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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. Can’t believe with a minute to go in the first half we’ve just knocked the ball about our back line and run the clock down. I understand keeping the ball and not forcing it but worth trying SOMETHING with a few seconds to go.
  2. I thought they’ve been quite smart, letting us have it and setting traps or forcing us into longer passing - which have been a bit hit and miss today. Think we’re looking comfortable though bar a couple of counters, we just need a bit more in the final third. Probably could have had a pen then too
  3. Can’t stand these Millwall commentators, anyone would think we’re playing the best team in the league with how good every single one of their players is according to them
  4. Didn’t we set up against QPR with an emphasis on keeping a clean sheet? Dont think there’s anything wrong in Rooney’s interview - it’s just mad that they’ve fallen so far after sacking their manager.
  5. Your memory has failed you again. Hull, just 7 days ago, wore their home kit at Ashton Gate.
  6. What makes you think we “never play well in black”? I’m sure it’s a myth about black kits being any harder to pick out, otherwise in a game of such fine margins no team would ever use them?
  7. I’m disappointed because after three wins you start to dream a little, but looking at with perspective in the scheme of a block of games there’s no way to be disappointed with 10 points from 12 out of those games. Some people had us down as relegation candidates four games ago! Someone else said but swap that 0-0 with either of the 3 wins, particularly Watford and people would be far happier. Funny old game
  8. Mehmeti should have scored that first header, and it would have been a completely different game. Clearly Birminghams plan was stay in it as long as possible then try and do something near the end, never really troubled us too much. If you can’t win it, don’t lose it. On to Monday then 4 unbeaten.
  9. I’ve just done a warm (ish) one in Florida and agree, regularly forgot it was Xmas and it was just a bit odd. Great time, but it’s not “Christmassy”. I’m not really a Xmas person though so a nice change
  10. I think it’s one of the most popular sports however I’d expect the massive difference is most aren’t there for the actual horse racing. From my experience most people are there to dress up and enjoy a day out, and put a few bets on and couldn’t care less about the actual racing, or WHO wins. Besides going now and again for a big occasion, how many actively follow the sport?
  11. It’s really not… the players didn’t know it was offside but the linesman had flagged, they were making the ref aware I’d imagine. If this was any other team I don’t think you’d be spending so much time on an incident from how many years ago?
  12. That wasn’t the point… you said it was odd that they put their hands up after, which it isn’t. As for whether it’s offside, absolutely no way you can tell from the angle or photo you posted (especially as it’s after it’s left the players foot!)
  13. There’s nothing odd about it, they haven’t particularly played a trap there - he’s just strayed offside. The linesman flagged straight away, that’s why the players hands went up after they noticed
  14. Brilliant finish, and full credit to AW he’s been a great servant. I think the pass from Williams deserves a mention too, that was special
  15. Didn’t really seem to notice him, which can only be a compliment really?
  16. Are you saying because it’s his first game he should keep quiet? Or are you suggesting something else? None of the reports I’ve read suggest it’s anything to do with Sam, it’s someone in the crowd towards Carlton Morris? Ah the “just asking questions”
  17. This is my feelings too. What we’ve seen last couple of games is slightly different to what he tried to do straight away and I said that after Fridays game. He also made some odd player selections, TGH, Sykes out of position etc Theres a clear style and patterns of play forming (little triangles, off the ball movement, the same inside pass we saw a few times today - one I remember for Sykes’ narrow miss at 3-1). It’s not perfect, we were sloppy and lost it in risky places at times but that’ll come. He’s adapted well to a slow (and some will say poor) start, that’s a positive for me.
  18. Mehmeti is turning into the playing that we thought / hoped we'd see... love it. By no means a finished article, and still reminds me of Bolasie in his very early days, but the potential is there with confidence
  19. I didn't want to start a new thread but similarly, is it no longer possible to purchase a one off game on RobinsTV? Only option I had Friday, and again today was audio for the game - but I could get a month Video pass. I assume at least one of these games was actually streamed on RobinsTV? I'm out of the country so not a UK issue https://sports-10.com/watford-v-bristol-city/#
  20. So sorry for your loss @phantom very sad reading that and as others said so close to Xmas too. Hope you and your friends and his family are doing as well as can be expected at this time.
  21. I used to know Sam really well, but lost contact over the years. Has always been heavily involved in local football in Wiltshire running 5 a side leagues, soccer schools etc. He was at the Swindon school of excellence, and I believe he was on our books but never made an appearance, could be wrong. Wayne Allison is his cousin I think and Fitzroy Simpson his uncle? Watched him many times at Chippenham, on his day completely unplayable at that level could tell he had a higher pedigree, other days you barely knew he was there. He started refereeing at the very bottom, literally Chippenham & District Sunday league and has slowly worked his way up - albeit fast tracked a little over the last few years. Reffed a couple of games I played, honestly thought he was terrible, but he was just starting out then. Once booked me for diving which was a clear pen, never forgiven him. Great bloke though, wish him the best.
  22. Oh I agree… but like it or not those people still come through the door and add to the crowd, even if not every week
  23. If a player suffered a long term injury with only a few months left on their contract, then yes they may just pay up the contract and release them?
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