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Posts posted by Leveller

  1. 2 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    No problem him having having opinion but in his tole as a sports journalist he should keep his opinion about the beautiful game to himself when writing about City - I don’t read the Post for his opion on what set up Nige should employ.

    I’d be far more interested in what Nige’s thoughts are.

    Where has this amazing bromance with “Nige” come from? Are you related? Either that or it’s like a teenage crush. Get a grip.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Phileas Fogg said:

    Precisely - amazed people can’t see this. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

    And Pearson is fair game given his snide attitude to the press so far. His record with us so far doesn’t warrant his arrogance. 

    • Like 2
    • Hmmm 1
  3. 3 hours ago, MarcusX said:

    From what I’ve read on here they were at a friends without the kids, they don’t live in Kew so not sure that matters? 

    I read one article (Guardian, I think*) that said JB is a long time resident of Kew. He could presumably afford it. I doubt he still lives in Huyton.

    *it was. The police described him as “of  Widnes”, so presumably has two or more homes.

    • Like 2
  4. Well this is all very intriguing. I’ve known I was slightly colour blind since I was a teenager. At the time, it was a bolt from the blue (to coin a pun). Like many others, I was tested at school, with a book of pictures made up of circles of different colours. Some of the images were blindingly obvious (sorry about the puns) but the majority just looked like pleasing groups of various pastel shades, so I couldn’t make out the various numbers or whatever were represented. I could, though, tell that the colours were different.

    Seeing as there were a lot of those I couldn’t differentiate, clearly my “slight” colour blindness is more acute than I admit. However, without that test, to this day I don’t think I’d have known. I have no issues with true red and green or any other practical problems. My only colour issues are when I choose a garment in a clothes shop and can’t decide whether it’s green or brown. I remain convinced there is a greenish brown shade that is somewhere in the middle. But no doubt people with normal colour vision see a clear distinction I don’t.

    So for those with normal colour vision - there are a lot of colour blind people out here that barely know it and who rarely run into  any practical issues because of it. We don’t know what it is we can’t see. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 15/07/2021 at 08:51, Bcfc3660 said:

    I live in Swindon, 24 years now but been a City fan for, well, ever. I used to have a Bristol City flag in my works van and collect materials from building merchants where the staff were proper obnoxious Swindon fans. It’s a shame to see any club go supernova but I don’t feel sorry for the fans. Balls to them.

    You make the common mistake of treating everybody in a disparate group of people as if they are all the same. Judge individuals, not groups or nationalities or races.*

    *Except caravan owners, obviously.

    • Thanks 2
  6. On 03/07/2021 at 13:40, Elruliri said:

    One of my earliest memories was of Glynn Riley scoring a equaliser at the County ground. I was stood at the front when he jumped onto the fencing, I joked with him many years later that he nearly killed me.

    I also recall a 1-0 win with Junior " can't hit a cows arse with a banjo" Bent scoring.


    One of my earliest Ashton Gate memories is Don Rogers running us ragged!

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 23/06/2021 at 13:58, BS2 Red said:

    And we were all convinced you were David Furnish!

    I only know he played the cricket ground because my mum took my nan to see him. My mum described it as "the worst concert I have ever seen, he was awful. He just can't sing anymore, I'd rather hear cats screeching. Your nan enjoyed it though.", which stuck in my mind. ?

    I saw his first show at the County Ground in Taunton, which I thought was very impressive - but I think that was 2006! To be fair his voice held up far longer than some (like McCartney) but I think he’s struggling now.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    Different accent altogether. Hereford - country. Shrewsbury - northern.

    There may be some interplay in the extreme north of Herefordshire, south of Shropshire, but I doubt many Hereford-born men consider supporting Shrewsbury on the basis that they share the same police force.  Hereford fans hate Shrewsbury with a vengeance.

    The Shrews do have a sizeable contingent of fans from the Welsh border area though.  People for whom Wrexham is too far away. 


    Yes, I spent my early years in Welshpool and there’s a definite Severn Valley connection with Shrewsbury. So I tend to see a connection down that valley and the Marches as a bit of a region of its own from Hereford to Salop.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    The likelihood of anyone from Worcestershire or Herefordshire deciding to support Shrewsbury is as remote as the Gas ever reaching the top-flight.

    People from the Worcestershire towns tend to support one of the much nearer, much more successful Black Country clubs, if the don't support their local non-league contenders.  Herefordshire folk have no affinity with the north Midlands whatsoever.

    North Herefordshire and Shropshire obviously border each other and their rural towns, like Shrewsbury and Leominster have a lot more in common than they do with the industrial North or West Midlands, surely?

  10. 10 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    Then both Managers should have been sacked for gross misconduct, negligence or similar without compensation?

    Exactly - he foolishly quoted the parallel of doctors being struck off. That’s not for mediocre performance, it’s for gross misconduct.

  11. 5 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

    The LMA will 100% back any action if it goes that far. His comments make two of their members virtually unemployable in football, certainly as a Manager anyway. I appreciate that Joey is tearing it up at The Theatre of Tents but even as they storm their way through the division I still think those comments are out of order. As ever, the dribblers lap it all up.

    I would think it’s actionable and the club could be included as he was talking while in the course of his job.

    WAQ must be upset - unless of course he’s already looking for an excuse to sack him without compensation; this could count as gross misconduct, you’d think.

    • Like 1
  12. 30 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Maybe Root knew what he was doing taking time out of the game last night after all! 

    Brilliant win. We've completely dominated India. 


    10 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

    All those couch surfing England captains look pretty silly now. :)


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