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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. I’m saying back just because I don’t want us to be one of those basket case clubs that have gone through 3 managers this season. What’s the point in changing now anyway, may as well give him the time now and see what he can do. Who else would come in?
  2. Should add there was a lot of boos after the game today, the players are probably lucky the PA system was so loud it was drowning it out.
  3. I have to caveat this with there’s been some very good performances, fa cup games and Southampton for example - and I’ve seen in some games improvements in passing and patterns of play. That said, today was absolutely dreadful. There’s another thread about soft City being back and I think that nails it but there’s more to it. There were several times today where there was a 50/50 or 40/60 that could have been one with a bit of desire and big tackle, and every single time we bottled it. Forst half we played continuous long balls but there was no cohesion, sometimes mehmeti came short ans the ball went long, others where Conway set off and we waited and waited then played the ball when it was no longer on. Seconf half got even worse, we were so so predictable it was painful to watch. When there’s only 1 forward pass on and a backwards one it’s so easy to defend against. I don’t want to go over the top with a defeat but that was a throwback to the McInnes / SOD era
  4. Neither are, the OP has been disengenuois with the title of the thread.
  5. Received a 3 year ban by the club, later reduced to 3 months after attending a course so not quiet "free pass". Also not so much loyalty but "good behaviour" in those 60 years. Agree though it's bizarre and not inline with other prosecutions. Also according to the article "played it down" when being interviewed, so to later say they showed genuine remorse seems a stretch. Sorry they got caught and banned maybe?
  6. Driving up in the morning, don't know why we do it to ourselves but a free day so I'd rather be there than anywhere else. I fear another 10 men behind the ball, sit back and wait for us to lose it performance - but hoping they might go for it a bit as they need the points
  7. I was really worried this was gonna be announcing a setback or another injury!
  8. Without wanting to go down a Covid route, interestingly whilst searching I found a study here suggesting a link between Covid infection and muscular fatigue leading to injuries: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10048896/#:~:text=The results of this study,occurred before contracting the infection. There's also studies on other sports showing the same patterns such as NFL and basketball This study suggests injury rates were faling in the preceeding years https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/19/1084 Fair point but you'd assume at that level warming up should be adequate... probably shouldn't assume that! Muscle tears can also be down to overuse & fatigue or as @The Coach said lack of proper strength and conditioning. I think on that point footballers are spending more time in the gym than they used to but I wonder if that's also a potential contributor to over use? To be honest with the amount of money in the game you'd assume most professional clubs have the best science and training methodology, it could just be bad luck. Feel sorry for the lad, I said he looked lost in that first game against West Ham at HT - then second half he was brilliant, same against Forest & Southampton. There's a real decent player in there with a bit more coaching and quality.
  9. Are injuries getting more common place across football? It feels like every season we're affected largely by injuries, but the stats suggest no more on average than others - but was it always like this? Remember that 14/15 title winning season we had barely any injuries and a fairly small squad
  10. Not something I've ever needed to do as I'm not blessed in the calf muscle department, but it's supposedly to reduce pressure / improve circulation. I've not actually seen it at my level of football, so maybe one trend that isn't catching on. Cutting off the soles is definitely done though by a lot of people these days, and you can even buy the socks "pre-cut" as a tube design now. Most kit socks lose their fit after a few washes, especially when you aren't wearing the same ones every week. Makes a big difference to have a more comfortable, and sometimes thinner sock in your boot for a tighter fit and better control. Dont think there's any rule that you can't, see alex scott and jack grealish for example Downside to wearing your socks round your ankles like that though is the shin pad sits lower and is effectively pointless. Interestingly on the topic, the latest trend (as seen by Scott and Grealish) is to wear the smallest pads you can. These are now available https://gaintheedgeofficial.com/collections/mini-shin-pads/products/mini-shin-pads Must admit I wear them, as I find bigger pads cumbersome. There's a big push to get them banned in kids football though as obviously they offer less protection area on the shin. Haven't seen anyone wear a shin pad with straps since I was about 10. Most people use a sleeve, or I use tubigrip and tape if needed. Generally the socks are tight enough these days to keep the pads up - but obviously why it then becomes restrictive on the calf. Grealish definitely doesn't wear pads with straps, he's admitted he wears kids pads so a stap wouldn't even fit round his leg.
  11. It was meant more literally as a question than a sarcastic dig, I genuinely don’t know how much time they have together but as others have pointed out this is the schedule, it’s not massively unusual other than the two replays. It just sounded like he barely sees his players, which I’m sure isn’t the case - but also, the excuse doesn’t wash because they managed a master class against Southampton and 4 pretty decent cup games with this “lack of time”.
  12. Even then, we beat boro and they beat Leicester.
  13. MarcusX


