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Roger Red Hat

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Everything posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. If you thought they looked unfit, how fit did you think we looked!!?
  2. I'm one of them, and there was a good response in the Lansdown.
  3. Agree, it's a childish comment.
  4. Agree with most of that, all except 'fair result'. I thought we were lucky to get a point, and too often 2nd to the ball.
  5. Here we are! 'Global transfer expert' apparently. 236,400 followers.
  6. Wolves currently looking a bit of a basket case. Must be in the mix for relegation.
  7. I don't think the Saudi teams can compete in European Champions League, so there'll be some reluctance for players who have their career in front of them as opposed to it being largely behind them. Hasn't Mbappe said he wants to stay in Europe?
  8. May I respectfully suggest an upgrading of your personal hygiene?
  9. RIP Chris. Many memories watching him play, a real 100% committed player.
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