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bert tann

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Posts posted by bert tann

  1. 22 hours ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    Actually there are several posters on both Rovers forums who take a cynical/pessimistic view of our new owners. These people aren't banned, but they do face a barrage of criticism, as you would expect. They would get the same on here, if they were City fans who consistently criticised the club.  That's to be expected.

    I'm talking about a relentless and bizarre campaign to criticise everything Rovers do nowadays, all expressed on your forum.  No praise for promotions, no praise for a good manager, no praise for a good striker.  Just negativity.  And all this from a Rovers fan. Please.....

    As I've said before, if the alter ego of Bert (let's call him Fred (Ford)), existed on Gaschat, those on here who read his bile would be seriously critical of him for a) his total negativity and b) his cowardly decision to only post on a rival forum.

    He is not a fan of Bristol Rovers. He is either a fake or disturbed.

    I'm not letting him off.



    Great news about the training ground planning application but the sense of apprehension on both club’s fans forums is palpable. For Rovers fans the feeling is “what will go wrong this time ?” and City fans are split between some thinking “is this a sign that Rovers really are going to start catching us up ?” and others licking their lips at the prospect of another mammoth catastrophe to lampoon. 

    For the latter there is a promising start with the pig farm and the caravan park adjacent to the site. But the real fun will begin when the Portakabins appear and unflattering comparisons are made with the City training ground at Failand.  As the local residents objections are thrust into the public gaze it will be the Rovers reaction which causes the storm. Quite probably another hate campaign or boycott will be instigated to cement our image in the minds of the public as the poor perennial victims. However, assuming all the hurdles are overcome then, next March we can fully expect to see photo’s of Darrell and the lads huddled outside some temporary accommodation next to a windswept field as training is once again cancelled due to unplayable pitches. 

    Great fun for OTIB readers but why in the world does it have to be like this Mr Flea ? 

    The training ground project offers an excellent opportunity to start the process of rebuilding the Rovers brand so why waste it by blundering in and creating a hostage to fortune by talking about a March opening date ?  Rather than building up expectations and egging on the fans with hints of “diggers moving in” why not take a more measured approach and explain in detail exactly what the vision is and how it is going to be achieved. Surely we can extend the current training ground lease for another twelve months ? We’ve done things “on the hoof” for years and it always ends up in disappointment and ridicule. 

    The “Tann Plan” would be based on the stated aim of Rovers to be “Successful, Sustainable and an Asset to the Community”. It would stress the importance of the training ground as a base for the academy and highlight what is being done now and what is planned for the future. The Rovers academy http://roversacademy.co.uk/ is a credit to the club and deserves much more attention than it gets. By using professionals to both design and publicise the whole project we would show we really mean business this time and that the rag bag image is gone forever. The morale of our current supporters would be genuinely strengthened and the unhealthy need to forever compare ourselves with Bristol City would be diminished. By demonstrating in detail how Rovers plan to be promoting sport at the heart of the community we would be differentiating ourselves and creating an entity where success is not necessarily measured just by league tables or spending power but is judged by it’s positive impact on society in North Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Among the uncommitted sports fans in the area we would be forging a desire to come and be part of our new club.    

    As Winston Churchill once said “we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender" 

    Or as Fred Ford once said  “we shall fight where we got a chance of f*cking winning”     



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  2. 34 minutes ago, City Rocker said:

    Sorry , but I can't see any attempt to extract humour in that post. Just exasperation. Strangely, Bert gets a fair bit of sympathy on this site, because he clearly cares and feels hurt by the repeated and continuous embarrasment delivered by the club he supports. What are these other like-minded websites where you feel Bert will get a sympathetic arm around his shoulder?


    Thanks, you called it right.

    The quotes in my post are directly from the Wael Al-Qadi interview with Geoff Twentyman in which he confirmed that since his take over no new business management structure has been put in place.

    And in the same broadcast his friend Samir said that many in Jordan had thought the Rovers take over was a rich boy getting a new toy to play with. No wonder that piece was taken out for the TV edition.

