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Everything posted by CotswoldRed

  1. Pot Noodles and microwave burgers wouldn't total that much would they?
  2. And their bread is bloody awful. Rubbery, yet falls apart easily. How do they manage it?
  3. " I can remember when all of this was just fields. Oh .... it still is"
  4. Arguably. Rather than the taxpayer footing the bill through subsidy though, the supermarket should be made to pay a fair price in the first place. While there is no effective monopoly the supermarkets should be made to play ball. Governments in the pockets of business though.
  5. It isn't as simple as that. The market for farming produce is utterly dominated by supermarkets. There is, in essence, no market for their goods outside of the supermarkets themselves so they are merely puppets and have no other choice. They need support from the government (laugh!) - they can't do it with piecemeal demos or refusing to sell, thus nailing their own coffin shut.
  6. And money - if its closer and/or cheaper that'll save a few pennies which will help them buy even more to stuff their faces.
  7. I looked for the original (actually, paraphrased) text!
  8. So confident he seems to have now deleted it
  9. Have to say that while some will revel in this news, I can't help but think that I would never trust the justice system when it comes to corporate issues like this. Celebrating this would feel like celebrating justice for those with the biggest wallets. However, if true justice has been served then that is good news and I'm off to Sainsburys.
  10. Has there been a development in the story?
  11. Hope it sticks for a while. A Swindon win at Wembley might put the brakes on it.
  12. Champions aren't made in gyms? I thought the same when Andy Fordham won the World Darts Championship in 2004.
  13. I enjoyed Dean Saunders saying the other week that Swindon are the best side in the league. He's always been a useless manager.
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