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Posts posted by milo1111

  1. 56 minutes ago, Wiltshire robin said:

    “It’s my club I’ll do what I want “

    Fair play to him. 
    in response I’d say it’s my money and I’ll do what I want. Hence why this former season ticket holder has only been to 3 games so far and isn’t planning on making it 4 any time soon.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    Being honest, I think we are struggling with the dual impact of a squad that is not good enough and managerial team that are very clear that the squad is not good enough. We have a team of poor players and a lack of balance but also a team that clearly know the manager does not rate them and probably suspect he is right not to rate them. Quality is poor and confidence is shot. Such a dangerous combination.

    Stop talking sense. No place on here

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Bs4Red said:

    If I don’t laugh I will cry. 

    ******* spineless!

    Feels like that doesn’t it. You have to laugh or you’ll cry has never been more apt. 

    • Like 1
  4. I think we have to look at the marvellous mr Ashton and our superb owners for where we are now. Blame managers all we want but I’m not sure how much influence they had on signings whilst Ashton was here.

    wev’e messed up the best chance we’ll have for ages last few years. Completed excellent stadium and facilities and a glut of players who we could sell on for hefty fees, vast majority of which Ashton didn’t sign and we squander the lot. We tried to be like Brentford but we’re the exact opposite.

    • Like 4
  5. 41 minutes ago, CyderInACan said:

    I’m not sure what the past tense is but we’re definitely guilty of having been gaslit/gaslighted fckued over by this absolute charlatan. Lansdown must be, privately, pretty bloody miffed at what happened.  

    Lansdown is completely culpable in my eyes. He has a mistrust of ‘football people’ IMO but yet saw fit to give the keys to the club to this utter cynt. Give me strength. The guy had far too much influence and on what basis or track record of previous success was this afforded to him? Ridiculous.

    • Like 5
    • Flames 5
  6. 49 minutes ago, Simon bristol said:

    This is all very good fun, but with our squad for next year after being asset stripped i don’t expect to see us to be doing much better than that lot have done this year.

    What are you on about mate? We haven’t got any assets to strip!!!!!!!

  7. 2 minutes ago, cityloyal473 said:

    If players don't play then they don't get paid.  Everyone is at risk of the virus and will be expected to go back to work, with social distancing and risk mitigation factors at play, and get on with it.  Footballers will be in one of the most sterile environments going and will have less to worry about then Joe Blow jumping onto a bus with 50 other people to travel to an office with 50 other people.  If footballers cannot live with this then they need a career change to something that poses them no risk, like a webcam operation.

    Everyone is going to have to learn to live with this; it isn't going away. We cannot stay locked up forever and life goes on. 

    Footballers are quite within their rights to say they dont want to play. Ive genuinely no problem with that. I reckon they should be placed on furlough if they dont want to though. Getting the £2.5 k or whatever it is a month might change one or two minds.This whole thing is going to get quite unsavory as its all about money for most of the stakeholders. If there is no relegation then what is the point, complete farce.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, The Humble Realist said:


    I would assume all clubs will follow this (as an option alongside other options potentially)

    Looks like a full refund for the remaining games will be heading  to season ticket holders 

    That’s pathetic. The worst team in the league after 75% of the season in desperate attempt to save their skins and rob millions in undeserving tv cash shocker!!!!

    • Confused 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Lez said:

    If the threat of relegation is removed then it makes playing the final games of the season pointless. Personally I'm amazed there is even talk of playing these games but I suppose money and power talks.

    There is no way now teams can be relegated.....the premier league efl etc would be sued and clubs argue the following things

    1) cant relegate if all teams dont have level playing field....and this isnt possible if they play neutral grounds or season just stopped

    2) potential to go bust due to loss of income + relegation costs

    3) wider impact on community - redundencies

    4) playing squad issues re June 30th contract expiring

    The ONLY option, is to promote teams within automatic promotion positions and have largely leagues next season with higher relegation places at the end of 2021 season.....but again leagues would get sued by the likes of Fulham BCFC due to their opportunities for promotion being taken out of their hands.....it is a 38/46 game season after all...and again means that there is inconsistencies.....imagine if Fulham's last 10 games were against botton 10 sides....would be grossly unfair and, dare I say it, illegal?

    Only outcome for me is to scrap the season....with I suppose the argument that those in CL placings get the roles next season.....however that is a contradiction of what I said earlier.

    Scrap the season, it never happened, awful I know but I believe equality for ALL teams is THE most important thing for football.

    The ONLY  thing I could suggest would be teams who are REASONABLY certain to get promoted or win trophies I.e Liverpool (cant think of anyone else) get award promotion/title.....but in old law terms must be within (or without) reasonable doubt.

    And no this doesnt include Leeds.....because they bottle it every year anyway.

