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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. Play off final season, similarly I remember that was my first proper heartbreak with City. Trudging away from the Mill Stad seeing the queue of Brighton fans at the station and thinking they didn’t even seem that jubilant about their win.
  2. I thought similar too, perhaps he just needs a bit more time with them. As per my previous post, clear signs of a new style being implemented in spells.
  3. Maybe “back to basics” in some aspects but I saw some clear difference today to NP’s style. Braver forward passing and intricate triangles. It’s not the finished article by any stretch of the imagination but that was definitely signs of LM’s style being implemented in spells
  4. MarcusX


    His passing really stood out today, particularly his forward passes which were inch perfect at times - not safe passes by any means
  5. I don’t read it often, but it never fails to entertain.
  6. Good job we don’t consult fans over sub decisions
  7. The sky commentator having a little dig at the home crowd for showing its frustration at a backwards pass to Vyner - which led to a decent chance (blocked).
  8. That’s actually brilliant, I’d have loved this as a kid - probably the sort of thing I’d still do now too. Whenever I work near a new place I’ll go check out the ground etc Back on the kit questions, does anyone have a specific recommendation on a site / seller for the fake kits?
  9. That’s actually not too bad! I think once we get to Frankfurt I’ll look at trains to the other games, might try and see a couple others while we’re there. Be interested closer to the time to see what pubs etc people are heading too as I’ll be going to the games on my own.
  10. I’ll share the article to help https://www.efl.com/news/2023/december/19/key-match-incidents-panel-reveals-correct-referee-decisions-at-85--so-far-this-season/ It’s key incidents, not all incidents and averages about 2.5 per game. It’s an independent panel of ex players and coaches so don’t think it’s “marking your own homework”. I don’t really think this figure necessarily tells us much by itself though. It’s easy for a few people to watch several different angles and slow motion of an incident and come up with a judgement. You’d need to investigate the decision making, and consider positioning and speed of play for each one. If the refs got a decision wrong because his positioning or keeping up with the game was at fault then that needs dealing with. If he’s got it “wrong” because the one angle he had was a very different view to the cameras then it’s a little unfair to judge. Either way I don’t think its anything like 50% or less, always have to include supporter bias in these discussions too.
  11. I don’t think they’re thinking of the die hards when they say this though. Theres plenty of people who support two teams, or have City for example as their second team and go to a few games but actually would choose their prem team. there will also always be those of us who’d rather travel 3 hours each way to physically be at the game than watch it on TV. My biggest concern when they discuss 3pm live games is lower leagues and amateur football, it would definitely impact them if there were big games live on TV at 3pm.
  12. Yep legally we all know that, but we also know football works differently to most places of employment. Do you really put it past the people running our club? Im not sure there’s much comparison between a leisurely stroll on the beach and the stresses of professional football management
  13. I think it’s last 20 years as I’ve only been going around 25 years, so maybe a little over? I’ve definitely heard it away at Cardiff for example. Not recently though. As for players, yes there probably are some who give it out and therefore it’s fair to give some back - but is celebrating in-front of a crowd enough to get overly personal? Probably not really. For the Sane comparison, until we know what’s actually been said to Watkins it’s not the same comparison - but the second chant is just weird.
  14. Is that really a gauge of whether it’s acceptable? It was ok 20 years ago? Or am I misunderstanding? Within the last 20 years I’ve heard the derogatory chants about rather being something other than a “taff”, and chants about Aberfan. Luckily society has generally improved. I don’t think racism is the only thing off the table when it comes to abusing players. Why do they need to be abused anyway?
  15. This is what I’m accepting as the truth behind the decision and timing of Pearson leaving. The only sense I can really make of it is that NPs health is worse than he let on and it was in his best interest, even if he didn’t agree.
  16. Tbf, who classes as “experienced supporters” and what qualifies them to have input on a decision like that? We can all have an opinion but so many know so little either about the behind the scenes issues, or football in general, that I don’t think it’s a road to go down. Obviously the Pearson scenario is rare, if you take this board as representative of fans, for such a high percentage of fans to be in support of a manager when his job is on the line. JL could rightly point out that almost the same proportion of fans were against Pearson last Xmas and wouldn’t have argued with sacking him. There’s every chance Manning could have us in a decent position 12 months from now and who would be right? It still doesn’t necessarily justify the sacking (or timing of) but it might prove not to be a “bad” decision especially given NP’s health etc.
  17. I was nervous about this, and price of flights and not knowing if I’d get tickets so I’ve decided to drive, taking the Mrs and staying with her friend in Frankfurt so will make a holiday of it. Got tickets for Denmark and Slovenia, and may stay if I get a KO game ticket, at least the car gives us flexibility.
  18. There's been a few over the years who've "downed tools" and what not - but I'd counter that you don't ever know the full picture. 100% effort on a perfect day will look very different to 100% on a bad day. People forget footballers (and other athletes/sports people) are just people at the end of the day. They aren't robots, they've got the same life problems that any of us can face - trouble at home, family, sleepless nights with kids, illness, injury and niggles and at the top level even just nutrition or recovery not being spot on - and then consider confidence. I'd imagine many players who get accused of not giving 100% and just as frustrated with a performance as the fans are. As for "pressing with pure intensity" that's a tactical matter as much as it is effort. As above, many reasons why 100% may not be achievable. Certainly not specific to this country so that's a strange comment to add.
  19. Not sure what game you were watching, hell of a save this
  20. I wonder how much of it is down to younger viewers generally not watching “live” any more. I don’t know many people who actually watch live tv all that much, usually binge on catch up at weekends etc
  21. Why is it misleading? It doesn’t predict the result or outcome - but that possession stat tells us what most of us saw, they had far more of the ball than us and had us under the cosh for a large chunk of the game
  22. Yep after the replay my thoughts changed… but the ref doesn’t get a replay. I was surprised it wasn’t given is what I’m saying, especially with his performance today
  23. How could he know it would happen? I know he’s got a condition but I’d assume he’s been given the all clear to play. Anyway all the best to him and hope he’s ok and fully recovers.
  24. as a wise men sent in to the radio… phew! Why did Sunderland sack their Mowbray? They don’t seem far off a top 6 challenger.
  25. Very poor but also could and probably should have been a pen by Pring at the end. He’s recklessly dived in there, we’d be raging.
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