    Yep either extreme is silly, but clearly a tough game to through him into. I saw something in Ryan Kent first time he played though so maybe I’ll duck out
  14. MarcusX

    South Stand

    Just take the ticket and scan it, there’ll always be a way around it
  15. Talking about not have the time to work on it again. How often do they actually train? Anyone would think he’s managing a part time team the way he talks about training sometimes.
  16. I get it, and I have a similar affinity to the Liverpool purple shirt - was my first kit. It’s still a bit of a joke of a thing to commemorate, but we don’t have much to celebrate. Promotion winning kits, or the fa cup final kit would be understandable.
  17. MarcusX


    This seems logical, but clearly everyone’s in a bad mood tonight and slating everything and everyone
  18. MarcusX


    So Tuesday night it was “how can anyone form an opinion after such short time” Tonight it’s “not sure he’ll ever play again” Christ alive, this forum at times
  19. MarcusX

    South Stand

    That study was based around flexibility (and it's 6 years old, including pre-covid) so the people not working 9-5 incuded people working 7-3/8-4 or working longer hours. Also found that almost half had more flexible patterns included condensed work hours and job sharing. So if you're trying to argue that 94% of people don't work Monday - Friday in "traditional" working hours and therefore can't make certain game times then I don't think that poll is really relevant. I could equally argue that almost half of people have a flexible working arragement that means they could get away early for an evening game, or shift their hours about? As for parking, it just depends how close you want to be to the ground. Could definitely be improved of course, and some people can't walk too far, but I always manage and walk 15-20 mins to the ground
  20. MarcusX

    South Stand

    Where have you got only 6% of people work “9-5 hours” from? Not sure why that’s specifically relevant here either, it would affect a few people true but there will a fair few who can’t make a Saturday afternoon - eg I’ve managed to make 4/5 more games than I normally would in that time. I think it’s raised every time about the under 12s ST and that’s probably playing a part - as well as people moving seats, not least because if you have an ST in the Sourh Stand then it’s almost impossible to bring a mate and sit with them. On the subject of moving seats, I remember as a kid when we were shit enough that my dad and I would move along the Williams to the end we were attacking each game and there was plenty of room As for getting to the game, there’s loads of parking options in Bedminster and easy enough to get away.
  21. It’s still celebrating defeat. That said, I’ve long said I’d be happy to see a blue away kit, even if just a one off. Them lot are irrelevant, would just wind them up
  22. What’s the betting they had this planned for the 5th round… except we didn’t make it Getting rinsed online by other clubs fans, not that I really care but fully get the point it is a little embarrassing. It’s a very nice shirt though, but I refrained from purchasing. Before my time so don’t have the same affinity to it but would have been nice to have as a kit for the whole season.
  23. MarcusX


    Of course you can form an opinion. It might not be your final view on his ability but you can certainly form an initial view of his attitude, demeanor, comfort on the ball etc
  24. It's in the fourth sentence "This sponsor-free exclusive shirt will be worn by the team at Saturday’s Sky Bet Championship home match against QPR, with the players wearing white shorts and red and white socks. The club extends its gratitude to O’Neills, Huboo, DNRG, Watches of Bath and GoSkippy for their support in removing their logos from this unique edition shirt. " That's not how limited edition works though. Some things are just produced at a small number to increase their value and worth.
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