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Eddie Hitler

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Posts posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. Yes, I fail to see the relevance of the internal affairs of Nantes to a player transfer for which Cardiff agreed the fee.

    Given the dubious nature of the ownership of Nantes possibly Cardiff should have paid into an escrow account for the benefit of Nantes FC once these matters have been resolved as this would safeguard those funds it doesn't however mean that they shouldn't pay them over given that they lost the judgement.

    I didn't see the Sala transfer saga as being as balck and white as others did and thought that Cardiff were simply doing what any company would do to protect its position; though there is a whole thread on this where I have stated similar.

    This statement is however clutching at straws.


    Today, FIFA ordered Cardiff City FC to pay the 2nd and 3rd instalments of the transfer fee for Emiliano Sala to FC Nantes as expected.

    Yesterday the CEO of FC Nantes, Franck Kita, was placed into police custody alongside Bakari Sanogo and Joaquim Batica by the JIRS, French prosecutors specialised in organised crime and financial crime. A judicial investigation was opened in June 2022 on the counts of "illegal exercise of sports agent activity, forgery and use of forgery, misuse of corporate assets, laundering of aggravated tax evasion and organised money laundering". The Club's negligence claim in France against FC Nantes exhibits direct exchanges showing Mr Kita was informing Mr Sanogo of the proposed transfer fee for Emiliano Sala. It is not clear why.

    In the circumstances, the Club considers that it would have been fairer if the requirement to pay FC Nantes had been deferred until the conclusion of the French police investigations and the club's claim against FC Nantes in the French courts.


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  2. 5 hours ago, RedM said:

    Exactly this.

    I hope that only those who cannot function without a physical card will ask for one, otherwise additional costs will filter down to everyone sooner or later.


    Tickets aren't however priced from cost but from estimating market price. As long as they cover the direct costs of the ticket them that is all that is required.

    I only flag this as I had just this discussion at work recently where someone wanted to put the price of a service we provide up by £50 because that's how much our costs had gone up.

    I noted that, to the buyer, what happens to our costs is an irrelevance; they will make their purchase decision on the price they have to pay.

    I asked them what competitors were charging and it turned out to be typically £150 more so I suggested that they instead add £100.


    And does nobody else keep old tickets and want to continue to add to them?

    Some digital file on a phone isn't quite the same.

    • Like 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, redkev said:

    Yes your probably right ,  but an anti colston march legal or illegal or a LGBT march they would be all supportive of that .

    think we saw that couple of years back , if football fans done what some Pfizer those protesters done ( whether you agree or not ) the police would of been swinging batons with a big smile on there faces and the evening post would have been football scum 


    At root politicians know that there are no votes to be gained in taking the side of football fans against the police because the great majority of those with no personal knowledge of a particular incident will assume that it was the police dealing with hooliganism and the fans deserved what they got.

    I cannot ever see that changing tbh.

    If you're a football fan then you are generally assumed to be in the wrong.

    The successful overturning of prosecutions by football supporters' groups receive very little publicity outside of football forums.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, cidered abroad said:

    I started using company computer system for stock control as far back as 1978. And got my first personal computer in 1989. I've done my banking via internet since 1995. I booked holidays in New Zealand/Western Samoa 2001 and honeymoon in Italy in 2002 via the web.

    My only problem now at 80 years, is keeping up with the way rapid changes are occurring. If I have a problem, I just ring my 17 years granddaughter for advice.

    I think some of you younger fans don't know how much we oldies use the internet.


    Laudable but there isn't a homogeneous "we oldies" group, of the older people I know the division between computer literate and non-literate is primarily related to attitude rather than intelligence.

    A lot of people who grew up without it don't like tech generally and don't have smartphones let alone computers or tablets.

    I thought tech, or more particularly system software, a real boon at work but I don't want anything bar the bare minimum outside of work though am semi-retired these days in my fifties.

    I almost always pay cash, have never used contactless or paid by phone, refuse to adopt anything I see as unnecessary like WhatsApp and only started online banking because my local branch had closed and I wanted to change a standing order without having a long journey to do it.

    As with council car parks now requiring an App to pay, meaning that I will not now use them, the old adage of "the customer is always right" seems to have gone by the by, replaced by "the customer will do what they are told".

    And then you lose customers.

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  5. 1 minute ago, GrahamC said:

    Obvious question (that the media won’t ask) how does he square this with the fact he’s already admitted one assault?

    What was that? A (literal) free hit?


    Just look at Barton, multiple assaults, jail time.

    However the live cases since he has been employed by Rovers have both ended in acquital.

    It is, I agree, a very odd balancing attack that Wael is undertaking here in order to retain his jailbird manager and sign players which other clubs wouldn't touch.

    I noted Lee Power era Swindon as plumbing the depths with their player signings, made cheaply and on low wages because no other club wanted them, and Rovers are now emulating that model - low morals mean low prices.

    It does genuinely surprise me that they are doing this.

    The "nice guy" owner is clearly not a nice guy and I would also suggest that he remove his very nice watch before shaking hands with either his staff or players.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Fordingbridge Pirate said:

    Morning Chaps/Chapesses,

    Long time no speak. Thought I’d drop in to see what was happening, bit quiet in the world of BRFC isn’t it? 

