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Everything posted by Harry

  1. There’s not really much ‘packing in’ going on at AG nowadays. Loads of space if you wanna sit away from people. And besides, you’ll spend the majority of your time ‘outside’. You are more likely to be breathed on by a dirty carrier when you are squashed up in the pub together, or standing for 20 minutes in a disorganised throng of people waiting to be searched, like the recent games, or indeed standing in a queue for 10 minutes in the concourse waiting for your latest round of high-fat content food or alcohol, both of which are more likely to make you unfit and unhealthy and more susceptible to a bad case of Covid. Vaccine passports have been in place in many countries for many months, and they haven’t made a blind bit of difference. So the real world data says that they simply do not make a jot of difference. The funniest news I saw this week : France made vaccine passports mandatory in nightclubs in July. Earlier this week they closed nightclubs again. So, who was spreading this virus in nightclubs?? Ultimately, vax passes don’t work. There is no evidence in any of the places that have implemented them that they stop spread. Having 1, 2 or 3 vaccines does not stop you catching covid and does not stop you passing it on. The only benefit which is clear is that it may prevent someone who previously would have had a high risk of death that they may now get through it. So yes, vaccines are good for anyone who is vulnerable to this virus. But they are pretty much negligible for everyone else. It seems to be forgotten that millions and millions of people caught covid before vaccinations and survived. In fact, most of them didn’t even know they had it. There has recently been a narrative that says the opposite to that known fact - now it’s said that if you haven’t had a vaccine you are probably going to be hospitalised. Which of course, is absolute nonsense. It really amazes me that most people are absolutely apoplectic at this governments actions in pretty much everything they do, that everyone knows that governments and media tell lies on a regular basis, and yet people simply fall in line with anything they say in regard to covid. One minute it’s “I hate this government, they don’t represent me”, the next it’s “must show my pass to go to football, because the government said so”. It’s laughable. Actually, it’s not laughable. It’s actually very very sad. I’m not willing to play this nonsense game that the government are playing. I’m not anti vax or a sceptic or anything. Covid exists. Yes. Covid can be dangerous for a very very small number of people. Yes. Covid is not any danger for the vast vast vast majority of people. Yes. Vaccines can help the most vulnerable to fight it off. Yes. Vaccines are necessary for everyone else who are not vulnerable to death from the virus. No! Coercion has been used to get vaccines into healthy children. Yes. Is that ******* disgusting and forever unforgivable. Yes. Do vaccine passports stop spread. No. Can a vaxxed person catch it. Yes. Can a vaxxed person pass it on. Yes. What will vaccine passports do? Nothing.
  2. And if that was going to happen with this new variant, then there is no evidence that vaccine passports will prevent that.
  3. Ha ha. Can’t argue with that Rob. But I’ve done a lot of penance (that’s of the repentance kind, not the small town on the Cornish coast) and I’m re-born. My soul is as pure as that Colombian stuff we used to see some of our friends bring out of an evening. ?
  4. Probably didn’t make myself clear. I don’t want to engage in the facilitation of this bollox in any way. I’m amazed people think it’s ok.
  5. I answered this earlier. Nothing against the club. They have to obey the rules. I’ve paid for my season ticket so they won’t be losing any money from me and I won’t be asking for a refund. I simply do not agree with the measure. Never have and never will. I’m shocked that so many people think it’s ok and will accept it as the ‘norm’. I know this is football chat, so I don’t want to stray too much into the ‘politics’ of it, but I’d like to make it clear that I am not against the vaccine, I am happy that many vulnerable people have been able to be afforded an element of protection (you’ll know from when I used to post on the politics forum that I was very ‘pro-Covid measures’ until the mission creep to start jabbing children came filtering through). But I am vehemently against a vaccine mandate. Yes, the vaccine does offer some protection for the person who has received it, but many people have been indoctrinated and fail to believe that having had a vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid nor prevent you from passing it on. You can still get it and you can still give it. There is no evidence that vaccines passports actually work. So anyone that has been staying away who will now attend again because they think they are now safe - well, they are very wrong. Their safety at AG with a vaccine passport is pretty much the same as their safety would be without one. It’s unnecessary, authoritarian, won’t make any difference, and quite frankly is just a coercive attempt to get more people ‘boosted’ as quickly as possible to line more pockets of people who don’t actually give a flying **** about the health of the population and never have. That’s not something I want to be a part of, and so, for as long as this applies, I won’t be there. Same goes for anywhere that requires such a ‘pass’. If that means I ‘miss out’ on stuff, so be it. My soul will remain pure, knowing that I didn’t take part in the facilitation of this utter bollox.
