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Everything posted by BigTone

  1. We have one that runs down the side of the house. I went and sat in it for the West Ham game and still couldn't get a decent coverage.
  2. Have a soft spot for FGR and am genuinely sorry to see them where they are. In saying that I am certainly no fan of their owner who in my mind needs to get to grips with reality instead of dictating to one and all what they should eat etc etc. They had been doing so well. Why has it suddenly gone tits up ? And football needs a break from LJ
  3. Agree with all you have said. Best thing I did was to move out of the compound and get my own apartment. By doing so it opened up many new friendships with local Saudis all of who were very hospitable. Did 2 tours of Saudi, one in Riyadh & one in Jeddah and have been asked many times if I would go back. Simple answer is yes.
  4. I, along with other France residing fans (formidably led by His Maj, the Major of Isewater), resemble that remark !! We even have our own flag ready for the heat of battle. PS: the only thing we do request is that you don't attack us at lunchtime as that is a tad inconsiderate. à l'eau, c'est l'heure
  5. Tried that but makes driving a tad difficult
  6. Likeky I agree but not given
  7. Believe what you want by @Davefevs but the OS says its a loan deal which indicates to me its a loan deal
  8. Weimann only on loan it seems
  9. Condensed Version Wet Spam: Southampton City 1 nil win COYR
  10. Here's one especially for you Robbo: Two Catholic priests go on holiday but didn’t want anyone else to know that they were priests so they left all their cassocks and priest gear at home and flew out to St Tropez and set up on two loungers enjoying the sun and seascape. That afternoon a stunning topless woman walked by ‘good afternoon fathers” she said as she walked by. Bewildered and confused they decided to guy some different clothes and set up the next day in Hawaiian shirts The same woman walked by “morning fathers” she said and carried on by. Even more confused they bought some budgie smugglers, covered themselves in sunscreen and set up again in the same spot. Then……..the same stunning topless woman came by “morning fathers”. One of the priests finally asked her how she knew they were priests “it’s me, she said “Sister Catherine”…….………
  11. Now then, some are ok (but not many). I like the one with the 2 guys about to eat the Twix while being watching by the 2 bears
  12. We have 2 and they are brilliant for all the reasons you mention.
  13. In my mind SL has one problematic issue and that is Bristol Sport. His vision his admirable but if he decides to sell is he selling BCFC as a separate entity or Bristol Sport in its entirety ? The latter really shortens the list of prospective buyers.
  14. My funds are tied up in premium bonds just now
  15. Ah, you kids have so much to learn and understand about supporting BCFC.
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