    I’m officially done with this club now and consider myself an ex-supporter. Done with the constant bullshit from the Merseyside Mafia and every decision that’s made being further and further away from the club I grew to love, that used to be a genuine family club (stop laughing). 

    Barton can do what he likes for all I care now, the reaction from a lot of fans shows me they deserve him and his band of merry *****. 

    Rivalry aside I hope you’re all keeping well, and if anyone can help change my profile name from ‘Fordingbridge Pirate’ to ‘Former Pirate’…!

    Much love,



    Fair enough but times change and you will find that the club you always supported will return in the future.

    You're just pressing pause on your supporting, and I, as a City fan, have done the same in the past.


    • Like 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

    For fairness 




    And let's be fair here, I expect that the majority of Rovers' playing and coaching staff have never been in court for assault.

    The Evening Post should be highlighting the good guys that they have on their books instead of repeatedly focusing upon the many criminals in their employ.

    I suspect that the BEP sports department is staffed by City fans given how often they keep printing stories about Rovers' players and staff being arrested.

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 minute ago, phantom said:

    I am currently in a bar in Weston 

    Here with mates from Glasgow, just been told that the Weston Rovers supporters club are holding their charity fundraising night here later 

    Players and potentially JB are going to appear later 

    What can go wrong :laugh:


    Oh come on Phantom, it's not like Joey Barton to get drunk and start a fight now is it?


  9. 42 minutes ago, OneCity said:

    What ever happened to the lady police officer who used to post on here? Forget her name, but she had some things to say about that case and I think she even interviewed Henbury gas about it.



    I'd say that her being in here was a useful conduit for issues to be resolved amicably so the police should put up someone else for a similar role.

    It's not as though she was spending all day on here chatting, she dealt with relevant matters.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, bert tann said:
    Club News

    Rovers close due to lack of interest

    Nationwide Finance Ltd are consulting their lawyers


    21 June 2023








    Missed the first interest payment on the Nationwide Finance loan maybe?

    Given that they were advertising for an unpaid intern to do their accounting I wouldn't be surprised.

    I don't see Wael running out of money any time soon as he's loaded but yes I can well see an administrative error being made when you're running your finance team on a shoestring.


    Though tbf I considered applying for the Financial Controller job at City maybe a dozen years ago but the salary level was so far below market wages that I couldn't bring myself to do it.

    Football clubs tend to run their back offices on an absolute shoestring despite throwing money about left right and centre.

    And as the saying goes: "If you pay peanuts then you get monkeys."

    • Like 2
  11. Well done him.

    He is a very talented footballer but there are many of these and out of these he is the one who has done everything possy to nurture, prolong and improve that talent.

    He reminds me of an old story of someone seeing Stanley Matthews doing a long run on a beach on Christmas Day and then asking why he was doing that, Stanley replied "it's my job".

    Such people are to be admired rather than the ones who are pissed up bankrupts at forty.

    There is an uncharitable steak in people which likes to see successful people come a cropper. It is meat and drink to the tabloid press.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    And yet if you ask a Man Utd fan (a clued up, match going one) they'd almost certainly tell you that Man City are the worst for Munich references by a mile, far worse than Liverpool and not just since Hillsborough.


    I thought it was Leeds fans who were notorious for that one and for throwing paper planes.

    Maybe that was twenty years ago.

  13. 1 minute ago, Percy Pig said:


    Still, If there's one thing the weird boomer generation can do, it's hark back to 40 years ago and act like nothing has changed. 

    Knock yourself out, you look absolutely ridiculous but whatever. 


    I'm right.

    But do enjoy your rewriting of history.

    • Like 3
  14. 6 minutes ago, Percy Pig said:

    How many of the 97, many of whom were women and children, were at Heysel? How many of those charged through a fence at Juventus fans? 

    What a crock of senseless drivel you're spouting. 


    An article written about you. 


    Liverpool fans absolutely revelled in their reputation as the worst of the worst in the late eighties.

    Maybe you aren't old enough to remember that.

    • Like 3
  15. Gazza offers the corrective to "what if your boyhood dream came true and not only did you play for England but you were England's best player for half a dozen years"?

    Similar to Kurt Cobain - if you're unhappy then becoming the world's biggest rock star won''t change that.

    He has always been a very troubled man, success and wealth won't change that.


    • Like 3
  16. In the years after the Heysel Stadium disaster in May 1985 when 39 Juventus fans were killed when a wall collapsed after they were trying to get away from the Liverpool thugs there were Liverpool fans, of course not all, wearing t-shirts reading "Liverpool 39 - Juventus 0".

    Memories of Liverpool fans' abhorrent behaviour, at Heysel and after it, were still fresh when Hillsborough happened in April 1989.

    This is why the police lie that "drunk Liverpool fans did it" was believed so widely; they had shown themselves to be animals both at Heysel and after it so no one was surprised.

    It's a great shame that there weren't similalr prosecutions of Liverpool fans in the period 1985 - 1989 before, with the Hillsborough disaster, they realised that people being killed for watching a football match wasn't so funny when it happened to them.





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  17. 1 hour ago, SecretSam said:

    Do you have a link, @Eddie Hitler?


    No, the link in the OP of the thread is to a then, 2019, current product in the city shop, as they don't have it now it's a dead link.

    The comments in the thread are so unflattering that I'd suggest trying to hunt one down on eBay might be both difficult and then disappointing if you do manage to find one.


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