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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Yep. I just think that, to the ‘layman’ such as myself, the 3rd one does the same as 1 & 2, and is specifically designed to attack the S-Gene, which apparently doesn’t show up on the omicron positive tests. Just seems strange how a vaccine designed to attack the S Gene would work any better given there is no S Gene visible on the test, regardless of when someone received it? That’s not to say that the 3rd one won’t still protect against Delta, but I just can’t see why it would protect against Omicron if it’s the same shot as 1 & 2.
  2. Hi mate. Regarding the 3rd vaccine. You’ve mentioned that the new variant is resistant to the first 2 shots. Now, I will hold my hands up and say I don’t know the ins and outs about how these things work, but from what I read, the first 2 vaccines were specifically designed to be able to attack the spike protein, also known as the S-Gene. With the new variant, they are confirming on the testing that you are positive for it if the test has S-Gene dropout. Basically meaning that the test hasn’t picked up evidence of the Spike Protein but only the other two primers, and that’s what makes it different to testing positive for the Delta variant. As far as I am aware, the 3rd vaccine contains exactly the same code as the previous 2, and is therefore designed to attack the S-Gene. So, given that a positive test for Omicron means there is no S-Gene and that the 3rd vaccine is designed to attack the S-Gene, how does the 3rd vaccine protect against omicron which doesn’t show the S-Gene it is supposed to attack? If there is no S-Gene to attack, what will it do instead? I’m sure there’s a a very good science behind it that I don’t really understand, so it would be good to get comment from anyone on here who knows more about this stuff than myself. Certainly RedRobbo usually has his finger on the trigger with this stuff. *note - This isn’t an anti-vax post. This is a genuine question over how the 3rd shot will work against the new variant when it’s stated that the first and second don’t.
  3. A fair answer. Thank you. And I hope you feel better soon. ?
  4. Forgive me for asking, and I totally appreciate your decision, but. If you had Covid on 17th November, ie a month ago, I can’t see how you would be at any risk whatsoever of catching it again. I’m therefore incredibly intrigued as to how you reach your decision. As I say, this is a genuine question and I appreciate your decision, so I’m not trying to be awkward or anything, just interested as to how the conclusion has been drawn.
  5. It’s called acting. She is playing the part of your local friendly authoritarian. It is intentionally robotic, as that is what she is attempting to imply - ie, robotic compliance to an authoritarian state where you have no choices or freedoms.
  6. To be fair, she doesn’t really like football. Just enjoys a day out, plenty of sweets and the chance to put her iPad on after 20 minutes and play some games. I don’t think Lodge Road or Cossham Street would be her bag.
  7. Currency exists for sure. But money really doesn’t exist in real terms. If the banks called in all the debt that they hold, there wouldn’t actually be enough ‘actual’ currency in the world to pay it back. It’s all borrowed and doesn’t actually exist. It’s huge huge numbers on a screen.
  8. Strangely enough Robbo, Forest Green have adopted a very unusual strategy. The capacity is less than 10k so they don’t need to enforce the pass. However, they have decided they fall foul of the 500 indoor setting. Their main stand is linked to their pub and hospitality suite and so they’ve decided that technically they are hosting over 500 persons in an indoor setting. So, if you’ve got a ticket for the main stand, you have to show your pass. But if you have a ticket for the terrace you don’t need it. Not like our man Mr Vince to come up with some bollox now is it ? ps - I got that from the handy link to their forum which you provided the other day ?
  9. Sign me up. Hang on. £23 bloody quid!! ?
  10. I think this BTRFTG chap needs a lesson in Fiat Currency and Fractional Reserve Lending and realise that money doesn’t actually exist and is just a bunch of numbers on a computer screen.
  11. Don’t join the nasty gang Mark. ? There are some rather putrid posters on here, you’ve certainly not been one of them before. Don’t be swayed into their cult. ? Oh, I highly doubt that. Have you seen us lately ?
  12. I’d likely lose the testing stick up Kylie’s wotsit, and Robbie would likely sniff it so far up his nose we won’t see the result until he excretes it in a couple of days.
