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Roger Red Hat

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Everything posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. Yes he needs to move and has probably got 3(?) good seasons at least at a top level club. Good value if you're one of those chasing top trophies every season.
  2. Spurs and Chelsea, utter shambles run by fkwits.
  3. Yes, I used to sit in front of 2 moaning fkwits in the Dullmoan. They actually started when we kicked off grumbling at the actual method of KO! I moved to the back row in Dullmoan especially so I wouldn't have anyone sat behind me!
  4. I'd just call him a forward! Looks like he's a major irritant to defenders and I think he'll play a lot when he's fully fit.
  5. Nige won't fukabout if there is an issue with KW's application.
  6. Yes they're all at it, there won't be any kids left to be adults soon..........
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