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italian dave

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Everything posted by italian dave

  1. Do you have any idea what that estimate currently is?. I believe there's a way virologists can calculate it. I thought a figure of 80% (of the population) had been mentioned for delta covid.
  2. Ah, OK, I'm with you! Mind you, if you are looking for coherence, consistency, sense, then anything that comes out of the mouth of our beloved leader is probably not the place to go! However, I can see that there's an issue with anything 'passport' related for a short period because not everyone's had the chance. Once everyone has had the chance it becomes more straightforward and - whether you agree with the principle or not - at that stage the passport can be as simple as evidence of the two jabs. And that really is then as simple as scanning your QR code. No more intrusive than, say, age checks to buy certain items etc. Presumably one of the issues with Israel is that they got further ahead longer ago, so must be getting to the point where people had both jabs months ago. I'd understood the green card to be their version of the passport. In Italy you're going to have to use a green card (which is the EU version of our vaccine code) to get into bars and restaurants from next month. I think it could well be coming. My personal view is that using it as an incentive to get people to have a vaccine isn't a bad thing. There was a piece about vaccine resistance (as in people not having it) on BBC earlier. Apart from one chap saying that he was worried it would result in the government knowing how much he earned, how intelligent he was, and everywhere he travelled, there were no absolute 'wont ever get it', mostly 'haven't been bothered yet/not quite sure'. And one young man who was going to have it because it would be his "football passport". I don't underestimate the ethical issues around that - just on balance think its the right way given the increasing evidence of vaccine take up slowing down.
  3. Of course. But it doesn't kill to the same degree as covid. It doesn't have the same serious long term consequences to the same degree as covid. (It also doesn't spread as easily as covid, especially delta covid). And in terms of community transmission its nowhere near the same case numbers as Bristol currently has of covid. Of course there's a risk every time we cross the road. And a risk of catching flu when you go to AG. But neither, I'd suggest, are anything like the risk currently around covid - given the case numbers in Bristol and the potential consequences at this point in time. Would you have had no restrictions at all, right from day 1? If so, I think you'd have been foolish. If not then it just becomes a judgement call when is the right time to adjust, and how. I don't know anyone who is "content with the prospect of repetitive lockdowns and endless restrictions". Do you? If ending all restrictions results in 100s of 1000s of people getting the virus every week and millions having to isolate - does that do anything for the economy or for people's physical or mental health? I repeat what I said earlier: I'm not suggesting that I have all the answers - but I am suggesting that things are not 'normal'. And you only have to look at the people just on here with concerns and reservations about going to watch a football match to see that.
  4. Yes - barley half the population is what I said. The virus doesn't distinguish between a 17 year old and a 19 year old. I know that the government publishes the figures "...of the adult population" partly because that sounds better and partly - to be fair - because its measure against who's been offered the vaccine.
  5. All true. But I don't think alters what I've said above. And I doubt many people have ever been to watch a match at Ashton Gate with the realistic possibility that one of those things might be the outcome.
  6. Like I said, I don't have all the answers. I just know that August - while we have an ongoing global pandemic, peak case numbers here, barely half the population vaccinated - isn't going to be "normal" as we knew it - and I'd hope it's not going to be 'normal' going forward. There seem to be two potential scenarios: either it goes away in a year or so, which would mean we go back to the normal we knew, but seems unlikely. Or we have to "live with it" but that will mean a new 'normal'. I don't agree with those who see this as just being like flu. People don't get "long flu", people don't suffer long term organ damage as a result of flu, people in their mid 20s don't have strokes as a result of flu (BBC News this morning). I don't think anyone knows what that new normal might like look like. But it's quite conceivable that it could include incentivisation to get vaccinated/restrictions if not. The 'some people cant have it' is a complete red herring: that's the case with a great many of the things we take for granted and there will be ways of managing that. As I say, I don't know what it looks like. But I honestly don't think you can pretend that going back to Ashton Gate for the Blackpool game will be just like going to the first home game in August 2019.
  7. Maybe the solution is as simple as making the vaccine passport blue https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/covid-vaccine-polling-hesitancy-support-brexit-voter-leave-oxford-university/
  8. I don’t know what all the answers are. I was just trying to make the point that it’s nonsense to talk about “going back to normal” when we are in the middle of a global pandemic. We all want ‘normal’ back, but it’s not going to happen in August. Yes, banning the unvaccinated from doing anything is one extreme of the potential responses. But just carrying on and trying to pretend it’s not happening is just as extreme the other way.
  9. Normal??? With Bristol’s infection rate, the Blackpool game could see dozens of people get ill as a result of going to the game, a number of them ending up in hospital, as well as hundreds getting pinged, many of whom will be unable to go to work as a result. And all having to miss the next game(s). That doesn’t sound like ‘normal’ to me.
  10. So, when do we get to hear the results of the last two pilot events, testing the impact of larger, nearer to full capacity crowds? They were the Euros final and semis - the former at least anecdotally being a true “super spreader” event. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/england-fans-testing-positive-for-wembley-variant-soars-after-euros-final-281693/ And what will the results mean for grounds being allowed to open to full capacity at the start of the season? Both questions asked decidedly tongue in cheek: my money is that Bozo’s determination to press ahead regardless of consequences will mean that these pilots are quietly forgotten.
  11. Looking for positives, they’ve been a bit more careful this time where they point the camera around the suspension bridge.
  12. I’m assuming that the reason HNM isn’t mentioned in that list is that we’ve forgotten just how young he still is, rather than anything more sinister. It’s incredible how many games he already has under his belt given his age and position. Really promising statements though from NP. Hope he lives up to it: we’ve heard similar before and it hasn’t happened. Not that I’ve any reason to doubt his commitment.
  13. Got it in one……..R#vers recruitment policy is exposed.
  14. Is that the film, or the first World Cup??
  15. It’s what he does! And almost unique among narcissists in living up to his own hype! I watched a video of his best 20 goals and every one would top most players!
  16. 26th November. Exactly as requested!
  17. It's what he does at then anyway, isn't it?
  18. Talk about iconic City defeats usually brings up Wolves, Cardiff, Ipswich, Hull, but for me that 2nd leg was up there with the very worst experiences. Fortunately, as far as Mehew is concerned I have an alternative memory. I was at a quiz night at Eastville and Mehew was in a Rovers players team, asked who won the European Chamionships in 1960, he answered Brazil!
  19. Showing my ignorance - but what was "that" programme?! Asking because a friend wanted to take us there and has booked a table - but not until August!! Is that programme the reason it's so hard to get a table, or a reason for not going?!
  20. And how appropriate that we mark that milestone with a debate about grammar! ?
  21. I'm not sure either, and you may well be right: I'm just being purely BCFC-centred!!
  22. From a purely selfish point of view I’d rather they had a big points deduction next season.
  23. So, essentially “maybe someone else might want to build us a stadium”. Story of their lives….and they still don’t get it ?
  24. Generous to credit them with an IQ of more than 5…
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