    My quest to get serious points across through parodying Rovers is becoming increasingly difficult because the reality is so often funnier than anything which I can write.  


    • Like 10
  3. 30 minutes ago, Fiale said:


    Well you will get a new home which is the important thing - I am sure the club will have something in place, ownership, long lease or something in place to make it worthwhile, and as you said I am sure UWE will have contingencies in place in the contract as well. How much footballing excitement can one city take - onwards and upwards :yes:

    Yes the new home is crucial but without the correct working capital and management structures in place it will all be wasted.

    This latest UWE Freshers fair gaffe illustrates that Wael Al-Qadi was being completely honest when he told Geoff Twentyman about his new management structure. "Well Steve has replaced Nicholas and another Steve has replaced Toni and my mate Karim is meant to be developing business and then there is all the old staff". 

    It doesn't make any sense unless all you want is a train set which you can watch go around and around and rely on your parents to keep paying for it. 

    Which I think might be what Samir was trying to tell us and explains why he was edited out of the TV edition of the programme. 

    • Like 2
  4. 38 minutes ago, Fiale said:




    Possibly good news, will be interesting to find the details out.


    hmmm just saw they are a finance, investment, pension company for Teachers. Lot's of their funding and investment in educational linked investments - so did Wael find these people, or has UWE stepped in to save the day ?


    If it's true then the link would appear to be more through educational contacts than Jordanian ones.

    Nicholas was told he'd have to put everything from the Mem sale into the stadium and that no debt could be attached to it. The UWE would clearly like a stadium on their campus but not one which risks damaging their prestige through the type of financial distress situation which is quite common in the football business. Imagine a dilapidated structure with weeds growing up through the tarmac and newspaper headlines with lurid details exposed as each cash crisis erupts and the owners issue pathetic appeals for help. So it is likely they would make sure any deal included a clause allowing them to take control if there was any likelihood of that happening. 

    How many train sets are there packed up in the loft because the kids lost interest and the parents wanted it out of sight and out of mind after all the money they had wasted on it ?



  5. Another day and another embarrassing own goal by Rovers.

    The new owners are very nice people but they don't seem to understand there is a limit to the number of  "faithful" who will put up with this kind of shambles and those "faithful" are an ageing group which is not large enough to sustain a football club above league 1 level.

    There are rumours in the wind that the American financial services company TIAA will be financing the stadium build.

    But with Rovers inadequate capitalisation and no attempt at a professional business strategy it can only be a matter of time before ownership reverts to the UWE .   


    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, NOTBLUE said:

    Bert,is Alfie Biggs the one who kicked a copper,and was quite often dragged out of the Black Swan on Stapleton rd before home games.


    His foot slipped, it could have happened to anyone.

    And he was only in the Black Swan helping the landlord to empty his barrels.


    • Like 3
  7. 25 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

    I believe it's true that their record signing is still the £350k?? That they paid for Andy Tilson, 20 odd years ago! 


    Don't forget the £12 000 we paid to bring Alfie Biggs back from Preston in 1962.

    That was 12% of the Jimmy Greaves' £99 999 record transfer fee so if Pogba is worth £90 million today then using the same yardstick Alfie would be worth £10.8 million or about the same as your Kodja fellow. Unfortunately we cannot use that yardstick because, although the finance is in place, the feasibility study has not yet been completed.

    Older OTIBers may or may not concur with my view that Harry Kane is the modern day equivalent of Alfie.  :yes:

    But they will certainly agree that the rivalry between our clubs was more civilised in those days and I can only apologise for the disgraceful comments by a supposed Rovers supporter about a Bristol City WFC player. This trait of reveling in malicious abuse is not solely aimed at you reds either because the sneering at clubs like Yeovil Town and the attempted bullying of Wycombe Wanderers goes hand in hand with the vicious disrespect shown to our former managers as exemplified by the "Oldgas" post quoted earlier in this thread.   

    I pray that one day the true Rovers spirit of sportsmanship will return. 


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  8. 1 hour ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    Keep getting those likes Bert. It must keep you happy. 

