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Everything posted by lenred

  1. Injured I believe RRH. Was on SSN info bar earlier.
  2. Reputational risk is a huge consideration in a lot of industries but alas football hasn’t been one of them for a very very long time. Money is all that matters in the vast majority of cases now it seems. This situation stinks but it seems the clubs involved don’t seem to care that their dirty laundry is going to be aired very publicly. Very very sad.
  3. Yep, they were very very vocal about him being a CCFC player after his death. Don’t know all the legalities but how on earth can they claim he wasn’t a CCFC player when his signing was all over the media, it was officially sanctioned by the FA, and he was killed flying back to Cardiff to ensure he got to his first training session on time seems very very fishy tbh. Could get very dirty indeed and if I was a CCFC fan I’d be wanting us to just pay up and get on with it.
  4. Shame, must’ve missed it. Cheers for the reply though.
  5. Were there / are there any free games for season ticket holders this season at the rugby?
  6. Agree Red. Put our rivalry to one side and it is genuinely pathetic. Just didn’t realise it was THAT bad!
  7. Just turned over for a laugh. Their ground really is an embarrassment now isn’t it. Seems to have got worse not better. And what on Earth is that ‘family stand’ and how the hell do the people next to it see over it?! Pitiful.
  8. The big teams kept apart then. Albeit both with away ties. Should make it relatively insteresting tbf.
  9. Fingers and everything else crossed!
  10. Very sad but true unfortunately. Unbelievable to any sane human being though thankfully. Thoughts to all concerned, very very sad news indeed.
  11. Imagine it’s sarcasm mate. Although you can never be entirely sure!
  12. Halloween came early at the Rugby Ground tonight it appears. And the ‘star’ appearance was from ‘Tramp Man’. Not sure why he bothered with the make up to be honest.
  13. No need to wait bud https://www.houseoftents.co.uk/Party-Tents-Marquees/2833.html?utm_source=google.co.uk&utm_medium=pla-css-shoptail&utm_campaign=Partyzelt&utm_term=2833&utm_content=produktlink&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItOrYk5zq3QIVbr7tCh3JXwcZEAQYAiABEgI3a_D_BwE
  14. That little tit bit will get the fewers very excited!
  15. Yep I was there. Saw our scarfers getting quite a bit of grief before the game outside said bar for no reason at all other than they were wearing City gear and they looked like very easy targets. These blokes were big big blokes as well, who should know better as there are unwritten rules around this sort of thing. Didn’t see the attack that provoked it afterwards but got caught up in it on the way back to the car. Like you say CC, I dont condone it but on this occasion was glad that these idiots got what was coming to them having picked on people who were evidently there purely for the football. There was quite a rivalry between us (**** Calderwood anyone?!) back then as well and that all just added to it.
  16. Wtf is it on about 'birthday party in Nottingham? Is that a reference to the Amici Bar? Presume so. Never knew this was part of their bullshit smear campaign against us! What belters they really are.
  17. Get on @phantom!! Gutted the finals seem to be completely sold already. Shouldve had a little faith and booked them before
  18. Got to keep as is imo. Would be a massive smack in the teeth to change it after two away wins in 5 days
  19. Absolutely fantastic result and two clean sheets on the road. Well done City
  20. Listened to it fine in France t'other day on RB. Over a VPN.
  21. Fair enough. I don’t think personally the reaction (the sensible ones anyway) has been down to that one game, more the run we’ve been on since the start of 2018 as a whole. But we won tonight, a great 3 points whichever way you want to look at it, and let’s hope it kick starts a good run now.
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