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Roger Red Hat

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Everything posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. Wolves currently looking a bit of a basket case. Must be in the mix for relegation.
  2. I don't think the Saudi teams can compete in European Champions League, so there'll be some reluctance for players who have their career in front of them as opposed to it being largely behind them. Hasn't Mbappe said he wants to stay in Europe?
  3. May I respectfully suggest an upgrading of your personal hygiene?
  4. RIP Chris. Many memories watching him play, a real 100% committed player.
  5. Then don't play with one! And win 3-0!
  6. Every Israel game is the same, no matter who they play.
  7. ......He'd of been wearing his pyjamas, slippers and dressing gown!
  8. I've got an my dad's old PYE in the attic! Used to marvel at all the mysterious place names on the dial, Hilversum, Prague etc. Very far away in the 50's!
  9. The streaming feed is pretty good, I've watched several games. The real plus is the commentary is not as 'hysterical' as it's just one bloke commentating with no side kick to parrot drivel with!
  10. Yep, I created an account for the first game, instant email.
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