    Have you been to many games lately? Which ones? Do you think that the club and squad have improved or declined in the last two years?

    It's not about me though is it ?

    It's about Rovers and how we still keep serving up absurdities like this for City fans to mock and for the wider community to gaze in amazement at.

    This was a widely publicised media presentation offering an opportunity to project an exciting vision of Rovers' future and to showcase the professionalism and passion which we hope will attract neutrals to our cause. And what we got was a bumbling stumbling interview with an owner who came across as weak and woolly and had clearly done no preparation whatsoever. In the background we heard an audience containing a number of giggling misfits some of whom were questioned later and merrily dropped a series of clangers which demonstrated the intellectual level to which many fans have sunk after years of oppression at the Mem. As Danny said himself, in a post earlier, this is not intended to be a snobbish or unkind comment it's just a statement of how any reasonably intelligent supporter of any football club would feel after hearing the radio programme.

     Yes, Wael comes across as a kind and courteous man and yes in some ways his gentle humility is attractive and preferable to the bombasity of Nicholas. But why does he allow this tawdry amateurish image of Rovers to continue and when is he going to demonstrate that he has the experience, character and ability to lead a professional football club ?

    We didn't get any straightforward answers about the UWE Stadium but at least we did get a revealing interview with a friend of the President who had clearly read my post on here about a rich kid being bought a new toy train set to play with. 


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  9. 1 minute ago, Port Said Red said:

    You sound so negative! Are you sure you are a genuine Gashead? :whistle:


    7 minutes ago, DancinDannyD said:

    Well - no.  Although he did say the UWE is the only site they're looking at, and funding isn't a problem. But then said a team of accountants are currently reviewing feasibility and lots of discussions with other parties need to conclude.  So nobody any the wiser really.

    Oh and just about the worst fans panel they could pull together - cringeworthy even if I say so myself. 


    Danny, I'm surprised at that admission.

    Any true Gashead will tell you that once a site has been selected, design completed, planning permission obtained and finance put in place.

    The next logical step is to do a feasibility study :yes: 

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                                                                              From the Book of Revelation


    And on the eighth day the people were summoned to the tabernacle to hear the great redeemer speak

    He told of the false covenant of the syrup of figs and the multitudes did hiss and spit like vipers

    Thereof the redeemer did say “fear not for I come from the east, with wise men carrying tablets, to part the red sea and lead ye to the land of milk and honey where ye may kick the ass till the judgment day cometh” and the people did rejoice and their spirits were soothed.

    But no sooner had the soothing begun then low and behold a dark cloud descended over the tabernacle and a messenger appeared and bowed before the great redeemer saying “my lord the learned men of the temple proclaim ye are not a redeemer but a deferrer and ye have not produced the fifty pieces of silver they were promised so the land of milk and honey has become a forbidden paradise and you and your followers must return to the wilderness until a true saviour appears”.

    On hearing this the great redeemer flung himself at the mercy of the multitudes, begging forgiveness, casting off his fine robes of blue and white linen and clothing himself in sack cloth and ashes saying “I come not to be like david gold or because oldfrankincensed or to get my picture in the daily mirror but because I love football and perhaps one day someone will donate the cash to buy Rovers a new ground so please don’t be unkind to me it was only a bit of fun.

    And as the heavens opened (no refunds allowed) there came forth from the throng of specially invited guests a chosen disciple who bowed before the great redeemer and sayeth “ oh master we are your faithful and true followers who will believe anything you tell us so please don’t pretend you have no money or means to build a new ground and just get on with buying up all the available commercial land in Bristol so we can have the stadium and training centre as well as our own state of the art asylum.



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  11. 6 minutes ago, reddoh said:

    are you gas ? :-)


    7 minutes ago, reddoh said:

    are you gas ? :-)


    Certainly not, I'm an irate and always have been

    Certainly not, I'm an irate and always have been



    (sorry, I think someone's taken the P)

    (sorry, I think someone's taken the P)




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  12. On 8/26/2016 at 16:52, DancinDannyD said:

     Debate is healthy.  Tell you what, meet you in the bar at the Mem before any of our upcoming league games? 100% genuine offer, not picking a fight, quite the contrary, shake each other's hand and I'll buy you a Thatchers and we can debate how best to both air our concerns and constructively support our team.

