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Posts posted by GrahamC

  1. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    I try to fairly respectful on OTIB to all posters but we have some effin belters on here tonight.

    Most of us realise that the long winless run is poor, but also that so far this season we have been 30 seconds from a home win & lost by the odd goal today.

    Hardly a crisis. We could badly do with a win this week but most realise Pearson has limited funds & a tough job on.

    I feel I could be posting this every week in response to certain posters at present.

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  2. We know we are struggling but this false equivalence is insane.

    Losing to Boro, potentially the likes of Fulham, Sheff U & West Brom is ******* light years away from being a fourth division side, despite what the local media might have you believe.

    Their results so far, considering Barton has signed an entire team & pay wages far higher than their rivals, are absolutely pitiful.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

    Did Richard Latham tell TC or Bug Joe what formation they should be picking? Or Peter Godsiff pontificate to Fred Ford or Alan Dicks??

    Generating clicks on his employer's garbage website is one thing but this smacks of a death wish.

    Funny, though. 

     No, because it isn’t their job.

    Pearson pretty much confirmed that he’s wedded to a back four this week, so I have no idea why Gregor is even suggesting this.

    Also, he talks about a way for us to score more goals & even though it is an admittedly small sample size, we’ve scored 3 in 2 games, so hardly a drought.

    It really is a bizarre article, which claims we were flying at the start of last season by playing Weimann, Wells & Martin together but then neglects to mention Paterson’s role presumably, because as he isn’t here any more it doesn’t fit with his suggestion.

    The players at the back in that run in this formation were Hunt (RWB), Rowe (LWB), Mawson, Taylor & Vyner, so as only one of those is in the side at the moment & he’s playing in a different position & 3 of them have left, it really is a weird one.

    • Like 2
  4. 13 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    Think there seems to be a lot of people who’ve forgotten we’ve gone through/are still going through a global pandemic, and Nagy is one of many who’s living miles away from family/friends. 

    he’s just had his first kid, that’s not the greatest combination. Don’t blame him for wanting out one bit


    8 minutes ago, BOSRed said:

    Question needs to be asked, will he be missed? No is the answer so it’s an easy sell, especially with minimal time remaining on contract. He has his pros but I think he will very quickly be forgotten, no disrespect intended

    There are no “easy sells” unless you can get someone to buy.

    Hopefully his agent has been warming clubs up or we could be left with a player still with us next month that doesn’t want to be here & we won’t pick.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, brad blit said:

    I keep reading about him having high wages, but does anyone have an idea what he’s actually earning in comparison to someone like Kalas who I presume is our highest earner? @Davefevs perhaps you know? 

    He was in the top third as I understand it, not on as much as Kalas but with Weimann & Baker having renegotiated, probably now in the top five or six.

    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, sephjnr said:

    Maybe getting my facts muddled (nowt new there), but wasn't the chair of the hearings severely anti-stadium / Pro Dogshit Green? especially after the previous person nominated was pro-stadium but felt he couldn't take the chair as he was in favour?

    Yep, it was a murky business all round.

    Probably the last major example of where this lobby group were able to stop development, but even there Steve Lansdown has still managed to use the sale of half of that land for housing to fund the new sporting quarter.

    • Like 2
  7. 16 minutes ago, Laner said:

    How times have changed... wasn't Ferguson one of the loudest opponents of the stadium developments? But happy to use it to promote one of his businesses?

    Ferguson opposed Ashton Vale but supported the refurbishment of Ashton Gate.

    In hindsight he was right & probably understood that under planning law we were never going to get AV done.

    • Like 8
  8. 28 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

    I really liked Brett, had some great skill and control, and scored some wonderful goals but didn’t have the endless energy or running of Andi Weimann. I do remember the fans shouting for him when Maynard was off the boil/refusing to sign but Brett couldn’t step up as a viable replacement. I was sad to see him go, a bit like Matty Taylor

    Saying Pitman didn’t have the energy or running of Weimann is like saying Susan Boyle doesn’t look like Kate Moss.

    Pitman basically plays walking football, he can’t (or won’t) run to save his life.

    He is an excellent finisher but as Nogbad says, this is like some famous singer ending up in Broadmead with a cardboard sign & a hat half full of small change, a truly desperate end to a pretty decent career.

    • Like 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, Engvall’s Splinter said:

    Pitman a good signing for them. Mental we cast him off about 5+ years ago. 

    2013 & certainly one of many baffling decisions by McInnes.

    He should score goals in L2 & certainly won’t get any slower, because he had no pace (or willingness to run) in the first place.

    Very good finisher though.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, Sturny said:

    Wael Al Qadi: “As a club we stand firmly against any form of violence. Any individual that is found guilty of any such offences will be dismissed immediately... However, in line with the basic principles of British law, it is my view that you are innocent until proven guilty”

    Stand against any form violence? Is that why you hired a manager who assasults other managers? 

