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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. They're going up this season; may as well get used to it.
  2. From the Bolton forum: We're likely to be in the same league as Bristol Rovers? The same Bristol Rovers that were in the Conference last season? We are well and truly ****ed.
  3. So goodbye, then, Nicholas Higgs. You said You had A watertight Contract; Would you like To buy My watertight Sieve?
  4. And you'll probably go up. Hopefully at the expense of Plymouth.
  5. The accepted rule is that if in any doubt at all whether your post deserves a new thread to be started then you should always start a new one to be on the safe side. You otherwise run the risk of hijacking the existing thread for which no-one will thank you and may actually risk your being banned from the forum.
  6. People finding you a nice guy is a prerequisite for being a conman.
  7. Banjo Island sounds like one of those places where if you drive through at any hour of the day or night you can play the "spot the dressing gown" game as there will always be somebody going to the shops wearing one because getting dressed is so much effort.
  8. I will give credit to natchoftheday for his comment that made me laugh: extras from The Chuckle Brothers!
  9. I don't think they have us in their sights; it's Manchester City they're gunning for.
  10. £ I've just realised why they didn't buy Bolton when that club was on the market at the same time: they couldn't afford £7.5m.
  11. Well I certainly know that if I was one of the richest men in the world with over a hundred billion then my biggest dream would be to become the owner of Bristol Rovers FC. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Richard Branson will be crying themselves to sleep for weeks having been beaten to this glittering golden prize.
  12. Anybody else remember Aldershot's "rescuer", Spencer Trethewy?
  13. I think that's wishful thinking. They'll have a good few years now IMO, then of course the wheels will inevitably fall off again. But we'll always have the memories: "I bin frew two divorces, the Thatcher years.."
  14. It's good news for them, no question. They were in slow decline as it was and would have spent more time in the Conference. Now they can realistically aim to establish themselves in League One. I am grateful and will always remember the two years of huge laughs that they have given every City fan. Like all the greatest comedy shows they have shown great timing and not stretched it out to a third series but quit when they were ahead.
  15. The rumoured press conference is happening then? Higgs to announce very little of note?
  16. You're not volunteering are you Tomarse?
  17. I have just had a quick glance and there is an absolute howler under Note 6: The XXXs are there in the proforma accounts and you are meant to replace them with the actual numbers you total and utter halfwits. Edit: Link for anybody who wants a read https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By_oGcqNh_mNMWFlR21BUzV6VFpabHhJbGlKLTNoamlrLXdn/view?pref=2&pli=1
  18. The last time I went through City's accounts they had half a dozen minor errors (not as bad as that one, mainly narrative and the odd rounding). The audits of these non-quoted football clubs are done on the cheap because they're not going to be pored over by financial analysts investing client money. Grant Thornton are a decent firm and I can't see them losing much sleep over that one; it's not like they have a print run of thousands. It was definitely an error then? I didn't see anything on the gas thread and there's nothing linked from here. Or are we assuming that it's an error?
  19. I always think of the Maxwells. One idiot son notionally running Reading, the other idiot son notionally running Oxford. Of course supercrook Robert Maxwell entirely controlled both; but not on paper.
  20. I'm aware of that ciderup. But Maggie, for example, can.
  21. This was very interesting reaidng from gasincider: So maybe the takeover has already happened with Higgs selling a 36% stake. Hope the buyer wasn't Steve Lansdown.
  22. I'm not surprised that they're the subject of a takeover bid; just feast your eyes upon these beauties awaiting the lucky winner of the bidding race:
  23. As the takeover approachs have been rumbling on for a while then it's probably good for Higgs as he gets to trouser some loot and escape, but bad for the people taking it over as they'll end up with the Rovers.
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