    As I say, 100% no bullshit, genuine offer.  Next 3 home games Rochdale, Port Vale, Fleetwood.  Drinks on me.  Deal? 


    I'm too old Danny why don't you try match.com ?

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  13. 8 minutes ago, DancinDannyD said:

    As I've said before -  challenging what a club does and offering constructive criticism is healthy.  Too many fans follow blindly and don't question what is happening.  So I have no problems with a supporter genuinely asking searching questions.  No problems at all.

    However, also as I've said before a genuine 'fan' would also balance that criticism and recognise some of the positives that comes out out of the club. You, my friend, constantly come on to the staunchest rivals site and constantly sneer, snipe and criticise everything and everything related to the Gas.  As far as I'm aware you don't post on any of the Rovers forums (the club you're supposed to support) as I don't recognise your style there but I'm happy to be corrected if I am mistaken about that. 

    Did you post anything positive after promotion back from the Conference? No.

    When the Al Qadi's took over and removed the immediate danger of administration? No.

    When the club were promoted from L2? No.

    As I said the other day, compared to where we could have been 2 years after Mansfield to where we are today, even the most critical supporter would recognise we're in a much better place.

    Yes, there's a long way to go. Yes, the Al Qadi's still have a lot to prove BUT your constant sneering and even the use of the word 'Prowed' above (that ONE fan used - Christ if you want me to point out all the spelling and grammatical mistakes on this forum I'd be here all day!) proves to me exactly what you are.  

    You know it, I know it.  Most others deep down know I'm right too.


    I'm sorry if my postings cause you distress but I have to say that criticism, questioning and lampooning are a part of our history.

    The term "Gasheads" is a relatively recent one and unfortunately, despite the many excellent qualities in our support base, has also come to signify passivity, self obsession and an unwillingness to confront harsh truths. When we were simply Rovers or the Pirates it was home supporters who used to sing "send Bert Tann to Vietnam" and I've had many heated arguments with  genuine fans who were angry that the money used to build the North Stand at Eastville in 1959 was not spent on the team. Since "Gasheads"  was coined for us by the reds we have hardly become a better football club.  But nowadays, as you say and Nicholas once said, challenging the club and offering constructive criticism is deemed healthy. That is unless someone actually tries to do it in which case they must be a City fan.

    In terms of professionalism, communication, investment and having a strategic plan which is visible to supporters I can't see much difference between Nicholas and the new regime. My "lone arranger" skit was focusing on the likelihood that they are preparing to take on massive debts which will dwarf Nicholas's little MSP loan and yet everyone is clapping and cheering as if there is no tomorrow.

    Shouldn't someone be asking about this ?

    Or do we carry on with "he's a Gashead, he is a successful businessman, he knows what's best", like we did before ?





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  14. 43 minutes ago, DancinDannyD said:

    Said like the true Rovers fan you clearly aren't :facepalm: (as I've said before).  If anyone else on here can't clearly see that those are the words of a City fan 'pretending' to be a Rovers fan then they're obviously deluded.  As I've said before - not ONE positive thing EVER comes out of your ramblings anout the Rovers and it's so transparent you're not who you pretend to be.

    You may fool many on here but not me my City supporting friend .. :mf_sleep:


    One of our strengths used to be the ability to laugh at ourselves.

    Another was the ability to use shrewdness in choosing when, where and how we should compete with Bristol City.

    Under the Nicholas Higgs regime we blundered from crisis to crisis serving up plenty of ammunition for our foes and becoming identified by the neutral sports fans in Bristol, whom we will need on board if we are ever to progress, as a joke of a football club.

    We were expecting something different from the new regime.

    More professionalism, more investment and a strategic plan setting out a future vision in which we felt included. 

    So that we could genuinely stand prowed and gain the true respect and admiration of others instead of having to constantly build ourselves up and slap ourselves on the back at every opportunity no matter how trivial.

