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Everything posted by collier

  1. Looking like a 3rd goal for them rather than an equaliser.
  2. Take him off, protect him for next game. Get Wells on to be safe imo. edit: he seems fine now
  3. Wet surface, sliding tackle, win the ball and get booked. Standard refereeing decision.
  4. Not a bad half. They haven't really troubled Max, they have had a lot more of the ball but a great finish from us is the difference.
  5. Very tight on the offside but we are due a close decision going our way. Still a lot of hard work to do to score there. Edit: onside all day.
  6. They looked like the worst team in the league for 70 mins. Now were making them look like the best for some reason. Getting battered but holding on.
  7. That is laughable. Defender throws himself to the floor, wins a foul. Martin kicks the ball 6 inches away and gets booked ffs. This ref!!
  8. Semenyo been good tonight but just needed to get his head up there and roll it across to COD. Went for glory instead.
  9. 2 Perfect time to score goals. That second should knock the stuffing out of them hopefully. Be nice to go on and get 3 or 4.
  10. Reading conceded 20 in their last 5, we just about look on par with them tonight. For a side that concede so many I can't see where the chances are coming from on this showing. Disappointing so far.
  11. This has turned real ugly. We didn't start badly and I don't think 2-0 ht was a fair score line. This half we we committed the cardinal sin of conceding early which pretty much put the game to bed. Defensively we are so bad it's comical. 1 point from 9 against teams like Luton, Preston and Blackpool, regardless of on field performances it'd the results that count unfortunately
  12. To be honest mate reading your posts seem like thinly veiled attempts at blaming the women. "let professionals decide, if the story is true, doesn't look scared, these days you don't hit her" wtf What planet are you on?? There is no context that can ever explain the audio or the pictures. People really can't just give the benefit of the doubt to the victim huh?
  13. No game management, just take it in the corner we don't need the 3rd goal. ******* professional players in brainless play shocker.
  14. Think Semenyo was trying to be smart. You can see him throw his leg in between the legs of the defender just before he fell. Knowing our penalty luck it would have been given against us.
  15. We are so frustrating in the final third. Nobody has the composure to get their head up and play the correct pass ffs.
  16. Sorry but O Leary should be pushing that away, instead he pushes it straight to the striker who scores. Not good enough IMO.
  17. He missed an open goal from 6 yards, ball played across the 6 yard box by Semenyo, Weimann ran in on back post and somehow got the ball to hit his heel and go 3 yards wide. Simple chance that may well have put the game to bed.
  18. Really good half, should be 3 clear really but can't complain. They haven't had a kick which is a little worrying as no way they can be as bad second half.
  19. That second goal would have been so important. Done well to get it that far wide tbh.
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