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Everything posted by BigTone

  1. We lose games we should win
  2. I knew a girl with the same problem. Her name was Eileen. Also had a friend in Oz who was a Policeman. His nickname was SCUD because if he was having a bad time it was going to be "Some C***s Unlucky Day"
  3. I have a T Shirt with exactly this on it
  4. No problem with that as we all see things differently and I respect your opinion. Just think he tries to be too much of a show pony instead of a workhorse. Either way we will not progress with players like this in the team and never will. In saying that he is not alone in that respect,
  5. Correct. Released on 25th June 1971
  6. Thought Max was the only one to come through that with his head held high
  7. I am positive we were shite
  8. Mehmeti did zero today which pretty much sums up his time at the club. We will never progress with players of his calibre.
  9. I'm back on Fischer Z yet again
  10. The match fixing & ball tampering was long after I returned to UK.
  11. Val, when I lived in Oz I followed the cricket big time and certainly understood all. Every year they had the one day World Series (Kerry Packer if you recall) which was 3 nations playing (Oz & 2 others). They then changed the format to 4 teams (Oz A, Oz B & 2 others). Talk about trying to fix the outcome. Then came the match fixing, ball tampering & cheating allegations in cricket in general which put me off forever. It is a complete load of bollox. It is now the ultimate in cheating and nothing more.
  12. Absolutely brilliant @robinforlife2. Hope you all have a great day.
  13. I hope it is the former as for the first time in a while I intend to prise my wallet open and watch on Robins TV
  14. Cricket = darn good sleep
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