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bert tann

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Posts posted by bert tann

  1. Doesn't Sinclair wash his own dick?

    Dick washing was a feature of behind the scenes activity at Rovers for many a long year in fact I instigated it when we signed Dick Sheppard in 1969. As Bishop of Liverpool he was used to "wetting the baby's head"  but unfortunately had a habit of fumbling with his clothes when it came to other regions and eventually this gave rise to personal hygiene issues. I solved the problem by recruiting some ladies from the Topaz Massage studio on Stapleton Road and it wasn't long before Dick's all over Bristol were queuing up to take advantage of the services we provided under the "Eastville for Entertainment" banner. Sadly, in recent years, Dick washing has given way to Nick watching and whilst we are all naturally eager to anticipate the Chairman's next move it is a rather limp substitute and signally fails to provide the warm tingly glow which Gasheads had come to expect.   

    • Like 3
  2. Bert

    I think your wit will be lost on most that have posted on this thread. In fact about 90% that post on this forum.


    As far as I am concerned we are us and you are not but everyone is on the same wavelength except Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan who is on the BBC Home Service.

    • Like 3
  3. That is rather sweet, sadly for you you're not going anymore. Stuck in the memorial ground with your falling down tent and plastic white chairs forever... Oh well.


    Care to substantiate that allegation about the tent falling down ?


    Our tent is in as good a condition as when it left Millets and it keeps hundreds of spectators warm and dry every season so please don't mock.


    I have to concede your point on the white plastic chairs though because in my day we wouldn't have considered such scruffy tat even if it had  been invented then. Good old solid seasoned English chipboard was the order of the day at Eastville.

    • Like 6
  4. I'm quite happy that this man that runs the show is a die hard City fan and when he's long gone we then have his son to take over whos an even bigger fan. So actually it's two people running this show but lets not let the facts get in the way.

    Hows the Nick Higgs one man show getting on? Lost in court. Owe millions and no clear plan on how to move forward. Ok.


    Until there is a cure for Stockholm Syndrome young Nicholas will continue as Grand Admiral of the good ship Rovers.


    You see the supporters have become accustomed to being prisoners, with shifty Nick as their jailer, and they like it.  Anyone offering the prospect of a revitalised club which could take it's place in the modern football world is feared or even loathed because that would threaten the slovenly safe haven of  Gasutopia.


    In my day Stockholm Syndrome was an infatuation with blue eyed blond haired Swedish girls displaying large knockers but that is another story.

  5. Looks like they updated the job ad this afternoon:




    Must have someone in place for tomorrow, interviews are next week (if anyone applies!)


    Someone has made yet another mistake they really do need to get their act together !



    "To be professional at all times both during work hours and outside of work hours in order to maintain the excellent reputation of Bristol Rovers F.C."


  6. Correct but, would the removal of the existing car park have a detrimental effect on the licence for use as a sports stadium? I use the term stadium loosely.



    If it did then Rovers would hurriedly put out an appeal on the social media for someone with an appropriate license to help out on a casual basis.

    • Like 1
  7. Here we go !  


    All debts are paid, Nicholas gets his money back and Rovers are tenants again.


    Don't worry about those revenue streams they are all water under the bridge now.  



    UWE Seek Permission To Build 15,000 Stadium



    Vital Gas understand that UWE have spoken to South Gloucestershire Council about building their own Stadium on their land.

    Its understood that UWE have spoken about downsizing the plans to make it a 15,000 all seater stadium instead of the 21,700 that Rovers hoped to build, but they will have scope to expand the stadium at a later date. Its not clear if UWE have spoken to Rovers yet, but its a possibility that Rovers will be asked to become tenants if the Council approve.

    Just yesterday Rovers were give permission to appeal the High Court ruling that allowed Sainsbury's to pull out of a deal to buy the club's Memorial Stadium.

  8. 5a9da5927f813114e52fbc82b01f2476.jpg

    Just seen this wonderful image on a rovers fans Facebook page.

    Nice to see the scarf being held correctly.



    All the lampooning, the satire, the parody and yet still Nicholas and his blue and white army manage come up with something funnier.


    It's  enough to make you weep.


    Which probably explains why Mrs Tann left a puddle on the floor when she saw that photograph.

  9. To be fair he said he could earn more stacking shelves at sainsburys



    The campaign to force Sainsburys into submission is gaining momentum ...



    kruger      24 minutes ago


    Have everyone finished commenting on their site now, just wondering because I have been on there and left loads of comments but mine are the only ones on there, also I have filled up a few trolleys and left them, am I the only one left doing it or is there others still doing it? Hope I'm not the only one because that's what they would have been hoping for, for us to get bored and stop.



    truegas    5 minutes ago


    Hadn't thought about commenting on their website but I'll continually go in there to fill up the odd trolley and leave it, every now n again, if I'm in the area & got some time to kill.

    Their staff represent Sainsbury's, so I'll make sure they pay the price over and over, just like we will, every time we play a home game at the Mem instead of UWE.

    If ever I stumble across the opportunity to do something negative towards Sainsbury's, I'll always be sure to take it.


    • Like 2
  10. It would be a sad day for semi professional football if the Basement Rovers thread dropped off the front page of OTIB.


    I was looking forward to purchasing a replica kit for my great great grandson "Young Bert" at the Rovers family fun day but sadly, due to a technical difficulty, they will not be available. Something about not having pub advertisements on kids clothing apparently ?  

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