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Everything posted by RedRock

  1. I won’t be able to ‘unsee’ this font issue now. Thanks ?
  2. Was thinking the same. At last we have a manager who knows the value of playing partnerships. We’ve giving the Bell/Wells/Sykes combo a try out that worked initially, but now has gone off the boil. I’d go Andi/Cornick/Sykes and see what that grouping delivers for the start of the Blackpool game … if nothing, sub on Bell/Wells at 60 minutes.
  3. Game of opinions isn’t! The reporter in Sky Sports News was hyper-excited and positive in his reports throughout the match. Concluded by saying it was likely the best 0-0 anyone is likely to see all season! Never seen quite the diversity of options of a match on OTIB either tbh. I’ll just content myself with another point in the bag.
  4. We’re Bristol City we can always contrive a way to **** things up, it’s part of our DNA. I don’t relax until we’re mathematically safe (and then some).
  5. Given our injury situation, obviously the actual loss of key players but - as important - the disruption to playing patterns, partnerships et al, that’s an ok result for me. It’s another point away from the relegation mix for us and two lost for one of the teams in the mire at the bottom. Not much to get excited about now bar watching Conway return, Scott continuing to flourish and Mehmeti developing. Just need to scrape up another 8 points from somewhere.
  6. I think it’s called ‘risk management’. Kalas was recovering and wasn’t playing, Naismith a stopgap and has an injury record, King isn’t up to it, Vyner in his first season playing consistently well but prone to loss of form, Pring a gamble - but combined with Vyner serious questions over our ability to deal with high balls. That made us vulnerable. For me, the circumstance - particularly with Towler playing really well at his loan club - meant selling him was an unnecessary risk to take. I thought when Towler went, the Club comment that we have better coming through was not just odd - as I don’t think we have - but a bit disrespectful. Anyhow, as some of us thought it would at the time, it’s come back to bite us. Maybe though the Club had a strategy to deal with the injury situation. If not, it does make that Towler decision look really poor imo.
  7. I’ve listened to Radio 2 about three times in my entire life. I couldn’t stomach a station that played The Stones followed by Vera Lynn. May be Radio 2 has changed in the last decade or so, but it was just soo abysmally bad I ain’t giving it another go. Only music presenter worth a listen - on the rare occasions I now have the radio on - is Johnny Vaughan on Radio X who plays some decent stuff (I suspect from his own playlists) and is mildly amusing. The only downside is that if I leave it on-station in the car and switch it back on in the morning I have to listen to a few words, before rapidly reaching for the off button, from some ex-Radio 1 Leeds fan who is right up his own arse …a Chris Moyes/Moyles or something like that. If Ken Bruce was on at the same time as this chap, little wonder he developed a loyal following. Mind you, a stuffed parrot would have been able to achieve that.
  8. Pity about O’Leary being beaten by his near post. Near faultless dealing with high balls and distribution decent today as well - both issues which he has been iffy on previously. Scott and Sykes didn’t deserve to be on the losing side.
  9. It’s about partnerships. We had some, and now we don’t. Wells/Bell worked. Bell on his own doesn’t. Thought Scott was actually excellent in that more defensive central role, with some great through balls and kept the rhythm going in play.
  10. Yep, think that’s a fair comment. Decent on the ball, but lacked a cutting edge. If that Scott header or the rebound had gone in (as it should) would have been a different game. Not overly disheartened myself after the complete and utter dross we’ve watched for the past 3/4 Seasons when we could barely achieve backwards/sideways pass completions over 5 yards, let alone any form of forward pass. Obvious worries over Williams and, particularly, Kalas and we may need to start looking over our shoulders again! Concerns over the subs lacking any impact, which is disappointing again. Onwards and consolidation of mid-table please. ps since when has Robins TV not allowed you to link the iPad to a smart tv? Spent the entirety of the first half fiddling with the settings to no avail. As disappointing as the the result tbh.
  11. Majestic. The Basketball team won away at Newcastle too. Good start to the weekend. Now, come on City do the business. Amazing if both the rugby and football teams gatecrash the play-offs. Mindful the women are topping their league and the basketball team are second in theirs, could be a classic Bristol Sport year.
  12. Terrific, a real body on the line performance. Our MoM. Truly, ‘in the zone’, 100% concentration and top, top quality.
  13. Thought we gave it a good go. Think a two goal difference would have been fairer reflection. Fans were superb. ITV coverage decent as well and pretty fair.
  14. ..and we’re getting overloaded on the left. Lad’s done well.
  15. …. SL a man who spends his money wisely - Bristol City/Sport and this wildlife refuge. Bravo. An absolute credit to him. Meanwhile Bonkers invests £100 billion of our taxpayers money on his rail line vanity project that destroys nature and saves 20 minutes on a trip from Brum to London. Hope the shirt tag brings us some luck, and if it doesn’t, at least it promotes something truly worthwhile. Great to see our Nige also having invested in a woodland. Have an few acres of ancient woodland down near Totnes/Dartmouth way, hard work but great for the body and mind … with the added bonus of blocking/buggering up the passage of those pesky fox hunters! You reds!!!!
  16. Yeah, but we’re Bristol City with an unerring ability to find a way to make the impossible, possible, and often not in a good way. Remember, we are about the only Club in the League to find a way to make 3-0 a dangerous score.
  17. Always think the safety target is 57 points. Then we rest easy and start planning for next season’s promotion winning campaign.
  18. I was thinking that. Not sure I’d fancy wearing a pink feather shirt. Still, at least we’ve played Millwall away so Max won’t have to put up with ‘maximum pelters’. Always thought kit was one of those 1% that managers bang on about in terms of player performance. Let’s hope Max likes it. At least the Fever Pitch team reigned JL in from going full Sam Smith!
  19. A very impressive man. Sleep well Colin.
  20. Schools in North Bristol were well ahead of the curve in the early 70’s. Not only did we have gang warfare, stabbings, kidnappings and school riots but we led the field in combining subjects like French, Sport and Needlework. So when we had, what we thought to be croquet lessons and turned up with baseball bats and pool balls, it turned out they were crochet lessons and we ended up knitting friggin pencil cases. Important life lesson on the subtleties of language for many of us.
  21. None the wiser. It’s at times like this I regret not attending my needlework classes at school.
  22. It’s ok, bit bland with nothing design-wise to get excited about. Seems a bit of ‘we need to get something out quick, let’s look through our past catalogue’. Pity we’re moving from an established ‘premier’ brand…but if they can’t supply enough shirts for the first team, let alone supporters we’re left with little choice it seems. Like the O’Neill video which has allayed some concerns about origin and likely quality. Are they same as the established and decent’ish surf gear manufacturer? Seems a different logo.
  23. Don’t suppose you’ve got a cup in the van with ‘our name on it’ too?
  24. Hope not, reads on some kits ‘One ills’ and looking at Wycombe’s third kit it looks like someone has been. Hummel decent brand and products imo. Pity if we change.
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