    This will be the stitch up though. It would still only be 3 down for the next few years and only 2 up to get it back to 20 teams in the PL.

    there is clearly a massive agenda now in the prem. self interest and greed meaning it’s all about no relegation. Only reason to resume play will be to bank the tv money.

    Hilarious comments from the Brighton chairman re: neutral venues affecting the integrity of the league.... obviously doing away with relegation wouldn’t do that then?integrity..?? not to mention the pending arrival of the Saudis ?

    • Like 3
  10. 14 minutes ago, old_eastender said:


    sounds an horrendous plan to me, should just null and void the season and start again with leagues as they are.

    It’s been popping up for weeks this idea of promoting but not relegating. It’s what will happen IMO. In the money driven world of English football they will do whatever bring the least amount of litigation as I can’t see us restarting the season now.

  11. 27 minutes ago, cityloyal473 said:

    Is watching twenty two blokes kick a ball around an empty stadium, making it more akin to a training match, really be of interest to people and raise their morale? Won't be to me, that's for sure. I find the idea putting me off football to be honest. Every game will feel and look like after the lord mayors show.

    We’re all different mate. It won’t be as good as what we are used to but i would rather that than nothing at all. Yes, it would raise my morale for sure. There will be plenty of people who agree with you and plenty who agree with me. But my point is valid in that if every other profession is back at work then why shouldn’t sportspeople be as well. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, DSTAF said:

    I’ve been a firm advocate for finishing this season, whenever that is, and starting the next season, when we are closer to a vaccine or when we know more about The virus. I’ve changed my mind: this season should be cancelled with immediate effect and a new season start afresh whenever it’s safe (and by this I’m thinking next year).  Football is insignificant in the big scheme of things and should remain there. 

    Sport is needed to lift morale though. If in  a few months time most other professions are back at work why should sport be any different as long as it’s behind closed doors with plenty of testing carried out? You simply can’t stop the world from turning completely for 18 months or however long it takes to get a vaccine.

    The high risk category folks need to be shielded but the rest of us will have to start living semi normal lives again. 

    • Like 3
  13. 29 minutes ago, pillred said:

    The Sun, do you mean the paper with the largest daily circulation in the UK (apart from one other which is free) why apologise, either people are lying about reading it (due to its circulation) or there are a lot of hypocrites that read it but pretend to be outraged about it, personally I only buy it on a Saturday, but let's not play at being outraged by it's existence because of what went on about the Liverpool reporting, they made a huge error of judgment we now know with hindsight they were completely wrong, hold your hands up who hasn't done the same at some point?

    Newspaper circulation in general has been in decline for a few years now. Just because the sun is the best selling paper doesn’t mean many people read it. 

    I dont think Hillsborough is the only thing they’ve done wrong there either.  

  14. 3 minutes ago, BCFC11 said:

    Just had a Fewer come into work pleased as punch ‘da gas r staying up and da shit are staying down’ obviously that’s as good as it gets for those morons, scraping relegation by the skin of their teeth in a piss poor division, then the highlight of their season is to see us fail.


    This notion that they have now had a successful season and we have had a failed one is the stuff only the gas could come up with.

    Probably the best bit of gas logic ever. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

    Their adopted “legend” scored a goal that stopped us reaching the premier league. 

    Our adopted “legend” scored a goal that knocked Rovers out of the entire football league. 


    This says everything anyone ever needs to know about the difference between us and them. Everything.

    • Like 7
  16. 1 minute ago, bodin said:

    That's true, it's the same on Gaschat too. Some people way too keen to try and get a heads-up on City fans when in reality you're a bigger and better run club than us and have been for a while, but Gaschat will focus on a badge and an U23s game Vs Nottingham Forest to try and win for once. It's embarrassing in that case because in reality we've got nothing to mock you for, although I was hopeful we might in 2013-14 when you were in a relegation battle for a lot of the season but picked it up and then finished mid-table only to dominate the league the following season, whilst we got relegated to the Conference, laughable. 

    You can’t be gas mate. You are calm, considered and talk sense.

  17. 5 minutes ago, st andrews gas said:

    You are not the brightest light on the xmas tree are you...read again, we have 11,000 capacity- we get 9,000 , OR 90,000 as you dimwits read it...don't give a monkeys whether 'your greatest season in 20 years'...we are here and you hate that fact, bugs you, and we love that...

    Yet you are the one on a city forum.

    • Like 1
  18. 25 minutes ago, ZiderEyed said:

    Just wonderful. You have to wonder sometimes the mentality of that lot. Can you honestly say you'd mock them if they were in our position right now? ******* idiots, to a man.

    Exactly. The fact that they feel they have grounds to gloat given the chasm between the two clubs both off and on the pitch is mind boggling.

    We just got stuffed by villa.not quite shrewsbury are they.

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