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Ian M

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Everything posted by Ian M

  1. No they base it on their rewriting of history that we were only formed in 1982. However, I believe we worked out previously that even on those terms we have had more success since 1982 than they have since 1897!
  2. We only took 17 players up & knew Wilbraham hadn't trained all week. Cotts can't rate the youngsters as being anywhere near first team material as the U21s season is finished and he hasn't even taken any for the experience of being in a matchday squad.
  3. Swindon's weaknesses: -defence -their budget -passing gusts of wind -their sisters -roundabouts -Aden Flint -respect That's a few to be getting on with
  4. Search twitter for "f*** off swindon" (but replace the *** with uck) and Bob will be your testicalled auntie.
  5. The words to their chant are " so f*** off Adam Johnson, going down for noncing, he's a paedophile, he's a paedophile". Disclaimer: That's what they sing, clearly he needs to be found guilty at trial for it to become factually accurate.
  6. What a dire half of football that was, very scrappy. Hope for better fare second half with City attacking the away fans.
  7. Does this set of results mean Cotts will be telling us we're left with an 8 game season?
  8. Clough can't motivate his players. Against PL opponents they play brilliantly as these are the games that all League One players would be "up for" regardless of input from their manager. But when it comes to run of the mill League One games they are often found lacking. That to me says Clough can't motivate his players and hasn't brought in enough "leaders" to do it for him.
  9. I actually laughed out loud when he seriously suggested getting a proven goalscorer in from the Championship! Maybe Brighton will loan them Sammy?
  10. Looking around the internet we seem to be quite a grounded lot and the Notts County fans for example were questioning why our fans were predicting a possible defeat last weekend when we have what they feel is the strongest squad in the division. I quite like that we aren't overly arrogant but I cannot see past a comfortable home win today by 2 clear goals.
  11. Unlikely considering he's a big City fan and formerly prolific poster on here (Godzilla). I've put the point to him anyway
  12. I think they were due to have a bout of <insert random illness here> on Saturday so the switch to Friday may actually benefit them.
  13. What they really need is 20,000 superfans who will lap it up when they take the piss out of them. Shame that many don't exist. Of course the official attendance will still be 5 figures as STHs will all be included but in reality I expect the crowd to be sub 10k now.
  14. I haven't read all this thread but does anyone else see this as UKIP auditioning/trying to position themselves to become the Tories next coalition partner?
  15. Hopefully he can better that and we can welcome PL football as the AG revamp is completed
  16. This feels a bit like Johnson's 1st season. Slight uplift upon SC's arrival, followed by dire performances sending us back to the bottom, then a strong finish & ultimately leaving it too late for a playoff spot. Let's hope next season follows Johnson's 2nd.
  17. "I'll pick them up tomorrow, the staff will pick them up tomorrow & then they'll go and make the same mistakes again on Saturday" How can he manage these players anymore with a statement like that?
  18. It's got to be 343 with Osborne reprising the right midfield role that saw him injure himself scoring at Griffin Park?
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