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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. I get that he was lucky last night as that may well have been a red on review, but it’s not like he puts tackles that naughty in every week.
  2. Dirty is a strange one? Williams tackle was “bad” in that it would probably be looked at by VAR and who knows what would happen, but otherwise just been up for it really. Hardly anything too bad has there?
  3. Like the polar opposite of Scott in that respect, I still like him but he’s so raw. He looks up for it though!
  4. Christ what a start… and thank the lord there’s no VAR else Joe could be gone there, however what a tackle
  5. Very similar view here in the bar at the ski resort, think there’s a West Ham fan in here though too
  6. Can’t see us going up or down, so may as well have rested him Saturday for tonight… but I realise others will have a different view
  7. I guess the logical answer is because they are prepared for it? Places that get lots of bad weather, are ready for it. Go to Florida for example and they’ve got hurricane shields, they literally just pull the shutters down and sit and watch the storm. People who are used to living in cold and icy conditions are obviously going to be better prepared for it and understand the risk. Doesnt answer the point about player safety in really low temperatures for example. Where I am has been in the -20s this week, however I’m well insulated in ski gear! I couldn’t imagine trying to play sport in it.
  8. Seems mad that Williams is out of contract, feels like we’re only just getting the best of him and he could walk for free - especially as he came in with a bit of hype
  9. I can’t see why we haven’t tried Conway there, behind Wells and then gives Knight an option of rotation in the deeper midfield position
  10. I’ve come to this thread late, so expecting a whoosh… Bamford on loan?
  11. I think 2 hours plus is full refund for your whole trip? SO if you've had that I think that's it (could be wrong, I've never had a 2 hour + delay) Used to regularly get 30 mins to an hour, and it would only be 50% back, but if you got delayed both ways you could get 100% back
  12. Yes there's often tick boxes and small print - I believe as part of the GDPR movement it was made "illegal" to have misleading boxes - eg ones you tick to opt OUT etc. I notice many don't observe this, but there are heavy fines for GDPR breaches if caught. One trick you can do when signing up to services is add a "+" and then a word at the end of your email address, for example if your email is "myname@gmail.com" you can use "myname+dodgywebsitename@gmail.com" this will still go to your email but when you receive an email you can check the to address and then you'll know who it came from. I don't use this on every site, but anything questionable - easy to filter out of your inbox then too
  13. Ah see my post, 2 late trains cancelled will get you full refund
  14. You can get this refunded or corrected, you need a TFL account and log in. Usually let you off the first occurance as a mistake We did the same going Reading to Newbury, the tap in and out only works on trains to London and we didn't realise so got a full day charge both ways when it should have been about £8 return
  15. I dont know if this helps anyone, but if you had an open return Sunday - there were 2 trains cancelled late in the evening 22:15 and 23:05 - claim for this through delay repay scheme and it's over 1 hour delay so should be 100% refund on that leg, on top of the outbound leg being delayed
  16. Alex Scott is an expert at this and we loved it when he did it. "Winning fouls" is an art, getting your body in the way and taking the contact. On the Fernandes one, contact does look slight, but the defender's dived in. It's terrible defending. I'd say knowing what he's like as a player too he's probably made a meal of it and it hasn't been enough to trip him. Another thing to add, is how bloody often when there IS clear contact and Refs dont give it if you try to stay up or are put off balance and have a shit shot from it - may as well go down then? They have to make a decision then. Diving will always be the toughest thing to clamp down on because it's near on impossible to tell from a replay how much contact it takes to bring someone down. Look at the Jota one, every adament he's dived and there's little to no contact - but the keeper comes out and says yes it's a pen. He's the only other person who knows how much contact was made and he even he agrees.
  17. It's always amazed me that the people in charge of safety would rather persist with insisting everyone sits down - which is impossible to police - and inevitably ends up in a much more dangerous situation as you said with chairs at shin height, people squeezing past etc. It would have made much more sense to make faster progress on a better solution that allows fans to stand.
  18. It's already happened, several times Pickford escaped a Red and a penalty when he smashed Van Dijk after a late offside Rui Patricio suffered a serious head injury John Stones just a week or two ago against Everton I understand the point about not flagging if it's close and letting VAR decide - but the ones like Tommy's where they keep the flag down and then THEY flag are stupid. Unless of course I'm wrong and VAR are communicating as it happens and says that's well off, we don't need the lines you can give it?
  19. MarcusX


    Did you do your ironman in July or is this the next one? Do you think you're over the Covid issues now? I think most of mine has cleared up, I assume I'll always have asthma now but I've not needed my inhaler in ages. It's taken 2 years but finally over the long covid now I think. I've got my eyes on an ultra in June, 24 hour event and in the training for it I'm considering Brecon Beacons marathon at the start of May and possibly something sooner if dates match up.
  20. Yes it was in use in any game taking part in a Premier League ground. Won't be in use in the replay obviously.
  21. They went 1 up after 4 mins and then just sat in and tried to counter, must be frustrating to watch even if it does produce results
  22. Nope, we don’t have it installed. Grounds who have it can use it, not a tournament thing
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