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Roger Red Hat

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Posts posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. If randomly waving your arms about qualifies you as a sign language interpreter then SOD's future is assured......

    Apparently it qualifies you as a 'good' manager though. It's part of the UEFA 'a' badge course, I'm led to believe.............

  2. Look, it is admittedly unbelievably demoralizing the way results have gone today.

    But lets keep it in perspective. We will have lost an away game. That's all. Worry not about results elsewhere until april.

    If we keep up the home form, however, and pick up an occasional point away, we will still be alive and kicking. If the fans can't pull their heads out of there arses and try and remain positive, how do we expect the players to?


    How do they get them in there in the first place?

  3. Here you go then... straight off the Watford errhummmm Udinese web site....

    Caneloni, Minestroni, Spaghetti, Fetucine, Garibalidi, Peperoni, Tagliateli, Antipasti, Insalata, Bruschetta, Focaccia -

    Which is the line up for tonight with the substitutes or desertis...



    And in case the pitch gets really waterlogged they also have on the bench...

    Carpaccio de Pesci

    Scampi Gratinati

    Polpettine de Mare

    and on that note I am off for some shut eye... reckon if i set the alarm for 0530 i will catch the last 20 mins. cheers all.

    What utter bolognese.

  4. I don't know who we think we are, turning up and daring to not be beaten by such a managerial great. After all, he's good enough to manage Real Madrid you know, he said so himself...

    ..................err...................is he 60 yet?

  5. Too many of this lot have been taking the peeie for too long.

    Wonder when Gary starts clearing the shower of poo out of Ashton Gate??

    I believe the vicar of Ashton has been publicising a jumble sale at Ashton Vale village hall in two weeks time. Any profits to be split between BCFC and the roof repair fund.

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