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Everything posted by frenchred

  1. rest in peace fellow red x
  2. this is one game nige and the team need to turn up for!
  3. playing players out of position? o dowda, scott and more persevering with Martin? no set pattern or set up allowing midfield to be over run continually playing youngsters when clearly not ready, fowler last season and this one as a very intelligent man once said the sign of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
  4. Mitrovic made a fool of our manager who insists on making the same elementary mistakes game after game. If he continues more will make a fool of him before the season is over and it may cost us!
  5. Most just use the excuse yo hide the fact that we are shit!
  6. We are where we are because the messiah keeps selecting useless dross like vyner when there is clearly better available
  7. He'd be a massive step up from vyner who I must say is absolute dog shit
  8. We will agree ro differ on your first sentence!
  9. This ref is having a shocker tonight!
  10. Just so your aware, sticking a fiver on us at those odds means you will only.lose a fiver!
  11. Towns talk been refurbished now, it's a lovely place believe it or not!
  12. Whichever one you go on I don't believe you will stop at putney Bridge, old bill out a stop to it a few years ago
  13. Any chance you could knock up one for my son in Portishead, we will all be friendly ?
  14. My Mrs turned over to watch the chase and that, I have to say, was more interesting! :laugh:
  15. The game before was even worse!
  16. I use podbean for my platform always works well for me
  17. The three I listen to are as follows: One Stream In Bristol Forever Bristol city 3 Peaps in a Podcast In that order!
  18. Oh **** me peopleninglass houses and all that! Millwall no worse than our idiots
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