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Everything posted by BigTone

  1. I Riyadh no but in Jeddah I had a company vehicle so yes
  2. I was on circa £12k per month incl accommodation etc and all tax free. Received a further £1800 per month in cash (paid in Riyals) as pocket money. Had a car with driver at my disposal 24 hours per day.
  3. There is a market outside Riyadh that sells camels but they cost mega bucks and i mean mega bucks !! Interesting to witness though
  4. Never 100% sure that these sort of deals ever really work out for either party. Happy to be proven wrong.
  5. “By working, with discipline, I believe in myself and I know that what I am looking for will come to me” “Not everything is pretty, there is a lot of criticism and you have to be prepared for that” "Scoring goals is like f****** in the ass. You have to be very oiled" Ferrán Torres for LaLigaTV Oils well that ends well !!
  6. Personally I think being made to play an amount of games behind clothes doors is reasonable if proven after an investigation.
  7. French Polynesia ?? I thought that was a disease that affected a parrots memory !!! Why not mainland France ?? FFS
  8. When I sat in the freezing water I couldn't even find my dongle let alone configure it !!!
  9. Condensed Version Watford: go and get yourself a drink City win 1-nil COYR
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