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Everything posted by RedRock

  1. I think someone at C4 has been in his earpiece and told him that he is supposed to be co-commentating, not lead commentating…thankfully, slightly less input in the last 10 minutes!
  2. For an ‘American sports watching experience’ definitely The Lansdown. For football ‘Olde English style’ The Dolman. When I take my partner it’s The Lansdown. With ‘the lads’ it’s The Dolman. However, if you’re a trillionaire, Mr Lansdown will invite you into his box and would like to talk with you about a very good investment opportunity.
  3. I think Dion Dublin is going to get right on my tits before the end of this match.
  4. Ahh, don’t let facts get in the way of making a ‘good’ point. Bournemouth goals were much better one’s … and I was thinking more goals scored in the remainder of the season. Bournemouth will score more. Now, disprove that!
  5. Doesn’t surprise me. Thought by in the January transfer window, when they hadn’t strengthened their attack, they could be in serious trouble. The game’s changed now. You’ve got to have goal scorers in your team. Palace, Leeds and Soton have little in attack. Makes you very vulnerable imo. Don’t think the old approach of build a team from the back applies anymore. It’s the opposite. Start with the ‘goals for’, then look at the defence. Bournemouth, many’s favourites for the drop, have goals in them. May well survive because of that.
  6. Too early to judge, but not sure whether the ‘only buy players if they’re better than what we have’ mantra applies in this instance. At best, is he not a 1/5 or 1/6 striker? I know Nige said he thinks he can improve him, but we’ve an Academy of youngsters that are ‘for improvement’. Think if we’re buying a 28 year old he should be oven ready personally. But then, I’ve never really got our Club’s transfer strategy and the lack of a decent scouting network.
  7. It’s almost as if the shirt manufacturer misread the design instructions! I haven’t a particular problem with the robin design, aside from it being a bit naff that it’s a stock image. Think it works quite well on the back of the shirt where it was on the Hummel. Quite subtle and classy.
  8. Slightly worryingly, I can recall that day. The River Trym actually went over the top of Falcondale Road, by the garage, with a raging current about 50 metres in width! Does really make you feel like an old fossil having been around at the time those antique car design were in vogue. Jesz.
  9. It’s all about partnerships. For the last few years, this Club only looked at players as individuals. Primarily just to sell on at a profit. It’s been a painful watch and came to the logical end of having a totally dysfunctional outfit with crap/old/disruptive players that we couldn’t sell as nobody wanted them. Accidentally or by design, we are now looking at the dynamics of players as teams and partnerships. Glory be and not before time.
  10. You had to draw lines from the centre of the players pupils and where they crossed the ball was about 3 inches to the right or left for some totally illogical reason. No wonder we spent so long in the third division we were constantly kicking/heading imaginary balls.
  11. How we have gone from this quality to a washed-out Primark t-shirt in less than 12 months is beyond me.
  12. Well, some reasons why a good quality, well designed shirt is important:- * extra one percent performance from players feeling good about what they’re wearing. * extra cash generated from shirt sales * Club image to wider audience * longevity of the shirt for purchasers Thats just off the top of my head. Sure there are many other reasons.
  13. Now that existing shirt design is very nice. Subtle quality. The new one? Looks washed out and put together in a great hurry. Add the badge to the mix and we’re looking at Primark ‘sportswear’ levels.
  14. Good on you. Took my nephew’s son to MK Dons away a few years back and still got the broken record ‘are we home yet?’ ringing around my head. ‘Long old poke’ as they say down these parts!
  15. What I like as much as anything is Nige is back to his old self. You contrast the body language, general demeanour in his interviews between that Xmas period and now. I was genuinely worried about his health at the turn of the year. I think, perhaps, even he was questioning whether he was going to crack it and if he had made the right choice with this Club. Now, a calm, authority exists. More measured, confident and relaxed. ..but still with hunger and determination to succeed. Just look at that passion last week in his response to the question about the players that left in January. Well done that man.
  16. Back in the day I didn’t wear shin pads. Played for Tamworth team against a bunch of village miners from up north sometime during the miners strike. Literally 2nd pass after kick off, a guy deliberately went over the top and studded me right down my shin. Oddly he didn’t take my sock with it but looked down and saw blood oozing out of those little square holes. Went to the bone, the b******d. Internal and external stitches complete length of the shin. From that point on always wore shin pads. Also made sure that from what was a strike breaking area ( we had 2 miners in our team) if we went north, we took bodyguards with us! Met the referee the following season and queried why he hadn’t sent him off. His excuse - and this was before they were compulsory - was that I wasn’t wearing shin pads. Clown.
  17. What an absolute joy. Last 10 minutes not fretting about losing. Happy days.
  18. My first City hero - a player who lived the dream of many footballing kids of the time. Thanks for the memories and a very worthy entrant to the Hall of Fame.
  19. More’ butch’ though, with those blue feathers. It’s all about those one percents you know. Maybe, Max didn’t feel good in the pink feathered top.
  20. Have the fonts we’re using official names? If not, my suggestions would be: ‘Ink Dump’ ….. for the numbers ’Spindly Spider’ …. for the letters The Club copyright and make enormous sums to offset FFP.
  21. Where it all goes pear-shaped is the style of the lettering - which isn’t an easy read - doesn’t match the numbers. All feels a bit of a 7 year old playing with a new toy to me. Amateurish. FiRSt WorLd pRoBLeMs!
  22. I won’t be able to ‘unsee’ this font issue now. Thanks ?
  23. Was thinking the same. At last we have a manager who knows the value of playing partnerships. We’ve giving the Bell/Wells/Sykes combo a try out that worked initially, but now has gone off the boil. I’d go Andi/Cornick/Sykes and see what that grouping delivers for the start of the Blackpool game … if nothing, sub on Bell/Wells at 60 minutes.
  24. Game of opinions isn’t! The reporter in Sky Sports News was hyper-excited and positive in his reports throughout the match. Concluded by saying it was likely the best 0-0 anyone is likely to see all season! Never seen quite the diversity of options of a match on OTIB either tbh. I’ll just content myself with another point in the bag.
  25. We’re Bristol City we can always contrive a way to **** things up, it’s part of our DNA. I don’t relax until we’re mathematically safe (and then some).
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