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Everything posted by lenred

  1. There’s been no civil disobedience anywhere else with those stringent measures already in place. Why would there be here? There won’t be, it’s just more scaremongering.
  2. Yep was saying exactly this to my missus earlier. I got 3 grades higher than I was predicted at A level due to busting my balls big time in the 3 months leading up to the exams so would’ve been screwed by this. She would’ve benefited though as she actually did slightly worse than predicted. I’d imagine they’ll be very lenient though in this situation.
  3. If people stop acting like dicks then there’s a better chance it won’t happen. Pubs packed yesterday for Paddy’s day apparently in a lot of cities.
  4. Think even our one will get bored of her screens eventually! Going to be interesting times but we will see how it all pans out. Feel very sorry for those kids with exams due, must be a very stressful time for them and their parents especially.
  5. All schools now closing from Friday afternoon until further notice except for key workers kids and vulnerable kids
  6. There are no words for some of the scum that we share this earth with (well there are but I’ll probably get banned) https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/coronavirus-death-north-somerset-fundraiser-3961485
  7. Heard that last night but that it was just toward the Prem only if they we’re to declare the season null and void. Got to be bull at this stage I’d imagine but no doubt whatever happens it’ll get messy!
  8. This left the football arena pages back. Let it go I reckon. F all else to talk about!
  9. Against my better judgment I have had some sympathy with Alex dP and his running of the crisis so far. However apparently on a call with leaders of industry regards manufacturing more ventilators this morning he suggested they should call the project ‘operation last gasp’. The man is a ***t of the highest order.
  10. Calmness in adversity is not solely a British National trait. It’s a saying from WW2 (where it had true meaning and purpose) that some clever marketing people have subsequently made lots of money from, but to suggest it’s an actual national stereotype is simply not true I’m afraid and the evidence is clearly being seen by the actions of many of our selfish compatriots unfortunately.
  11. Really? Is that why all the panic buying has taken place then? Why supermarkets are having to put out messages on mass on social media asking people to be considerate of others and are restricting purchases of certain items? I think it’s a bullshit slogan theta easy to say during the good times but that has already been shown to be not true during the worrying times - as is being demonstrated currently by many of our fellow citizens unfortunately. Luckily there are plenty of very decent minded people also, but to say that’s our national character is I’m afraid complete tosh! Wibble
  12. Awful situation for you CR. The attitude of some people on this absolutely stinks and some of the stuff going around regards peoples views on ‘natural selection’ is truly unbelievable although in this day and age not too surprising unfortunately. I wish you and yours well and let’s hope this is over or at least calms down sooner rather than later.
  13. Can’t believe their games still on tbf. Although I suppose if you play on a vegetable patch anyway a bit of rain won’t make any difference!
  14. Would make a great mural on the Gloucester Road!
  15. It doesn’t say anything about Heckingbottom not wanting to be linked with them unless I’ve missed something? He would be an impressive coup for them imho - certainly a step up from Coughlan and the dog fondler ( Jones is complete pie in the sky). Won’t happen though.
  16. Pretty decent names for them to be linked with tbf. But no doubt it’s all a smoke screen from their Board and the actual manager they appoint will be some unknown from the lower reaches again.
  17. Surely that was in. The scabby ***ts!
  18. Yep, how it changes your outlook on life is incredible, it really is. It’s not outlandish to say that it changes your very being. I said to my partner after we visited that I think it should be made part of the curriculum for all 15/16 year olds to visit there - funded by the government. As harrowing as it may be, it may make for a better future for all of us. Although seeing the picture of this **** maybe I was wrong.
  19. Yep. Rather see a SW team do it than anyone else if it can’t be us. *this does not apply to football! Shame our bowling was so bloody toothless
  20. Good work BBSB. That made me laugh out loud. What an absolute dump that place really is!
  21. Very very odd. Maybe ‘supports’ another team (if braincells of said individual allows them to carry out cognitive actions) but still very strange / sad / embarrassing regardless. Reporter handled it very well though.
  22. Nope it’s mainly sad old ***ts who should know better. The vitriol is pretty funny really. Sad and desperate. Just like their pathetic excuse of a club.
  23. Video doing the rounds of Matty walking through the back of their family stand and getting proper dogs abuse. Not sure what he was doing walking through there in the first place but still. The loyal and few showing their ‘family club’ at its very best yet again. (Can’t work out how to copy it to here but it’s on the ‘City til I die’ FB page for anyone interested.).
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