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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. They would claim that they're a "family club", but given the frequency of violence at their games it does have a hollow ring to it. The nub of it seems to be that they are a smaller and less successful club which means that they are liked more by fans of other clubs. And this is true as smaller clubs are more popular with other fans: for example do you prefer Man Utd or Carlisle? The logical conclusion to this, if being "liked" is so important to them, is to go back to being non-league. If they were doing a Torquay and flirting with the Conference South then they would be very popular. You might even get a few City fans watching them as the rivalry would be non-existent at that point.
  2. How dare you not follow what happens at B&Q. Call yourself a fan?
  3. Oi steady, got to be two. I'm assuming that guy likes his own singing.
  4. OK, I feel I'm in a minority here. But I'm not about to watch it again in order to see if I change my mind.
  5. He can carry a tune better than I can. If he was wearing a red shirt and singing a song about Kodjia it would be all "well done mate". Just because he's gas he's automatically some kind of chromosome-light inbred. Well he isn't, he looks like half the football fans I know and can sing OK as well. He's singing a typical fans' song in a decent way. I'm not turning into Ten Minutes of Rough but really gentlemen, do try saying what you see some times.
  6. Yes I feel sorry for them but it's Wimbledon that I want to go up. The team started by the fans when their own club was uprooted and moved to Milton Keynes. The team that has climbed its way out of the non-league and could be playing and defeating the club, treated as a mere franchise by its owner, that once was theirs. That's the double I want to see: MK Dons relegated to the third (tick) and AFC Wimbledon promoted to the third in the same season.
  7. They may be in our shadow but they're "better" than us in every way as they keep telling us. I don't know what this "better" actually means but they seem pretty convinced of it. Like a tramp sat in a puddle of his own piddle, convinced that his life is "better" than that of the wage slaves hurrying to work.
  8. S_Y_G is clearly an iPhone 6 user; and Apple wonders why their sales are falling away.
  9. Cheers Hello (now that doesn't sound right). I note that you're from the decent gas forum, gas guzzler, rather than the high moron-count one that is gas chat. That's the only forum of which I have heard that bans people purely for supporting a rival team as they do; it's clearly too much for the sensitive souls on there to have to debate with somebody who doesn't regurgitate the accepted orthodoxy. Most footie forums welcome fans of other teams as long as they behave because it makes the forum far more interesting. I occasionally post (as a City fan, or 'sheed' as you would know it) on a QPR forum and sometimes even receive comments that I should post more often. Bit bloody different to the banjo twanging that echoes around gas chat!
  10. The son does their good match videos and comes across as pretty sensible, his dad however... um, crikey, perfect example of a comedy gashead.
  11. I have hacked their server and uncovered the stadium renovation masterplan:
  12. Which would confirm people's impression at the time: that Higgs was drinking in the last chance saloon having staked everything upon the new stadium. He was so blinkered about this mattering above all else that you even ended up in the conference. The pre-doomed legal challenges to Sainsburys were the last flounderings of a drowning man; sale was inevitable from the first lost legal judgement.
  13. You would assume, perfectly reasonably, that with each sponsor having one ticket in the raffle that each sponsor could only win once. Nothing to see here, move along please!
  14. This is better than the Grand National. I am clutching my SM Gauge sweepstake ticket with huge excitement. https://twitter.com/Official_BRFC
  15. Wot I fink is, like, the gate is grate and they is jealous gasheads wot lives in hole in ground and there stadum is like a tip and full of white plastic garden chars, if you now wot I meen.
  16. Harmless bit of fun, as long as they do their jobs well they can be prowed that they have contributed to the success of Bristol's premier football team. They will be able to regale their gashead compatriots with wondrous tales of roofs and flush toilets.
  17. These are not proper Rovers fans; the horse punchers, bottle throwers, pitch invaders, boob cricketers, goalkeeper punchers, pub smasher-uppers. None of them. There are only two proper Rovers fans and they have the great good sense to post here amongst people without a string of ASBs on their CVs: In the Net and Miadhenny.
  18. Get you, with your posh book-learning and reliance upon mere facts.
  19. Yes, were you the clever bloke at the back then? I never quite got non-Euclidean gas funding models, something about hyper-leverage and a million becoming a billion in a very strong gravitational field.
  20. I actually took Advanced Gasonometry as an option at college. I don't remember all of it but a typical question was: Away Games: 3,000 travelling gasheads arrive at Wycombe (three part question, 12 points available) a) If the away capacity is 2,500 how many fans are locked out, and how many is this reported as being in the Bristol Evening Post (2 points each, 4 points in total) b) How many police horses will be punched after the game if (i) Rovers win (ii) the game is drawn (iii) Wycombe win (1 point each, bonus point if all three answers are correct, 4 points in total) c) How many sheeds will have been in the home end if (i) Rovers win (ii) the game is drawn (iii) Wycombe win (1 point each, bonus point if all three answers are correct, 4 points in total)
  21. Different opinions, I haven't watched them but know several people who go to most games and that's what they tell me. You get posts here where somebody comes on saying X had a shocker and it sounds like they were at a totally different game to you.
  22. They, Portsmouth, and Accrington are the form sides who have closed what was a fairly chunky gap on what was initially Oxford and was then Plymouth. Plymouth and Oxford have both been on the slide. The autos very much look like Northampton (obvious) and two from Pompey, Accrington and the Gas.
  23. Plymouth are hardly "breathing down their necks"; they were top at Christmas and since then have been on a serious slide. It turns out that their manager, Derek Adams, plays the exact same players in the exact same formation week in week out and the other teams now know how to counter this. That sounds very familiar, thought I.
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