    Who has already served a prison sentence, & has a track record of this.

    Not really thought that statement through, have you, Wael?

  11. Anyway back to matters on the pitch, a very decent effort for the Fourth Division club to hold the mighty Havant & Waterlooville to a goalless draw at fortress Mem last night.

    Looks like the player described by the Post as like “Jack Grealish” (I kid you not, I can’t actually remember his name, but he scored 10 for Forest Green last season) must have had an off day?

    Missing the tactical genius of Norman Stanley Barton, presumably?

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  12. 4 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    I’m sure plenty of the regulars on Slagchat will claim that it was the wife’s fault, or that she made a meal of it....just like they did when it was the Barnsley manager on the receiving end.

    Seems completely out of character to me ?

    • Haha 2
  13. 1 hour ago, TomF said:

    I'm still worried the Portishead line work will get canned due to rise in construction costs.  However the work is out for tender by Network Rail.  I think main thing is to get the railway open and then opening stations along it becomes more realistic.  


    There is a lot of opposition to the Ashton Gate station bit, not least from Avon & Somerset police, but at least getting the line up & running is a start.

  14. 12 minutes ago, YorkshireSection said:

    Any news on the redevelopment of the atyeo stand, is it possible to rebuild it with a higher capacity? Possibly steeper, maybe with rail seating/standing?

    There are no plans for this, it has been mentioned numerous times by SL that the ground is plenty big enough for us & the proximity of houses on Ashton Rd makes this logistically impossible.

    SL doesn’t own any of them, either…

    • Like 1
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  15. 2 hours ago, OneCity said:

    Yep, and I wish it was more too.

    We can take the mickey out of the sags all day long saying, where have their thousands of loyal and true disappeared to? But in our 70s pomp we could boast close to 40k for the big games, so where did they all go?

    Whereas a large portion of potential next gen Rovers fans will be more attracted by the bright lights of Ashton Gate than the gloom of a scrubby allotment in Horfield (and who could possibly blame them), it is also true, unfortunately, that a portion of potential new City fans have been lost to the big Prem glamour boys like Liverpool and Chelsea and Man City and so on. Because in the same period of time - the last thirty years - we have hardly covered Bristol in glory.

    Sorry but two or three games aside that 40,000 stuff is bollocks.

    Dig out a book and look at our attendances in the top flight, I can remember a few games with barely 15,000 of us there & 20,000 being very good for us & that is well before we started our fall.

    Our gates then fell off a cliff, I can recall Championship standard games in crowds of 6000.

    It was built back up under the Cooper & Jordan era but dropped again under Osman.

    Our support in the last few years has been absolutely amazing, partially because anyone moving here & interested in watching football is only going in one direction.

    • Like 3
  16. They do this shit every year, don’t they?

    Some load of bulk signings (4 today) that no one has ever heard of pretty soon after the previous season ends, their fans start up the “we’re going places” stuff (you are, Sutton United) & some of our more intellectually challenged pipe up with “why haven’t we signed anyone”?

    Went well last year, didn’t it?


  17. 8 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    My point was, Gray, how could they do worse than ending the season in last place?

    What's amusing is that they assume they'll bounce back instantly. Every division they play in they assume they are a 'big club' at that level.

    They made the same assumption last time they dropped to the basement. That didn't end too well....

    They’re ******** & there is also an element of North Korea about their fan base.

    They massively exaggerate their support & seem to think the football world loves them, too. Weird.

    Can only believe the muppet who posted this dragged Cotts in as an example because he is “one of those gurt shitheads” not the smartest example to use, was it?

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Red-Robbo said:


    They finished 24th out of 24: How could it possibly have got "got even worse next season"?!!

    The Gas Logic is strong in this one.


    To be fair to Cotterill, he took over when Shrewsbury were bottom, (2 wins all season) then beat 3 of the top 4 away in his first 4 games, he had Shrewsbury well clear of relegation, spent a month in an ICU battling Covid & only returned a couple of games from the end with Shrewsbury in 17th.

    How on earth does that compare with Barton’s incredible achievement of taking over a side a point outside the relegation zone & then finishing last?

    Barton isn’t fit to clean Cotts shoes, in every respect.

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  19. 4 minutes ago, Red Tel said:

    'Back in the day' at the time of Twentyman, Alexander et al, I could have named the Gas squad as well, but couldn't name one of them now. Not really interested in knowing, either!

    Only one I’d heard of was Mark Little, but they have just released him though.

    He did manage to scam 2 years wages out of them for 16 appearances though ?

    • Haha 2
    • Hmmm 1
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