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Roger Red Hat

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Everything posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. I think it would be great if Moysie can win it.
  2. I think that is probably true. Top class contenders would bear in mind when they went for talks what happened to Poch when he wanted to renew and upgrade the squad. Levy wouldn't back him and Spuds have got worse ever since.
  3. " City made an early, persuasive and financially-appealing pitch " Yeah but only for 1 year..........
  4. I don't believe we only offered a 1 year deal. Nonsense statement to bash the club with. I say this with as much authority as the poster of the original suggestion!
  5. I believe that will confirmed should you choose to ask Joyce and Vickie.
  6. It seems the only one who can get the best out of Lingard is Moysie.
  7. I think Mourinho should banned for the whole of next season. He's a disgrace.
  8. That was like watching two Warnock teams play each other, but with lower quality. I lasted until the end of normal time and then gave up. Dreadful.
  9. I could see this happening. I thought him and Josh were excellent together when he first arrived with us, and Burnley's style would suit his game.
  10. West Brom are a bit up shit creek aren't they? Parachute payments gone?
  11. Amazing!.....And exhausting.
  12. Yes, that 'Love thy neighbour' and 'On the buses' used to have me in stitches...
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