  13. I expected EXACTLY that response from certain posters. Which is exactly why I posted this. I could easily have just attended the game and not announced it to all of you wonderful folks on here, but I thought I’d announce it as I knew you’d all find it intriguing and react exactly as was anticipated. Thanks for being predictable.
  14. If no Bristol City or Huddersfield players have tested positive then why should the game be cancelled? If both teams can field a squad, then let’s play cricket.
  15. Some very well educated and privileged posters on here a few pages back would have you think that our footballers are less intelligent and from a more unprivileged background than those in Europe. ??
  16. Yep. I’m doing it for the kids. Going against my principles. It’s what a loving parent does. You’re quite a nasty piece of work aren’t you. I’m so glad I don’t know you personally. I think I’d be sick at the sight of you. Brrrrrrrr
  17. Oh how quaint. You’re keeping a list of my characteristics. Fancy yourself as some sort of psychoanalyst? Strikes me as just a little bit ‘stalker-ish’ to be fair.
  18. I’ll take that as a yes then. He does know more about this subject than you. It’s ok, don’t worry. I know it’s a bit of a shock that there are people who know more about a subject than you, it doesn’t make you in any way inferior. I hope you manage to get over it.
  19. I’ve reluctantly decided that I will be attending. I was keen to stay at home due to my moral standpoint on covid passes, but my daughter has been desperate to come to this game and she has made me cave in. Everything I do, I do for my kids, so now that she wants to go, I’ve had to reluctantly agree. Ah well, so much for my one-man protest ? Best get that NHS app open.
  20. Ooohh….what a fantastic ruse. You must be pissing your sweet little French knickers right now, yeah? Truth is, whether those you mentioned (and I must admit, I’d never heard of Gundry before), are experts or not, there are hundreds out there who have questioned the status quo. So you can laugh all you like (might be the stench of onions) but there are many experts who know a helluva lot more than anyone on here who have challenged the narrative and been shut down. So you deny that he’s vastly more qualified that you on the subject?
  21. It’s not just those 2 Phil, but that’s great, thanks for the support. Genuinely. There are hundreds of people much more qualified than anyone on this forum who have challenged the status quo and have been subject to ridicule. These people are quite literally putting their reputation or indeed jobs on the line. Many have been discredited, struck off, sacked, ridiculed, silenced etc. I’m am absolutely certain that there are thousands more who would speak out but do not do so for fear of the same treatment. And that’s an unqualified success in the eyes of those powerful people who want them to keep schtum.
  22. I read the NIH version you linked. The trials were abruptly halted - why? Political decision. That’s why.
  23. Ha ha. I fully expected this sort of reply. McCoullough is very much more of an expert than you or I, and has certainly treated more covid patients than you or I. But of course, someone of such vast experience in this field and first hand experience of treating covid, who challenges the accepted narrative is “discredited” and “a nutter”.
  24. You are taking my comments and being very black or white with them and not filling in any blanks because you are not prepared to accept any alternative. Lockdowns - I didn’t say it wasn’t necessary in the initial phase. But this certainly wasn’t necessary for as long as it lasted. And then repeated. Furlough - I didn’t say furlough was a bad thing or unnecessary. But, as with lockdowns, this was far too long and far too costly. It shouldn’t have been necessary for nyon 18 months. Test & Trace - I didn’t say it was unnecessary. I said we wasted a lot of money on it. Anyone who argues against that is a hypocrite, as it’s been a huge complaint from pretty much everyone. PPE - I didn’t say we didn’t need PPE. I said a lot of money wasted on PPE contracts. Again, this is a pretty mainstream opinion, no doubt shared by yourself. Vaccines - I didn’t say they didn’t work. I said they provided false hope - see my response to China Pig above. Early Treatments - Yes, I realise this is a process that needs to be researched and authorised. I’d question why certain drugs that were already approved for other treatments were swiftly shut down and became taboo. NHS Capacity - Yes, there was the initial boost in March to bring in additional support - but what’s happened since? Derisory pay rises, no huge recruitment drive, no new hospitals, no increased icu spaces etc.
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