  6. In a supposedly stand-up liberal democracy too!! I’m stunned that people think this sort of thing is ok.
  7. Ah, apologies. I forgot about your LJ hatred.
  8. Yes. It is football chat. It’s a decision taken by the government that determines your right to watch Bristol City play football without being subject to authoritarian control
  9. I read it as being the numbers in attendance rather than the capacity. But if it’s capacity then I’ll watch some local non league instead. Not punishing City at all. It’s not their fault. I’ve paid for my season ticket and won’t be asking for any refund. But I always said from the very start of all this that I’m against this kind of thing and I won’t attend anywhere that requires people to show evidence of vaccine status. Just to be absolutely clear - I would be able to gain access if I wanted to. But it’s against everything in my moral fibre and I will choose not to attend. I’m not taking part in this governments bullcrap dictats.
  10. I’m against vaccine passports. I won’t be attending. Will take my custom to Forest Green or Cheltenham instead whilst this idiocy reigns.
  11. I know quite a few people with the same opinion. In about 10 years I think we’ll look back and you will be proven right.
  12. 7 of the last 12 Preston managers is Scottish. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went down the same route. Maybe Callum Davidson at St Johnstone, who won the cup double last season, and played for Preston too for quite a long time.
  13. I’m enjoying watching the Ipswich fans slowly begin to unravel the story ?
  14. I don’t think there is anything surprising in those stats. It’s the game I saw. People need to realise that we are simply not a possession based team. We don’t have talented enough players to play possession dominant football, so we instead set up to allow the opposition the ball and try to make the most of counter attacks and set pieces.
  15. I’d heard some decent things about Aaron Morley, so I took a keen interest in watching him during this match. I thought he was very good. 21 year old centre mid with over 100 first team appearances already. I believe Cotterill wanted him last summer too. I didn’t realise he had that sort of goal in him though. Excellent strike. I understand he’s out of contract this summer. I’m gonna watch a few more Rochdale games and get a good perspective of him.
  16. Amazing isn’t it. Yet, when there is a goal, the stewards move at the speed of light to line the perimeter to prevent people having a moment of joy
  17. Yeah, I don’t wanna give the identity of the individual to be honest, probably not right and fair to that person who, as far as I know, isn’t in the public eye, and likely isn’t actually to blame!
  18. That’s a normal game for Weimann!
  19. I’d be happy if there was a rule whereby players had something similar to diplomatic immunity. If a pitch invader is heading their way, they are fully licenced to give them a 2 footed tackle around the knees and not be penalised.
  20. Fair play to Brum - Millwall. They actually stopped the game. ?
  21. Nope. Even less of a ‘football’ person than O’Leary!
  22. He did ok today. He certainly wins a lot of aerial duels, and I’m sure DaveFevs will have the stats to back that up. I was thinking the other day about his inclusion this season. I’m really rather surprised that he has started EVERY game (and I think only be subbed of 2 or 3 times). That’s more minutes than I thought he’d be getting. But - I think I know why. Our main attacking tactic is to get throw ins and launch them in. It’s generally Martin who is the target of that throw (as we’ve established, he wins his fair share aerially). I think that without him, we lose any ability to win these aerial throws. Also, I note that our set up at defensive corners has him as one of the 3 ‘key’ men. We line up with Martin, Kalas & Atkinson (or Baker if he’s in) along the 6 yard line. We then have 4 ‘blockers’ attempting to prevent the attacking runs. The 3 on the 6 yard line are essentially the main ball-winners and those expected to defend the corner and get their head on it if it’s in their area. I can see why Pearson is so keen, as he’s pretty much key in both those areas. And whilst I don’t actually like our defensive corner set up, I think I’m right in saying we haven’t conceded from a corner this season? Fevs?
  23. ? indeed. I can fill you in a little. Nors used to play at Forest Green a few years back (I’d actually done a number of scout reports on him back then, 2012-14). I’ve got a few contacts from those days who are still in touch with Nors, as well a couple of folks in the industry who are very close to Paul Cook. I’m reliably informed this evening that there was a fair bit of interference in the dressing room - not just from Ashton, but another person who is close to Ashton (not Werhun, someone else). Not a ‘football’ person either. Oh, and Andy Rolls is SERIOUSLY not liked!!! Can’t wait to hear some more ?
  24. Might be a different incident then. I was going in at about 2:45-50 ish. And there was only 2 stewards when I got through - don’t know where the 2 lackeys had gone! Whole thing is a joke. As I said on the other thread last week, why don’t they target individuals. All the old folk queuing near me were clearly not a terrorist threat! Not we’re all the mums and dads with kids.
  25. Yes. I was in this queue. Took about 10-12 minutes. When that group of lads casually walked to the front, I was about 25 yards back and felt as if I was the only one shouting at them. If everyone had joined in maybe they’d have listened. 3 more buffoons did it a minute later too. Felt like I was the only one shouting at them too, apart from a 75 year old behind me! When I got to the front, there were just 2 stewards doing the scanning. Laughable. I said to them “you could’ve had another steward here stopping people pushing in”. They said “there aren’t any more stewards”. ?? I said “piss off, there’s ******* hundreds”. Guess that’s society these days. A couple of people speak up and every other ****** doesn’t join in.
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