    What have we got Danny ?   



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  15. 5 hours ago, Philgas said:

    And that's how we like it 


    3 hours ago, MC RISK77 said:

    He has got no class or substance but that's what you love? Says it all...


    If we cut to the chase it's quite obvious that Wael and Stephen Hamster are uneasy with some aspects of Darrell's personality and likewise he is not entirely relaxed working with them. But this should all be part of that Evo Stik not Revlon Solution thing and if the exercise is being carried out properly we shall be seeing a calmer and more professional Darrell Clarke emerge in future.

    Unless it's all a load of baloney and they are just waiting for an opportunity to parachute a slick and sexy foreigner in to his position  ...  


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  16. With a respectable performance from the team and an impressive turn out from the fans this was a good night for Rovers.

    And it must have been a wonderful occasion for Wael Al-Qadi as well

    Our side are desperately hoping he is not simply a football obsessive with a wealthy family behind him who is achieving his moment of fame now but without any real ability or resources to make Rovers a better club in the longer term. 

    As we ride the roller coaster of this riveting Rovers-City rivalry let's make sure we have a lot of laughs along the way. 




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  17. 8 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    Well, since we're playing Cardiff on Thursday, I expect you'll be standing in the away section telling everyone how Matty Taylor is never going to cut it in League 1.  I'm sure they'll also all agree with you.


    That would not serve any purpose.

    But interestingly there was a poster on here last season who is either involved in scouting himself or knows a professional scout and his opinion was that Matty would make it in league 1 but probably not get much higher. That was just one person's opinion but as far as I recall it was debated respectfully and he was not chastised for giving a relatively positive assessment of a Rovers player. We all hope our manager can continue to improve our players so they are capable of playing at a higher level and that, in my opinion, is one of the strongest reasons for bringing in better quality players because working alongside better quality players undoubtedly helps to improve the technique and tactical awareness of existing players. Which makes it even more ludicrous that many Rovers fans, in their misplaced loyalty, are celebrating the fact that so few new players have been brought in and kidding themselves that "this is what Darrell wants". 

    But we shouldn't be discussing the Rovers team on a City forum we'll get kicked off if we're not careful :whistle:     

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  18. 5 hours ago, richwwtk said:



    1 hour ago, Smaller than a flea said:

    I know you get a lot of likes on this forum by, in written form, wearily shaking your hand and bemoaning how lame Rovers are, but it's a slightly odd thing for a Rovers "fan" to do, isn't it?


    It is unconventional but worthwhile if it draws attention to the absurdity which remains at Rovers despite the regime change.

    I make no apology for challenging the wisdom of our President re-tweeting the boast about Facebook likes.

    In February, after years of watching Nicholas stumble from crisis to crisis, all of us believed the new owners would tighten up our defences and then launch an attacking strategy.

    But six months on and we are still scoring own goals 

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  19. 49 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    It would also appear that, if we assume Saturday's attendance to be an average for the season, then they will only have beaten that figure 9 times in their history.

    You mean the 1950's ?

    Ah, but what a manager Rovers had then eh Rich ?

    Clough, Ferguson & Shankly all rolled into one with just a touch of the Arsene although we won't go into that.

    Up at post 11199 RumRed has a photo of Stephen Lansdown and in it I have to say he looks just like a farmer I used to buy gallons of cider from goodness knows how many years ago. This is not intended to be disrespectful. In fact I wonder how many other fans thought something similar when they saw that photo. A typical West Countryman - one of your own you might say - and certainly not the stereotypical image of a grey faceless businessman.

    I thought it was rather nice.

    On the other hand Rovers now have a non-Bristolian owner for the first time in our history and we must work out how we are going to adapt to this situation and compete with Bristol City in a way which will inspire our fans and attract neutrals to our cause. I would suggest the rather weedy response of re-tweeting about Facebook likes which can be purchased for £ 120 per 10 000 from thesocialguys.co.uk is a sign that we have not yet come up with a winning strategy.

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