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Everything posted by frenchred

  1. Played and managed at senior level from age 18, finished playing at 38, managed until mid 40,s You?
  2. Never played football manager in my life, preferred the real thing
  3. Yeah cause us never happened to us before has it (Liam Walsh anyone) piss poor response
  4. bloke is made of glass, let’s hope he’s not another who finally gets fit then does one. sell him as soon as he is fit
  5. Understand what you are saying mate but remember Germany is in the grip of the delta virus not omicron
  6. unfortunately some will believe anything the bumbling buffoon tells them. will try and spin their rhetoric to anyone who will listen. bungler has blood on his hands
  7. the best there is i reckon
  8. What must it be like to have a decisive government and not be led by a bungling, lying buffoon
  9. anyone know why bristol live are not reporting on the barton case? now if it was a fan ...............
  10. yes, confirmed on amazon prime, my best wishes to him/her
  11. Omg really! I thought he was a weak link for us when he was in his prime! And aging declining frankie is just sentimental clap trap!
  12. Ah OK, so you don't actually know of any then. Cool story bro!
  13. Sweeping statement! Who are these beat coaches in the world operating at youth level?
  14. I don't wet the bed any more young un, unless I've drunk to much alcohol, when you're old enough to drink you may be the same! ??
  15. She is absolutely terrible quite possibly the worst. Each to their own egh
  16. Yes but your not allowed to mention it! Basically if these channels picked the best person for their roles no women would be involved and that's just not allowed in today's woke world!
  17. And that's exactly what it is! Sunday league level
  18. Not like we rent our stadium is it ..................
  19. Rather scratch me balls on a cheese grater than watch that
  20. Suppose I'll have to leave the country to watch
  21. He actually signed for Liverpool the day Shanklin resigned!
  22. Get yourself a fire stick then cheap flight to another country for each match!
  23. One of my favourites growing up. Rip legend
  24. It was petulant, childish and not needed. Showed a real lack of discipline I would fine them all.
  25. Just because someone has a different view he shouldn't be slagged off, you could reverse your second paragraph to those who support him and only come on when we win! I don't believe anyone is asking him for an update each time we lose, but the silence is deafening. As fans (not customers) we should all be informed, this would make us a more inclusive club. As a thought why can't he put a couple of updates out per year and publicise in advance, say at the start of the year, then we would know when we would hear from him? Just a thought
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