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Posts posted by mozo

  1. 18 minutes ago, Nibor said:

    First half was ok at best, reasonably even and we didn't deserve the gifted lead.  Second half was utter shite and Derby were able to chill out for the final half an hour.  We were lazy and inept and LJ is right to be angry.  

    'Okay at best'? We shaded it against a top side and went in 2-1. Some of our attacking play was great. I think the bad 2nd half has skewed your memory!

  2. I'd love to have him back but...

    on the issue of his distribution, lets be realistic: he played 1 type of ball out of defence all game, the 7 iron loft up to the winger/striker. Never did he pass it. Although, playing for a better team, I'm sure he could.

  3. the whole city experience is surreal mate.

    i am going to try and get some salsa dancing girls over to give us a 'hot toddy' before kick offs. but only after the PA system with ---- off speakers are installed and a big video screen at the new Bob Taylor stand end

    Yet again you've sinfully broken the bumping-your-own-threads-up-the-list-rule, and here I am justifying it by replying! I'll never learn. Lansdown's web-apes will not be happy. In fact, they'll be going bananas.

  4. How can you say that when he was played out of position, and in 20 minutes cameos! :@

    How about his four starts?

    And his reserve games.

    And the dozen or so sub appearances.

    And his inability to get into the Carlisle team.

    And what is his best position, he's played up front for nearly all his clubs (At Sunderland last year he just didn't play).

    Not our worst player, but a pointless signing in retrospect.

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