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Everything posted by !james

  1. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/city-sign-new-six-year-deal-with-hummel/ Yep...
  3. Yep it's bizarre and to paraphrase the joke about vegans... How do you know if someone doesn't like women's football? Don't worry they'll tell you...
  4. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.firstbus.co.uk/uploads/node_images/AG1%20AG2%20AG3%203pm%20kick%20off%20.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwikw_u08qn9AhXIiFwKHQgsAnMQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1O-64LEU180vvP2BZagAFM
  5. https://www.firstbus.co.uk/uploads/node_images/AG1 AG2 AG3 745pm kick off.pdf Timetable here
  6. Nope lost the league two playoff final in 2016
  7. I no longer have any fear of relegation. Great performance and result, full backs superb. Onwards and upwards
  8. He'll be gone within the next few hours, couldn't happen to a nicer guy ?
  9. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/season-tickets-202223-faqs/. I have forgotten my Season Ticket for a match. Will I be able to watch the match? Yes. Match tickets can be printed at the South Stand ticket office for a £5 administration charge. Tickets will only be reprinted on production of the ticket owner’s ID
  10. Thank goodness 'humour' has moved on from the 1970s! Sounds atrocious. It will flop and then Cleese will go on GB news and blame it on the guardian-reading, tofu-eating, wokerati
  11. Well I like the Wrexham story, give me owners like that over Saudi/Oil death owners anyday.
  12. Is Pearson back from Wimbledon then? Wasn't in their squad yesterday...
  13. Yeah that's an odd one? The club has the season ticket sale, and if they let you purchase an adult ticket instead would be making more money. Could always upgrade tickets before as I remember doing it for the Man Utd cup game.
  14. !james


    I would recommend going into a decent running shop and trying loads on - if they can do gait analysis even better. When I first started out I tried dozens on and found Brooks and Nike too narrow but found Asics a good fit - then tried various styles of Asics and found the Gel Cumulus perfect for me.
  15. https://www.aja.fr/han-noah-massengo-prete-laja Who's going to tell them?!
  16. 5th round are all midweek fixtures from Monday 27th February...
  17. So we didn't buy him for Chelsea after all?! Worth telling their new owner we had an agreement in place, he seems pretty mental.
  18. What's he like? Off the wing or middle? I know Francois was highly rated before his injury but he seems more of a wide forward.
  19. Going to be awkward when we announce him signing at half time then...
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