20. At the point where 19 people have replied (including himself) this guy writes in the comments: Rovers1990 | Tuesday, May 26 2015, 4:04PM Oh Christ... more City fans commenting on here now than there is Rovers fans. Obsession settling in nicely I see. Nice of them to acknowledge how poor their support is these days
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