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Everything posted by mozo

  1. Yeah agreed. I hope you're right re Massengo. We need him back!!
  2. It's mad that even in a situation where three of our midfielders are injured and Bakinson has a real opportunity to secure his place in the team, he couldn't motivate himself to get stuck in. Obviously you're right about how he didn't show any energy in his tracking back, and I also noticed one time he had a chance to compete for the ball but decided to back off. I was fuming! How does he not know what Pearson expects of him? It's staggering.
  3. I think they used him a sparring partner for the Wilder fight, but yeah he seems to be part of their crew.
  4. There was definitely no interchange anywhere on the pitch from us!
  5. They're a fascinating family in that Fury clan. I wonder how much John was involved in that stuff and how much the kids were aware of it. Tris is a bit clunky with the broadcasting but he's seriously knowledgeable and churns out good content.
  6. Our performances were chalk and cheese in those games though. Astonishingly, Wells and Bakinson both started the Fulham game.
  7. Peter Fury did an interesting interview on the Boxing Life Stories podcast if you're interested. He refused to talk about the falling out, but he does open up a bit on his crime background. I thought he'd just been a bit of a heavy back in the day but he was a huge player in the drugs and protection racket.
  8. mozo


    And you may ask yourself... Why did Nige bring Wells on...? Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.
  9. We managed to stop Fulham. What was the difference?
  10. Is it possible that Massengo, Williams and King will all be injured in midweek meaning Bakinson is the default alongside James?! Ugh...
  11. So instead of Williams or Massengo being the question it's King or Bakinson ? ?
  12. The thing that bothered me today was that we couldn't even do the easy things right. Everything we did was shanked, bodged and scuffed and it got really frustrating.
  13. Pearson should have done one of his 30th minute substitutions with King today
  14. Bakinson looks knackered already and he's only been on for 5 minutes
  15. The flight of the ball seemed odd. Any chance it flicked Tanner's heel on the way in?
  16. With the ball, O'Dowda is the only one showing any quality. Without it, Kalas having to defend A LOT. We need something completely different second half.
  17. When we win today we'll be 6 points off the top after 12 games ?
  18. Yep I have that same feeling. We will win ?
  19. Just to counter that a tad, it's pretty rare to see a 10-8 round followed by a 7-10 round, and I think the 5th was interesting because Wilder went in for the kill but Fury turned the fight back round his way. It was very entertaining, especially if you're a Fury fan. But it wasn't a fight for the ages or an epic as has been described.
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